4 Ağustos 2020 Salı

YDS 2020 Kelimeler ve Gramer Kalıpları

kelime ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Sınavda Çıkabilecek Kelimeler 

1.       classify (v)                          sınıflandırmak 

2.       promote (v)                       desteklemek, geliştirmek         

3.       property (n)                       özellik

4.       commonly (adv)               genellikle, yaygın olarak             

5.       practically (adv)                hemen hemen, neredeyse     

6.       heal (v)                                 iyileşmek, şifa bulmak 

7.       ease (v)                                hafifletmek, rahatlatmak           

8.       supplement (v)                 takviye etmek, katkı yapmak   

9.       bind (v)                               bağlamak, birleştirmek

10.   herb (n)                               şifalı bitki         

11.   pond (n)                              küçük göl, havuz           

12.   nutrition (n)                       besin, beslenme           

13.   wound (n)                           yara   

14.   strengthen (v)                   kuvvetlendirmek         

15.   furious (adj)                       öfkeli, kızgın

16. expect (v)                    ummak, beklemek
17. ensure (v)                 sağlamak
18. fragile (adj)              kırılgan
19. magnet (n)                 mıknatıs
20. turn up (phr. v)         kapıya dayanmak, çıkagelmek
21. minister (n)               bakan
22. float (v)                     su yüzeyinde durmak, batmamak 
23. passenger (n)            yolcu
24. world-class (adj)       dünya standartlarında
25. venture (n)                 girişim, yatırım

26. soar (v)         yükselmek, uçmak
27. reconcile  (v) uzlaşmak, barışmak
28. yield (n)         ürün
29. consequently (adv)  sonuç olarak
30. devastating  (adj) yıkıcı, ezici
31. randomly (adv) rastgele
32. trace (n)         iz
33. starch (n)         nişasta
34. tray (n)                 tepsi
35. soak (v) ıslatmak,emmek

Vocabulary -1

1.         considerate (adj)
a)      uygun bir şekilde
2.         assume (v)
b)      gidişat, rota
3.         description (n)
c)      sanmak, üstlenmek
4.         comprise (v)
d)      iletmek
5.         conduct (v)
e)      ulaşılabilir
6.         disorder (n)
f)       anlayışlı
7.         accessible (adj)
g)      gelişmek
8.         properly (adv)
h)      betimleme
9.         course (n)
i)        düzensizlik
10.      evolve (v)
j)        dahil etmek, kapsamak 

Grammar Patterns for -1

1.    in view of
a)      -in lehine, destekleyen
2.    in favour of
b)      sözde, güya
3.    so-called
c)      -dığı müddetçe, -dığı sürece
4.    by the way
d)      -ile birlikte
5.    so long as
e)      -den dolayı, göz önünde
6.    but for
f)       -den başka, -den farklı olarak
7.    following
g)      sayesinde, -meseydi
8.    in conjunction with
h)      boşuna, boş yere, beyhude
9.    apart from
i)        bu arada, sırası gelmişken
10.    in vain
j)        ardından, müteakiben

Vocabulary -2

1.       wander (v)
2.       tissue (n)
3.       even (adj)
4.       necklace (n)
5.       sedentary (adj)
6.       sovereignity (n)
7.       severe (adj)
8.       shoelace (n)
9.       odd (adj)
10.        lipstick (n)

a)      egemenlik
b)      ciddi
c)      çift
d)      tek, tuhaf, garip
e)      dolaşmak, boş boş gezmek
f)       peçete, doku
g)      ruj
h)      ayakkabı bağı
i)        kolye
j)        oturarak yapılan, masa başı

Grammar Patterns 2

1.       for the sake of
2.       instead of
3.       due to
4.       since
5.       moreover
6.       as soon as
7.       until
8.       so far
9.       as a result
10.   on account of

a)      uğruna, hatırına, için
b)      yerine
c)      yüzünden, nedeniyle
d)      -den beri, -dığı için
e)      dahası, üstelik
f)       -ır -ırmaz
g)      -e kadar
h)      şu ana kadar, şimdiye dek
i)        sonuç olarak 
j)        nedeniyle, yüzünden

1.       found (v)
2.       rare (adj)
3.       customer (n)
4.       satisfaction (n)                         
5.       inconvenient (adj)                     
6.       navy (n)
7.       dull (adj)
8.       browse (v)
9.       blow (v)
10.   meticulously (adv)

a)        müşteri
b)        donanma
c)        kurmak
d)        doyum, tatmin olma
e)        ender, nadir
f)         sıkıcı, donuk, mat
g)        esmek, üflemek
h)        özenle, titizlikle, çok dikkatlice
i)          uygunsuz, zahmetli

                  Phrasal Verbs 
1.       deduct from
2.       concern with
3.       put off
4.       carry out
5.       give rise to
6.       turn down
7.       give up
8.       take after
9.       get off
10.   look after

a)      birine bakmak, ilgilenmek
b)      benzemek, birine çekmek
c)      geri çevirmek, reddetmek
d)      ertelemek, tehir etmek
e)      ilgili olmak, ilişkili olmak
f)       çıkarım yapmak, sonuç çıkarmak
g)      yapmak, uygulamak, yerine getirmek
h)      bırakmak, terk etmek, vazgeçmek
i)        inmek
j)        yol açmak, neden olmak


1. abandon
2. abolish      
3. access  
4. accommodate
5. accompany  
6. accumulate  
7. accurate      
8. achieve            
9. acknowledge
10. acquire        
11. adapt      
12. adequate    
13. adjacent
14. adjust  
15. administrate  
16. advocate            
17. aggregate      
18. allocate
19. alter                  
20. ambiguous

21. amend                    
22. anticipate
23. apparent    
24. applause
25. appreciate                  
26. appropriate    
27. approximately
28. arbitrary              
29. aspect          
30. assemble
31. assess    
32. assign        
33. assume        
34. assure  
35. attach    
36. attain
37. attitude    
38. attribute    
39. authority        
40. available             
41. benefit        
42. bias
43. brief  
44. bulk
45. boundary
46. bewilder
47. boast
48. brillant
49. breakthrough
50. benevolent
51. capable  
52. cease
53. challenge      
54. circumstance      
55. cite
56. clarify
57. coherent
58. coincide
59. collapse
60. colleague    
61. commence    
62. commission  
63. commit    
64. commodity
65. communicate  
66. community    
67. compatible
68. compensate
69. compile
70. complement          
71. component      
72. compound
73. comprehensive
74. comprise  
75. compute
76. conceive
77. concentrate        
78. concept        
79. conclude    
80. concurrent
81. conduct      
82. confer
83. confine
84. confirm
85. conflict    
86. conform
87. consent
88. consequent          
89. considerable        
90. consist          
91. constant      
92. constitute      
93. constrain
94. construct        
95. consult    
96. consume            
97. contemporary
98. context    
99. contract
100. contradict
101. contrary
102. contribute    
103. controversy
104. convene  
105. converse
106. convert  
107. convince       
108. core
109. corporate  
110. correspond    
111. couple
112. create                
113. credit
114. criteria  
115. crucial  
116. culture    
117. currency
118. cycle  
119. data      
120. debate      
121. decade    
122. decline  
123. deduce
124. define              
125. definite
126. demonstrate  
127. denote
128. deny  
129. depress    
130. derive    
131. design      
132. despite      
133. detect
134. deviate
135. device  
136. devote
137. differentiate  
138. dimension
139. diminish
140. discrete  
141. discriminate
142. displace
143. display
144. dispose
145. distinct        
146. distort
147. distribute  
148. diverse  
149. document
150. domain
151. domestic
152. dominate        
153. draft
154. drama  
155. duration
156. dynamic
157. economy              
158. edit
159. element        
160. eliminate
161. emerge      
162. emphasis      
163. empirical
164. enable      
165. encounter
166. energy  
167. enforce
168. enhance
169. enormous
170. ensure    
171. entity
172. environment          
173. equate
174. equip      
175. equivalent
176. erode
177. error
178. establish                    
179. estate
180. estimate
181. ethic
182. ethnic
183. evaluate
184. eventual      
185. evident              
186. evolve        
187. exceed
188. exclude  
189. exhibit
190. expand        
191. expert
192. explicit
193. exploit
194. export
195. expose  
196. external  
197. extract
198. facilitate
199. factor          
200. feature          
201. federal
202. fee
203. file
204. final          
205. finance      
206. finite  
207. flexible
208. fluctuate
209. focus    
210. format
211. formula  
212. forthcoming
213. found
214. foundation
215. framework    
216. function            
217. fund      
218. fundamental    
219. furthermore
220. gender
221. generate      
222. generation    
223. globe  
224. goal  
225. grade
226. grant    
227. guarantee
228. guideline
229. hence
230. hierarchy
231. highlight
232. hypothesis  
233. identical
234. identify            
235. ideology
236. ignorant  
237. illustrate  
238. image
239. immigrate
240. impact    
241. implement  
242. implicate
243. implicit  
244. imply    
245. impose
246. incentive    
247. incidence
248. incline
249. income    
250. incorporate  
251. index
252. indicate        
253. individual                  
254. induce  
255. inevitable
256. infer
257. infrastructure
258. inherent  
259. inhibit
260. initial  
261. initiate    
262. injure
263. innovate
264. input
265. insert
266. insight
267. inspect
268. instance      
269. institute        
270. instruct
271. integral
272. integrate      
273. integrity
274. intelligent
275. intense  
276. interact
277. intermediate
278. internal    
279. interpret      
280. interval  
281. intervene
282. intrinsic
283. invest      
284. investigate
285. invoke
286. involve                    
287. isolate
288. issue            
289. item
290. job      
291. journal
292. justify    
293. label  
294. labour      
295. layer
296. lecture
297. legal  
298. legislate
299. levy
300. liberal  
301. licence
302. likewise
303. link          
304. locate  
305. logic    
306. maintain          
307. major                
308. manipulate
309. manual
310. margin
311. mature  
312. maximise    
313. mechanism    
314. media
315. mediate
316. medical
317. medium
318. mental    
319. method        
320. migrate
321. military    
322. minimal
323. minimise
324. minimum
325. ministry
326. minor      
327. mode
328. modify  
329. monitor
330. motive  
331. mutual
332. negate
333. network
334. neutral
335. nevertheless    
336. nonetheless
337. norm
338. normal            
339. notion  
340. notwithstanding
341. nuclear
342. objective
343. obtain        
344. obvious      
345. occupy
346. occur              
347. odd
348. offset
349. ongoing
350. option
351. orient
352. outcome
353. output
354. overall  
355. overlap
356. overseas
357. panel
358. paradigm
359. paragraph
360. parallel
361. parameter
362. participate    
363. partner
364. passive
365. perceive    
366. percent  
367. period                    
368. persist
369. perspective
370. phase
371. phenomenon    
372. philosophy  
373. physical      
374. plus  
375. policy          
376. portion
377. pose
378. positive  
379. potential      
380. practitioner
381. precede
382. precise      
383. predict      
384. predominant
385. preliminary
386. presume
387. previous        
388. primary            
389. prime
390. principal    
391. principle        
392. prior
393. priority
394. proceed            
395. process            
396. professional      
397. prohibit  
398. project      
399. promote
400. proportion    
401. prospect
402. protocol
403. psychology      
404. publication
405. publish    
406. purchase      
407. pursue    
408. qualitative
409. quote
410. radical    
411. random
412. range            
413. ratio
414. rational
415. react    
416. recover  
417. refine
418. regime
419. region    
420. register
421. regulate      
422. reinforce
423. reject    
424. relax
425. release  
426. relevant      
427. reluctance
428. rely    
429. remove  
430. require                    
431. research        
432. reside
433. resolve  
434. resource    
435. respond          
436. restore  
437. restrain
438. restrict      
439. retain    
440. reveal  
441. revenue
442. reverse    
443. revise
444. revolution  
445. rigid
446. role              
447. route
448. scenario
449. schedule  
450. scheme
451. scope  
452. section      
453. sector
454. secure    
455. seek      
456. select      
457. sequence    
458. series      
459. shift    
460. significant                    
461. similar            
462. simulate
463. site
464. so-called  
465. sole
466. somewhat    
467. source        
468. specific                
469. specify  
470. sphere
471. stable  
472. statistic
473. status
474. straightforward
475. strategy  
476. stress    
477. structure            
478. style  
479. submit
480. subordinate
481. subsequent
482. subsidy
483. substitute
484. successor
485. sufficient          
486. sum
487. summary  
488. supplement
489. survey  
490. survive  
491. suspend
492. sustain  
493. symbol  
494. tape
495. target
496. task    
497. team
498. technical    
499. technique    
500. technology    
501. temporary
502. tense
503. terminate
504. text
505. theme  
506. theory          
507. thereby
508. thesis
509. topic
510. trace
511. tradition      
512. transfer    
513. transform
514. transit  
515. transmit
516. transport  
517. trend    
518. trigger
519. ultimate
520. undergo
521. underlie
522. undertake
523. uniform
524. unify
525. unique    
526. utilise
527. valid
528. vary          
529. vehicle
530. version    
531. via
532. violate
533. virtual  
534. visible
535. vision
536. visual  
537. volume  
538. voluntary
539. welfare
540. whereas
541. whereby
542. widespread    

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