14 Aralık 2020 Pazartesi



                Noun Clauses

1. I believe he has a good memory; so it is improbable ............ he forgot your name.
A) that B)  why
C) what   D)  however
E) if or not

2. Can you tell me ............ you spent yesterday?
A) the fact that B)  how much 
C) that   D)  how many
E) when

3. Do you remember ............ the last bus left the bus-stop?
A) the fact that B)  that
C) what D)  who   
E) what time

4. Scientists allege ......... they will grow plants on Mars in the near future.
A) why B)  that
C) when D)  what
E) where

5. Do you know ............ months ago your grandparents were in Mecca?
A) how many B)  whether
C) when D)  that
E) the fact that

6. ............ the Mayor will make an inauguration speech in the ceremony is unclear.
A) If B)  What
C) Whoever D)  Whether 
E) Whichever

7. My friend told me ............ he had never eaten pizza before.
A) whether   B)  what
C) that D)  no matter what
E) if or not
8. ............ she passed the test or not is still unknown, but she seems hopeless.
A) If B)  That
C) When D)  Whom
E) Whether

9. It never occurred me ............ she could be your elder sister. She is blonde; whereas you are dark.
A) what B)  as     
C) that D)  though
E) whoever

10. I have got three dictionaries at home. You can choose ............ you desire.
A) whichever B)  anybody
C) whoever D)  that
E) whether

11. The main trouble is ............ we don’t have enough vocabulary to understand the passages given in any test.
A) however B)  which
C) since D)  that
E) whichever

12. I don’t have the slightest idea ............ party will win the elections to be held in October.
A) that B)  where
C) whom D)  which 
E)  of which

13. It is rumoured ............ she is going to marry a famous actor.
A) why B)  what
C) so that D)  such as
E) that

14. The students are very excited about ............ questions their teacher will ask them in the exam.
A) if B)  in which
C) that D)  what kind
E) what

15. ............ he was late to the first course was his missing the bus.
A) What B)  Whether
C) The fact that D)  That
E) The main reason why

Relative Clauses - 1

1. That is the naughty boy ............ broke our window and escaped yesterday.
A) of which B)  what
C) who D)  in which
E) on which

2. People ............ sell houses are called house agents.
A) of which B)  whose
C)  what D)  who
E)  in which

3. The woman ............ they are talking is my aunt.
A) about who B)  of whose
C)  about whom D)  whose
E)  of whom

4. A widow is a woman ............ husband is dead.
A) what B)  which
C)  of which D)  that
E)  whose

5. He is the man ............ office the safe was stolen from.
A) on which B)  whom
C)  whose D)  where
E)  in which

6. The children saw a man ............ a long moustache who seemed to be insane.
A) whose B)  with
C)  that D)  whom
E)  who

7. The architect ............ projects won prizes will build a long bridge over the river near our town.
A) in which B)  whose
C)  what D)  of whom
E)  who

8. A teacher is a sort of physician ............ aim is to cure his patients of childishness and ignorance.
A) what B) of whose
C)  that D) of which
E)   whose

9. According to the article, .............. was published in the paper yesterday, the world is on the verge of becoming extinct.
A) in which B) which
C) where D) whom
E) whose

10. We stayed at the Rixos Hotel, ............ one of my colleagues recommended to us.
A) where B) of which
C) which D) whose
E) in which

11. His uncle works for a company ............ makes television sets.
A) in which      B) of whose
C) whose        D) which
E) what

12. I would like to live in a village ............ there are a lot of birds and roses.
A) whose B) what
C) where D) whom
E) what

13. I want to see the house …......... I was born.
A) who B) of which
C) whom D) in which
E) in where

14. One ............ lays down his life in the way of God or one ............ is killed for no fault is a martyr.
A) whom / who B) who / who
C) who / whom D) which / who
E) that / which

15. No matter ............ you go, you can’t escape from the reality.
A) where B) in which
C) whom D) what
E) of which

16. There was a bank robbery yesterday and it was Tom ............ phoned the police.
A) of whose B) what
C) who D) whom
E) which

17. It was her sister ............ got married to him yesterday.
A) who B) of whose
C) of which D) what
E) whom

18. The car ............ my uncle bought last week was stolen yesterday.
A) where B) on which
C) whose D) which
E) who

19. We looked to the woods ............ something large was making its way through the bushes toward the road.
A) where B) that
C) of whom D) what
E) of which

20. Simon lives in Port Royal, Kentucky, ............ his family has worked the land for years.
A) whose B) which
C) where D) on which
E) what

Relative Clauses - 2

1. ............ by my daughter, these photographs weren’t so clear as we expected.
A) Taking B)  Took  
C) To take D)  Take
E) Taken

2. Mount Ararat, ............ is 5165 metres high, is the highest mountain in our country.
A) which B)  in which
C) where D)  whom 
E) of which

3. The Minister ............ car is outside is visiting the President right now.
A) whom B)  who   
C) of which      D)  whose   
E) that

4. Anyone ............ wants to be respected must primarily show respect to others.
A) whom B)  who
C) whose D)  where   
E) which

5. Tourists always prefer a country ............ people are friendly and hospitable.
A) whose B)  to whose
C) with whom    D)  that   
E) which

6. The dog ............ was tied to the garden gate was barking at the passers-by.
A) where      B)  at which   
C) to that      D)  which   
E) in which

7. Barbara, ............ boss was a strict and rude man, decided to look for another job.
A) that      B)  whom   
C) who        D)  of which 
E) whose
8. My parents have two flats, ............ are in the city centre.
A) neither of whom B)  some of which 
C) all of which    D)  none of which
E) both of which

9. The old woman ............ purse I had found on the street thanked me for such a kind behaviour.
A) whom      B)  whose   
C) to who      D)  that   
E) to whose

10. ............ by Thomas Edison, the electric bulb lights our houses today.
A) Invented    B)  Inventing   
C) To invent      D)  To invented 
E) Invent

11. Hamlet, ............ is a famous play by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy.
A) that      B)  what     
C) where      D)  which   
E) on which

12. Mimar Sinan, ............ lived during the reign of Süleyman the Magnificent, was a great architect.
A) who      B)  whom   
C) whose      D)  in that   
E) where

13. My elder brother, ............ I introduced you last week, is going to marry next month.
A) to who      B)  whose   
C) whom      D)  which   
E) to that

14. The device ............ we can measure the amount of heat in any place is called a thermometer.
A) by that      B)  where   
C) through which  D)  of which 
E) whose

15. I must admit that this is the prettiest blonde ............ I have ever seen.
A) that      B)  which   
C) whose      D)  where   
E) of which
16. The education system ............ in Germany is considerably different from ours.
A) applying    B)  applied   
C) that applied    D)  to apply 
E) which applied

17. According to Turkish tradition, a young girl ............ is going to marry should get her father’s consent.
A) on which B) of which
C) who D) whom
E) whose

18. The subject which an artist selects for a painting depends largely upon the time ............ he lives.
A) which B) what
C) in which D) whose
E) that is

19. We are aware of different materials such as fur, metal, cloth, glass and the way ............ light is absorbed or reflected by each to show its particular qualities.
A) in which B) of whom
C) what D) on which
E) whom

20. Botticelli, an example of ............ work we have already seen, was active during the last part of the 15th century.
A) on which B) in which
C) whose  D) where
E) which

If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

Noun and Relative Clauses

1. Before reading, good readers make certain ............ they know why they are reading the text and are clear about ............ they want to get from reading it.
A) that / what B)  which / who
C) that / who   D)  whom / when 
E) that / whose

2. In particular, a reader ............ English is a second or third language may have problems at first.
A) for whom B)  who  
C) for that   D)  at which
E) in which

3. What made Gutenberg’s press so different was ............ the individual letters themselves could quickly and easily be moved to create different pages.
A) where      B)  that
C) whose      D)  whom   
E) of which

4. People are very much influenced by the climate ........... they live.
A) which    B)  no matter who   
C) in which    D)  of which   
E) whose

5. Scientists have proved ............ there is a link between smoking and a disease which can be fatal cancer.
A) which    B)  whom   
C) whose      D)  where   
E) that

6. Auctions are public sales of goods, ............ by an officially approved auctioneer.
A) that conducted B)  conducting 
C) conducted    D)  to conduct 
E) which conducted

7. In ancient times, people believed ............ the earth was flat like a tray.
A) that B)  which
C) whatsoever   D)  whose
E) no matter when

8. Malnutrition is prevalent in areas ............ protein-rich foods are not available.
A) where      B)  in that   
C) whose      D)  of which 
E) in where

9. The guide warned the tourists ............ they would have to climb 937 steps to reach the top of the ancient tower.
A) the fact B)  that
C) which      D)  as if
E) despite

10. Last night the orchestra played four symphonies ............ was Mozart’s First.
A) that      B)  neither of which
C) both of which  D)  one of which
E) whose

11. ............ he was dissatisfied with the results of the election was manifest from his subsequent remarks.
A) Since B)  Because
C) That      D)  Whether 
E) Hardly

12. ............ we treat our natural resources will determine the future of mankind.
A) What      B)  How     
C) However    D)  No matter how
E) Whether

13. It is possible ............ she will win the marathon race even though she has important rivals.
A) which      B)  whose   
C) whom      D)  when   
E) that

14. Increasing poverty in some African countries has caused a situation ............ the poor can’t afford to buy even bread.
A) where      B)  whom 
C) which      D)  that   
E) why

15. The demonstrators ............ had been imprisoned for disturbing the peace were released yesterday.
A) whose      B)  who   
C) which      D)  whom   
E) with whom

Adverbial Clauses

1. ............ telephones, please tell him that I am not here.
A) No matter who B)  Whenever 
C) No matter what    D)  However 
E) No matter where

2. In high school, our class teacher treats us ............ we were his own children.
A) however B)  though
C) since       D)  as if  
E) seeing that

3. The owner of the house sued his tenant ............ he hadn’t paid the electric and water bills ............ he moved into the flat.
A) because of / since B)  owing to / because
C) in view of / until D)  even though / during 
E) on the grounds that / since

4. Nowadays several people in African countries try to go to Europe ............ they can get a regular job.
A) lest      B)  in order that
C) in order to      D)  whereas   
E) now that

5. “Titanic” is ............ film that I have watched it three times.
A) such an exciting B)  so exciting
C) very exciting    D)  too exciting 
E) such exciting

6. The workers worked day and night ............ the new bridge might be finished in time.
A) though    B)  as soon as 
C) now that      D)  in order that 
E) lest

7. Civil engineering deals with permanent structures for civilian use, ............ military engineering deals with temporary structures for military use.
A) whether    B)  whereas 
C) so        D)  if
E) as soon as
8. In 1965 ............ Mrs. Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India, she faced serious political problems in the country.
A) though    B)  despite
C) if D)  even if  
E) when

9. ............ long and tiring discussions, they have failed to reconcile over the issue of refugees.
A) Although B)  Despite
C) Even if D)  While  
E) Despite of

10. The mineral deposits in this area are ............... it is not economical to mine them.
A) so deep that  B)  such deep that
C) very deep that  D)  too deep that 
E) very deep

11. ............ scientific knowledge increased, ............ did the practical applications.
A) So / as B)  So / that
C) Such / that D)  As / so
E) Not / but

12. Death comes to many of us, not ............ we are old, but during or ............ birth, in infancy, in early adulthood, or in middle age.
A) when / before  B)  while / as
C) as if / before D)  as / when 
E) so / whether

13. Mercury is a liquid often used in thermometers ............ it doesn’t cling to glass.
A) while B)  in view of 
C) because of D)  as if   
E) because

14. Today the weather is ............ that I don’t feel like going to work.
A) such beautiful B)  such a beautiful
C) so beautiful D)  beautiful enough
E) too beautiful

15. Last night the referee cancelled the match ............ the fact that there was a heavy fog.
A) because B)  so that
C) although D)  as though
E) on account of


Noun Clauses
1-A 2-B 3-E 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-E 9-C 10-A
11-D 12-D 13-E 14-E 15-E

Relative Clauses – 1
1-C 2-D 3-C 4-E 5-C 6-B 7-B 8-E 9-B 10-C
11-D 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-A 16-C 17-A 18-D 19-A 20-C

Relative Clauses – 2
1-E 2-A 3-D 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-E 8-E 9-B 10-A
11-D 12-A 13-C 14-C 15-A 16-B 17-C 18-C 19-A 20-C

Noun Clauses & Relative Clauses
1-A 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-E 6-C 7-A 8-A 9-B 10-D
11-C 12-B 13-E 14-A 15-B

Adverbial Clauses
1-A 2-D 3-E 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-B 8-E 9-B 10-A
11-D 12-A 13-E 14-C 15-E

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