30 Mart 2022 Çarşamba

10 Nisan YDS 2022 Örnek Sorular

Jack    : I can’t find my brand new jacket. Do you know where it might be?
Sue      :  _____.
Jack    : You’d be much more helpful if you answered my question.
Sue      : I’m busy with something else. Can’t you see?

A)    I don’t know. Look at the drawers.
B)     Sorry. I haven’t got the faintest idea.
C)     I saw it in my room the previous day.
D)    Have you looked under the sofa?
E)     Honey, can you bring me the vacuum-cleaner please?

Janet   : Good afternoon Bob, isn't it a lovely day?
Bob      : Yes, it is Janet!
Janet   : It is the kind of day when you want to go outside.
Bob      : _____.
Janet   : Yes, sure. If it is possible.
Bob      : Alright. Once you finish typing, you can go.

A)    Let's get to the point. Do you want the afternoon off?
B)     Are you sure that the boss will come back soon?
C)     Are you satisfied with your current profession?
D)    Do you have anything to ask about the new report?
E)     Do you think it is going to be sunny all day long?

Mary  : I've just stopped to thank you very much for organizing last weekend's trip to
            the seaside for the people.
Julia  : ______.
Mary  : They certainly did. Everything went like clockwork, in fact I don't think you could
            have done it better.
Julia  : I'm not sure about that, there were one or two things that could have been

A)    Next time I won’t be the responsible to lead
B)     They are not so grateful as you are to me though.
C)     Don’t mention it but I heard them complaining all way long.
D)    I don’t think they are worth a bit of it.
E)     That's very kind of you. They all seemed to enjoy it.

Gordon  : I've just been reading through your last project report.
James   : ______.
Gordon  : On the contrary, you've done a fantastic job.
James    : Well I'm not sure about that.
Gordon  : You're too modest. It's really well organized and written and offers some very
                well thought out conclusions.

A)    The boss as well has told me that it’s awesome.
B)     You aren’t supposed to be the one to check it.
C)     I hope you didn't find too much wrong with it.
D)    I must make some additions to make it flawless.
E)     You are really good at finding these minor mistakes.

Cümle Tamamlama

1. The U.S. government and its regulatory agencies continually monitor the development and use of all drugs sold in the United States .........
A)    that the nonaspirin pain reliever acetaminophen can cause liver damage when taken in high doses with large quantities of alcohol.
B)     before 1900 any individual could sell a drug and claim it offered therapeutic benefits without medical proof.
C)     for those who receive the drug and those who receive a placebo, or inactive compound.
D)    thus, most new drugs are created by large, well-funded pharmaceutical companies.
E)     to ensure that the American public has access only to drugs that are safe and effective.

2. …………. about changing their barber, doctor or the places they go for shopping.
A)    Few patients were able to recover from this illness
B)     Most people need to think long and hard
C)     Some diseases can hardly be diagnosed
D)    Whichever hospital the patient went
E)     The more starchy foods an obese person eats

3. Although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, ………….
A)    some horses used for police duty can never learn not to be frightened of noises.
B)     people who train them must be very patient and understanding.
C)     they are smart enough to learn certain things.
D)    some animals can't live in a cage for a long time.
E)     it seems impossible for them to become accustomed to each other.

4. If children are allowed to watch television for long hours by their parents, …………
A)    this caused so much pain for the infant.
B)     it would have helped a child’s mental growth.
C)     young children should be brought up only by their parents.
D)    it may do harm to their health. 
E)     they were able to learn a great deal of knowledge from television.

5. ........... and a treatment that cures one patient may not work on another.

A)    Immune deficiency diseases develop when the immune system becomes impaired,
B)     Exposure to carbon monoxide can have long-term effects on the heart and vision,
C)     Environmental factors played critical roles in numerous noninfectious diseases
D)    The same disease may present very different symptoms in two patients,
E)     During the 20th century, the importance of vitamins and other nutrients in preventing disease was recognized

6. Even in countries where modern Western biomedicine dominates, ..........
A)    the public makes extensive use of complementary and alternative practices.
B)     whether complementary medicine should be subject to stricter laws and regulations.
C)     how alternative medicine is viewed in the United States and elsewhere in the world.
D)    America has one of the world's fastest growing alternative health-care markets.
E)     the onset of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS in the mid-1980s was one of the reasons people began turning to alternative medicine.

7. When the body has been without adequate food for a long time, -----.
A) herbs will be prescribed so as to increase the appetite
B) the process of food absorption could not be hurried
C) an urgent condition had occurred
D) this was a severe condition known as anorexia
E) the digestive system suffers in the same way as an unused muscle  

8. The first World Cup was held in Montevideo in 1930, -----.
A) but the concept of such a competition had been born at a FIFA congress held in Antwerp in 1920
B) that this kind of organization is considered as a futile attempt
C) nevertheless the result is terrible
D) and many nations don’t want to participate in this competition
E) though this country didn’t have enough land for this competition

Paragraf Tamamlama

1.         Thomas Edison realized that widespread use of electric light bulbs would require an efficient system of delivering electricity to homes and businesses. _____. This system included generating the current by means of a central dynamo and then distributing it in small quantities to thousands of homes and commercial buildings. Edison even developed a greatly improved dynamo to reduce the cost of generating electricity. The system Edison suggested in 1879 included the parallel circuits, safety fuses, insulating materials, and copper-wire networks used in modern electrical systems.

A)   These early inventions brought Edison no financial returns
B)   After patenting the phonograph, Edison set out to develop an incandescent lamp
C)  He developed detailed plans for an entire distribution system for electric power 
D)  In 1893 Edison constructed the first motion-picture studio
E)   Edison's first major achievement was an improvement on the telephone

2.      Robbery differs from the crime of larceny in that the latter does not involve the use of force or fear of personal injury. Thus pickpocketing when not resisted is considered larceny. _____ To constitute robbery, the intimidation may consist of threats of violence If the taking is accomplished without the use of force or intimidation and force or threats are used solely as a means of escape, the crime is not considered robbery.

A)   English common law defined burglary as housebreaking at night only.
B)   Burglary is usually committed for the purpose of robbery.
C)  In the air, hijacking is defined as the forcible commandeering of an aircraft while in flight.
D)  In common law, robbery was punishable by death.
E)   However, if resistance is offered and force is used by the pickpocket to retain the property, the act is considered robbery

3.      _____. So it is, but it is also a continent of massive peaks snow-capped year round and savannas of cold misty rain and bitter frost nights. Africa is a huge continent of infinite variety. It is the second largest continent in the world. Africa is so vast that the landmasses of United States, Europe, India, and Japan could fit into it and there would still be plenty of empty space left.

A)   African soils have irregular drainage and no definite water tables
B)   There stil exist many primitive tribes in Africa
C)  Africa possesses most of the known mineral types of the world
D)  Many people think that Africa is a land of humid jungles, waterless sandy deserts, and sweltering forests   
E)   African vegetation can be classified according to rainfall and climate zones

4.         Diseases of the kidney range from mild infection to life-threatening kidney failure. _____ Most such inflammations are caused by a bacterial infection that starts in the bladder and spreads to the kidney. Sometimes an obstruction that interferes with the flow of urine in the urinary tract can cause the disease. Symptoms of pyelonephritis include fever, chills, and back pain. Antibiotic drugs are usually given to fight the infection, which can scar the kidneys and impair their function if left untreated.

A)      Some patients use dialysis for a short time, while their kidneys recover from injury or disease.
B)      At the center of the kidney is a cavity called the renal pelvis.
C)      The most common form of kidney disease is an inflammation of the kidney, called pyelonephritis.
D)      When treatment is necessary, it may include a special diet.
E)      Other common kidney disorders include kidney stones, which are small, crystallized substances.


The term "verbal dyspraxia" is used by some scientists and clinicians to describe the inability to produce the sequential, rapid, and precise movements required for speech. Nothing is wrong with the child's vocal apparatus, but the child's brain cannot give correct instructions for the motor movements involved in speech. This disorder is characterized by many sound omissions. Some verbally dyspraxic children, for instance, speak only in vowels, making their speech nearly unintelligible. One little boy trying to say "My name is Billy" can only manage "eye a eh ee-ee." These children also have very slow, halting speech with many false starts before the right sounds are produced. Their speech errors may be similar to those children with phonological impairment.

1. The real source in the disability of verbal dyspraxia is ………
A)    vocal apparatus.    
B)     a hormone in the body.
C)     the child's personality.      
D)    a physical disability.
E)     the brain's inability to give instructions for motor movements involved in speech.

2. It is mentioned in the passage that a person suffering from verbal dyspraxia can’t produce ………
A)    precise speech sounds.     
B)     vowel sounds.
C)     more than one sound in a series.   
D)    any human sounds.
E)     consonant sounds.

3. It is expressed in the passage that similarity of speech errors exists between ………
A)    stroke victims and verbal dyspraxics.
B)     heart attack victims and verbal dyspraxics.
C)     verbal dyspraxics and children with phonological impairment.
D)    mutes and verbal dyspraxics.
E)     adults and teenagers who are in a turmoil.

4. The implication about consonants in this passage is that ………
A)    they are not necessary for intelligent human speech.
B)     without them human speech is unintelligible.
C)     lack of them causes stuttering.
D)    lack of them slows down human speech.
E)     they are useless in general.

Disease has been one of humanity's greatest enemies. Only during the last 100 years has medicine developed weapons to fight disease effectively. Vaccines, better drugs and surgical procedures, new instruments, and understanding of sanitation and nutrition have had a huge impact on human well-being. Like detectives, physicians and other health care professionals use clues to identify, or diagnose, a specific disease or injury. They check the patient's medical history for past symptoms or diseases, perform a physical examination, and check the results of various tests. After making a diagnosis, physicians pick the best treatment. Some treatments cure a disease. Others are palliative—that is, they relieve symptoms but do not reverse the underlying disease. Sometimes no treatment is needed because the disease will get better by itself.

1. It is stated in the passage that treatment is occasionally not required .........
A)    because some pathogens are spread from one person to another by direct contact.
B)     so acute disease lasts a comparatively short time-no more than a few weeks.
C)     if the disease is transmitted from parent to offspring genetically.
D)    as the disease can get better on its own.
E)     since the disease can hardly be cured with current methods.

2. According to the passage, physicians and other health care professionalls resemble detectives in that .........
A)    they make use of hints for identification or diagnosis of a particular disease.
B)     detectives sometimes tell lies to acquire vital information about the events.
C)     they never reveal the facts publicly even if they are threatened.
D)    pediatricians can only monitor the normal growth and development of a child.
E)     there is reason to assume that a crime has indeed been committed

3. We understand from the passage that medicine .........
A)    has been developing new drugs and methods of treatment for ages.
B)     couldn’t develop efficient weapons to combat diseases in ancient times.
C)     used to have numerous techniques to deal with fatal diesease even in the 18th century.
D)    can hardly utilize modern equipment to diagnose diseases even today.
E)     showed no sign of development a century ago.

4. It is obvious in the passage that apart from certain treatments, .........
A)    other treatments relieve symptoms but do not reverse the underlying disease.
B)     there is only one treatment for some diseases such as peptic ulcer and anemia.
C)     some treatments are suggested for all patients.
D)    most doctors have no idea about human cloning.
E)     some diseases forced physcians to seek new methods of treatment.

Velocity, in physics, is the rate of linear motion of a body in a particular direction. Velocity is a vector—that is to say, it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of velocity, known as speed, is usually expressed in terms of distance covered per unit of time, such as feet per second or kilometers per hour. Velocity can be constant, or it can be accelerated. Constant, or uniform, velocity can be determined simply by dividing the distance covered by the time taken to travel that distance. When an object is accelerated, the object's velocity vector changes per unit of time. Acceleration can change the direction of the velocity vector, or change the magnitude of the velocity vector, or change both the direction and magnitude of the velocity vector.

1.   According to the passage, velocity ...........

A)     is a common term used in biology not in physics.
B)     can either be constant or accelerated.
C)     possesses only magnitude.
D)     is not affected by acceleration.
E)     can hardly be established by using the distance and time.

2.   One can learn from the passage that ..........

A)     if an object is accelerated, there won’t be any alteration in the object's velocity vector.
B)     acceleration can change neither the direction nor magnitude of the velocity vector.
C)     velocity is the proportion of linear motion of a body in a specific direction.
D)     the magnitude of velocity is usually called as density.
E)     acceleration does not involve a change in the direction an object is moving.

3.   It is obvious from the passage that ........

A)     when velocities are very large, relativistic corrections become significant.
B)     the escape velocity is usually given in terms of the surface-launch velocity.
C)     velocity has nothing to do with magnitude and direction.
D)     different objects never accelerate at the same rate, regardless of their mass.
E)     the velocity vector of ab object shifts per unit of time when it is accelerated.

4.   It can be inferred from the passage that ........

A)     velocity is not accepted as a vector.
B)     not only the direction but also magnitude of the velocity vector may be changed by acceleration.
C)     velocity is neither constant nor uniform.
D)     the first successful measurements of the speed of light were astronomical.
E)     distance is considered an ordered set of quantities with appropriate rules of manipulation.

Hormones generally take effect more slowly than nerve impulses. They work by attaching to receptors, proteins on the surface of heart muscle cells, to change the way the muscle cells contract. Epinephrine is a hormone made by the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. Released during times of stress, epinephrine increases the heart rate much as sympathetic nerve fibers do. Thyroid hormone, which regulates the body’s overall metabolism, also increases the heart rate. Other chemicals, especially calcium, potassium, and sodium, can affect heart rate and rhythm.

1. According to the passage, general metabolism of the body .........
A)    has nothing to do with Thyroid hormone.
B)     influences the heart rate unlike epinephrine.
C)     is hardly regulated by Thyroid hormone.
D)    may only affect heart rhythm.
E)     is adjusted by Thyroid hormone that rises the heart rate.

2. It is stated in the passage that .........
A)    nerve impulses usually act faster than hormones.  
B)     adrenal glands regulate the body’s overall metabolism,
C)     some chemicals are more harmful than drugs.
D)    epinephrine decreases the heart rate much as sympathetic nerve fibers do.
E)     hormones rarely function more slowly than nerve impulses.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that Thyroid hormone .........
A)    only has a task of reducing the heart rate.
B)     usually work by connecting to receptors.
C)     affects the body’s overall metabolism negatively.
D)    does not affect heart rhythm but blood levels.
E)     not only rises the heart rate but also regulates the body’s general metabolism.

4. It is clear in the passage that chemicals such as calcium, potassium, and sodium .........
A)    change the way the muscle cells contract.
B)     are all situated on top of the kidneys.
C)     are sometimes made by the adrenal glands.
D)    may have an effect on heart rate and rhythm.
E)     does not influence heart rate at all during times of stress.


1. The UN which is created to promote world peace and cooperation is not authorized to intervene in a country’s internal affairs unless there is no serious violations of human rights.

A)    Dünya barışı ve yardımlaşmayı sağlamak için oluşturulan BM, insan haklarına ciddi saldırılar olmadıkça bir ülkenin iç yapısına karışamaz.
B)     BM, insan hakları ciddi şekilde çiğnendiğinde dünya barışı ve işbirliğini sağlamak amacıyla bir ülkenin içişlerine müdahale edebilir.
C)     Dünya barışını ve işbirliğini arttırmak için kurulan BM’nin, ciddi insan hakları ihlalleri olmadıkça bir ülkenin iç işlerine karışma yetkisi yoktur.
D)    Bir ülkenin içişlerine karışma yetkisi kendisine ancak ciddi insan hakları ihlalleri olduğunda verilen BM dünya barışı ve yardımlaşmayı arttırmak için kurulmuştur.
E)     Dünya barışı ve işbirliğine katkıda bulunan BM’nin ancak ciddi insan hakları ihlalleri ortaya çıktığında bir ülkenin içişlerine karışma hakkı doğar.

2. New evidence found thanks to elaborate research has provided a clue to one of the most puzzling crimes the police have had to deal with for the past ten years.

A)    Karmaşık araştırmalar sonucunda ele geçirilen deliller polisin son on yıldır peşinde olduğu en karışık suçlardan birini aydınlattı.
B)     Detaylı araştırmalar sayesinde bulunan yeni deliller polisin son on yıldır ilgilendiği en karışık suçlardan birine ipucu sağladı.
C)     Polisin son on yıldır takip ettiği en karmaşık cinayetlerden biri detaylı araştırmalar sayesinde elde edilen ipuçlarıyla aydınlandı.
D)    Detaylı incelemeler sonucunda ele geçen yeni deliller polisi son on yıldır peşinde koşturan en tehlikeli suçlulardan biri için ipucu sağladı.
E)     Polisteki uzun araştırmalar sonucu elde edilen deliller son on yıldır izi sürülen en karmaşık suçlardan birinin çözülmesini sağladı.

1. Mona Lisa’nın yüzündeki açıklanamayan gülümsemenin kökeni hakkında birçok teori bulunmasına rağmen bu muhtemelen Leonardo’nun ışık ve gölgenin eşyalara etkisine karşı olan ilgisinin sonucuydu.

A)    In view of the theories about the origin of the inexplicable smile on the  face of Mona Lisa, it is only the main reason why Leonardo’s interest in light and shadow on the issue.
B)     Despite the theories about the origin of the inexplicable smile on the  face of Mona Lisa, it was probably just the result of Leonardo’s hatred toward light and shadow on the subject.
C)     There have been many theories about the origin of the inexplicable smile on the  face of Mona Lisa; however, it was jsut because the result of Leonardo’s interest in the effect of light and shadow on the subject.
D)    Although there have been many theories about the origin of the inexplicable smile on the  face of Mona Lisa, it was probably just the result of Leonardo’s interest in the effect of light and shadow on the subject.  
E)     As there were a lot of theories concerning the origin of the inexplicable smile on the  face of Mona Lisa, it was likely just the result of Leonardo’s interest in the effect of light and shadow on the subject.

2. Bilimkurgunun ilk yazarları arasında kabul edilen Fransız romancı Jules Verne aynı zamanda birçok bilim adamına ilham verdiği ortaya çıkan oldukça popüler macera hikâyeleri yazmıştır.

A)    Considered one of the first writers of science fiction, French novelist Jules Verne wrote highly popular adventure stories that have also turned out to inspire many scientists.
B)     Being one of the leading authors of science fiction, French novelist Jules Verne wrote considerably popular adventure stories that have also turned out to inspire a number of scientists.
C)     One of the pioneers of science fiction, French novelist Jules Verne wrote highly popular adventure stories that became to inspire many scientists as well.
D)    Known as the first writers of science fiction, French essayist Jules Verne wrote highly popular adventure stories that became to promote a great many scientists.
E)     Apart from several writers of science fiction, French novelist Jules Verne wrote just popular novels that have also turned out to inspire many scientists.

Eşanlamlı cümle

1.  Caroline was such a brilliant student that her school decided to give her a scholarship.

A)    Her school had already understood that there was a good stuff in Caroline, so that they gave her a scholarship.
B)     When Caroline began showing signs of brilliance, her school awarded her a great deal of money immediately.
C)     Her school determined to give Caroline a scholarship because of her cleverness.
D)    Caroline had studied very hard to win the award of scholarship.
E)     Caroline 's being accomplished helped her to be a scholar at a very early age.

2. Had it not been for her friend, he wouldn't have passed the final exam.

A)    If his friend had helped him, he would undoubtedly be successful in the final exam.
B)     As his friend didn't help him, he wasn't able to be successful in the exam.
C)     He wouldn't have had any difficulty in passing the test, if he had begged help from his friend during the exam.
D)    Owing to the fact that his friend helped him, he managed to succeed in the exam.
E)     What made him unsuccessful was that he was reluctant to cheat in the exam.

3. Abortion is one of the few issues on which I share my mother’s point of view.

A) We agree on a few subjects with my mother and abortion is one of them.
B) My opinion about abortion is just the opposite that of my mother.
C) The issues on which we reach a consensus with my mother is countless including abortion.
D) Abortion is not among the things I think I agree with my mother on.
E) I disagree with my mother about abortion as in many issues.

Amnesty International _____ the EU has miserably failed to provide a safe haven to Syrians, _____ that 55,000 so far have been able to claim asylum.
A)    would say / had noted 
B)    said / to be noted
C)    will say / had been noting
D)    must have said / used to note
E)    says / noting

1.  The aim of advertising is not to inform, but to sell products and keep businesses in business.

A)    A business advertises in order to get markets and sell its goods and make itself known.
B)    Advertisements should give preference to marketing techniques and help firms sell; information is secondary.
C)    Advertising is about selling goods and keeping firms running, not supplying information.
D)    A business advertises with a view to making a name for itself in the commercial world and selling its products.
E)    The purpose of advertising is not to amuse but to increase sales and encourage commercial activities.

2. Reports about other ozone layer are as maddeningly variable as the protective shield itself.

A)    Reports on the ozone layer and its efficiency as a protective shield are incredibly inconsistent.
B)    There is no consistency in the reports concerning the ozone layer and the protective shield itself, which is very embarrassing.
C)    Reports on the ozone layer concentrate on the irritating variability of the protective shield.
D)    The frustrating lack of consistency in reports concerning the ozone layer matches the state of the protective shield itself
E)    The variability of the ozone layer is reflected in the lack of consistency in reports concerning its protective functions.

3. He should face the fact that he'll never be as great a pianist as his father.

A)    The father is a wonderful pianist, but the son shows even more promise.
B)    The father is a great pianist, and the son is hoping to be at least his equal.
C)    I don't think he'll ever admit that his father is the greater pianist, but he ought to.
D)    As a pianist, he's just not the equal of his father and never will be, so he'd do well to accept the fact.
E)    The son seems set to surpass his father as a pianist; he even admits the fact.

4.  Thanks partly to a dramatic decline in infant mortality, life expectancy in the region has increased from 45 years to 72.

A)    A remarkable drop in infant mortality rates has helped to raise life expectancy from 45 years to 72.
B)    There has been a slight drop in infant morality in the area resulting in an increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 years.
C)    However, the infant mortality rate has dropped surprisingly, and life expectancy in the region has risen from 45 to 72 years.
D)    The starting drop in the infant mortality rates may be reflected in the increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 years.
E)    The increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 years can be fully accounted for by the incredible decline in infant morality rate.

Larry  : Did you see the Barcelona-Real Madrid match on TV yesterday?
Phillip : Of course, what a game ! Three goals each.
Larry  : ______.
Phillip : Only they didn't because the Real goalkeeper made a fantastic save.

A)    As a fan of it, I’m glad Barcelona won it with three goals.
B)     I think it’s an indication of their power equality.
C)     Barcelona should have won it with that great shot in the last minute.
D)    You are not as much supportive as I am for Barcelona.
E)     I still can’t believe how Barcelona lost the match.
Clare  : My elder sister is always in demand at family parties.
Angie : Why, is she a good singer?
Clare  : _______.
Angie  : I have the ability in first, but I couldn't do the latter.

A)    No, she plays the piano really well and she can play any music.
B)     Yes, she has a very beautiful voice and she is very talented.
C)     No, it has nothing to do with it. She is just a good speaker.
D)    She can make people laugh with her great sense of humor.
E)     She is the most entertaining person I’ve ever seen.

Cindy     : My sister’s been learning to paint watercolors.
Heather : _______?
Cindy     : She likes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still lifes.
Heather : I envy her. I've tried to paint in the past, but I'm no good - I have no artistic

A)    Is she satisfied with the opportunities?
B)     What did she paint in her earlier career?
C)     What is the use of it anyway?
D)    How can she do that at that age?
E)     How interesting. What are her favorite subjects?

Sharon   : My mother got really annoyed with my father yesterday evening.
Heather  : ______.
Sharon   : No, he does that sometimes but this was because he kept changing channels
                 on the remote.
Heather  : All men do that, it's one of their most annoying habits.

A)    I can guess that he gave her a necklace of gold as an anniversary present.
B)     He must have done something really bad because your mother is very calm.
C)     That’s normal as she is the most quick-tempered person I’ve ever seen.
D)    Don't tell me he fell asleep in front of the television and started snoring.
E)     Your father is too much tolerant of her as far as I’m concerned.

1. There has been growing demand for temporary staff provided by employment-services firms such as manpower, and outsourcing and offshoring has continued to grow, .........
A)     so many rich countries also saw a decline in social mobility
B)     as wages in Chinese factories are now soaring.
C)     despite reports that some jobs are being repatriated.
D)     if firms rely on part-time, contract and temporary workers who are inherently more flexible.
E)     these trends won’t necessarily affect the number of jobs

2. New veterinarians do not have to complete an internship, ..........
A)    as evidence of animal medicine has also been found in other ancient civilizations.
B)     although internships and residencies are available.
C)     if they would spend the majority of their time in laboratories.
D)    even so most students entered veterinary school after four undergraduate years.
E)     veterinary medicine has seen an increase of female practitioners in recent years.
3. Global warming has led to negative glacier mass balance, -----.
A) the majority of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions arise from fuel combustion
B) causing glacier retreat around the world 
C) ocean pH is lowering as a result of increased carbon dioxide levels
D) that the warming is primarily a result of variances in solar irradiance
E) temperatures in the lower troposphere have increased since 1979

4. It is widely believed that -----, they will be able to solve certain problems faster than any classical computer.
A) there are a number of practical difficulties in building a quantum computer
B) although quantum computers were sometimes faster than classical computers
C) if large-scale quantum computers can be built
D) as optical computers may use classical superposition of electromagnetic waves
E) a classical computer has a memory made up of bits, where each bit holds either a one or a zero

5. ----- Mercury is much smaller and its inner regions are not nearly so compressed.
A) One very distinctive feature of Mercury's surface was numerous ridges;
B) As Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun;
C) Since Mercury is one of the four terrestrial planets,
D) Mercury's surface is very similar in appearance to that of the Moon,
E) While the Earth's high density results partly from compression at the core, 

6. Ventricular arrhythmias are generally more serious than atrial arrhythmias ........

A)    so arrhythmias can occur in either the atria or the ventricles.
B)     because they are more likely to affect the heart’s ability to pump blood to the body.
C)     although arrhythmias are often diagnosed with the use of an ECG.
D)    as a result, some arrhythmias do not require treatment.
E)     whether a temporary arrhythmia can be caused by alcohol, caffeine, or simply not getting a good night’s sleep.
7. The margins of the nostrils are usually lined with a number of stiff hairs .......
A)    which formed the top and sides of the bridge, and partly of cartilages.
B)     that project across the openings and serve to arrest the passage of foreign substances, such as dust and small insects.
C)     the common cold was formerly thought to result from exposure to cold weather.
D)    even though these reactions create various allergy symptoms.
E)     and stimulates nerves that cause muscles to spasm.
8. -----, little solid scientific information existed to illustrate the nature and scope of the issue.
A) Since the first human-made plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1855
B) As plastics are typically polymers of high molecular mass
C) If enough heat is applied to the surface
D) Due to their relatively low cost, ease of manufacture and versatility
E) Despite growing awareness of the problem of plastic 


1. The primary mission of KGB was to further Soviet foreign policy goals by gathering secret political, military, and technological information abroad and by conducting propaganda, directed mainly against the West.

A)     KGB yabancı Sovyet politikasını ilerletmek için Batı’ya karşı propaganda yoluyla dış ülkelerden siyasi, askeri ve teknolojik bilgiler elde etmişti.
B)     KGB’nin esas görevi Batı’nın siyasi, askeri ve teknolojik bilgilerini ele geçirip propagandayla Sovyet yabancı politikasını geliştirmekti.
C)     KGB’nin başlıca görevi gizli siyasi, askeri ve teknolojik bilgileri yurtdışından toplayarak ve özellikle Batı’ya karşı propaganda yürüterek Sovyet yabancı politikasını ilerletmekti.
D)     Yurtdışından siyasi, askeri ve teknolojik bilgiler toplayarak Sovyet yabancı politikasını ilerletmek ve özellikle Batı’ya karşı propaganda yapmak KGB’nin ilerlemesi için esas şarttı.
E)      Sovyet yabancı politikası ancak KGB’nin yurtdışından siyasi, askeri ve teknolojik bilgiler elde etmesi ve özellikle Batı’ya karşı propagandayla ilerleyebildi.

2. Studies have found that by adolescence, a normal American child has watched thousands of dramatized murders and countless other acts of violence on television.

A)      Çalışmalar, ergenliğe adım atan Amerikalı çocukların televizyon vasıtasıyla yüzlerce cinayet ve sayısız şiddet hareketine tanıklık ettiğini ortaya koymuştur.
B)      Sıradan Amerikalı bir çocuk ergenliğe kadar televizyondaki yüzlerce cinayet ve sayısız şiddet hareketini izlemekte ve etkisi altında kalmaktadır.
C)      Televizyondaki dramatize edilmiş yüzlerce cinayet ve sayısız şiddet hareketinden Amerikalı çocukların büyük oranda etkilendiği bulunmuştur.
D)      Çalışmalar göstermiştir ki ergenliğe ulaşıncaya kadar sıradan Amerikalı bir çocuk televizyondaki yüzlerce cinayet ve sayısız şiddet olayını görmektedir.
E)      Çalışmalar, sıradan Amerikalı bir çocuğun ergenliğe kadar televizyonda canlandırılan yüzlerce cinayet ve diğer sayısız şiddet hareketini izlediğini ortaya çıkarmıştır.

1 . Çernobil kazasının en önemli çevresel etkisi, önemli tarım arazilerini yok ettiği toprağın üst tabakalarındaki radyoaktif serpinti birikmesidir. 

A)    The chief environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident were the accumulation of radioactive fallout in the upper layers of soil, however it ruined no significant farmland.
B)    Chernobyl accident had been a very destructive disaster, causing the accumulation of radioactive fallout in the upper layers of soil, where it gave harm to important farmland.
C)    The principal environmental impact of the Chernobyl accident was the accumulation of radioactive fallout in the lower layers of soil, where it has destroyed important farmland.
D)    One of the main environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident has been the accumulation of radioactive fallout in the upper layers of soil, in which it has destroyed considerable farmland.
E)    The principal environmental effect of the Chernobyl accident has been the accumulation of radioactive fallout in the upper layers of soil, where it has destroyed important farmland.

2. Sihir, eşyalar ve olayların özünde görünmeyen ve mistik bir şekilde birbirlerine bağlı oldukları ve insanların sözler ve sembolik eylemlerle eşyalara doğrudan doğaüstü etki uygulayabilecekleri evrensel inancını içerir.

A) Magic seems to be an universal belief that things and events in nature are clearly, mystically interconnected, and that people can practice extraordinary powers on things directly, through words and symbolic actions.
B) As magic is supposed to include universal beliefs related to nature, many people can enforce supernatural effects on things directly, by means of words and symbolic actions.
C) Magic involves the universal belief that things and events in nature are invisibly, mystically interconnected, and that people can exert supernatural influence on things directly, through words and symbolic actions.
D) In fact, magical powers include the universal belief that things and events in nature are mystically interconnected, thus people can implement supernatural forces on things directly, through words and symbolic actions.
E) Magic is of great significance about beliefs which things and events in nature are invisibly, mystically interconnected, and that people can exert supernatural influence on things directly via words and symbolic actions.

Paragraf Tamamlama

1. Slavery was an accepted feature of all ancient civilizations. The ancient Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese civilizations employed slaves, either in homes and shops or in gangs. ………... The ancient Hebrews also used slaves, but they were required by religious law to free slaves of their own nationality at certain fixed times. In the more advanced civilizations of pre-Columbian America, for example, those of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya, slave labor was also used on a large scale in both agriculture and warfare.


A) The ancient Egyptians used slaves to build the royal palaces and monuments.

B) Portugal was the first modern European nation to meet its labor needs by importing slaves.

C) In the Homeric epics, slavery is the ordinary destiny of prisoners of war.

D) The primary way of acquiring slaves was through war.

E) The French emancipated their slaves in 1848.

2. In 1887 physicists were feeling pretty smug about their subject. They thought they understood reality well, and that the future would just be one of ever more precise measurements. ………. The next three decades turned physics on its head, with the discovery of electrons, atomic nuclei, radioactivity, quantum theory and the theory of relativity. But the grit in the pearl for all this was a strange observation made that year by two researchers called Albert Michelson and Edward Morley that the speed of light was constant, no matter how fast the observer was travelling.

A)    Atoms sticking together in molecules or crystals are said to be bonded with one another
B)     Space is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction
C)     They could not have been more wrong
D)    In fact, physicians and surgeons were once members of separate professions, and traditionally were rivals
E)     Physics also made significant contributions through advances in new technologies arising from theoretical breakthroughs

3. ………. According to Kant, knowledge about space is synthetic, in that statements about space are not simply true by virtue of the meaning of the words in the statement. In his work, Kant rejected the view that space must be either a substance or relation. Instead he came to the conclusion that space and time are not discovered by humans to be objective features of the world, but are part of an unavoidable systematic framework for organizing our experiences.

A)    Furthermore, in Einstein's general theory of relativity, it is postulated that space-time is geometrically distorted- curved -near to gravitationally significant masses
B)     In the 18th century the German philosopher Immanuel Kant developed a theory of knowledge in which knowledge about space can be both a priori and synthetic
C)     According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space
D)    Newton took space to be more than relations between material objects and based his position on observation and experimentation

4. Eye banks are organizations that distribute corneal tissue taken from deceased persons for eye grafts. .......... With present techniques, such tissue can be kept alive for only 48 hours, but current experiments in preserving human corneas by freezing give hope of extending its useful life for months. Eye banks also preserve and distribute vitreous humor, the liquid within the larger chamber of the eye, for use in treatment of detached retinas.

A)    Each eye also has a tear gland, or lacrimal organ, situated at the outside corner of the eye.
B)     Blindness caused by cloudiness or scarring of the cornea can sometimes be cured by surgical removal of the affected portion of the corneal tissue.
C)     The most common disease of the eyelids is hordeolum, known generally as a sty.
D)    In the normal eye accommodation is not necessary for seeing distant objects.
E)     The first eye bank was opened in New York City in 1945.


At least half of all visitors to Nepal go to the lakeside town of Pokhara. The symbol of the region is the 6.993-metre high Machhapuchhare Mountain, which means “fish tail” in English. Indeed the mountain is shaped like a fish tail and viewed from Pokhara, is a majestic sight. Yet one detail singles out this giant mountain from the others in the region: no one has ever climbed it, and it is unlikely that anyone ever will. In the 1960s, the Nepalese government declared it a holy mountain, forbidden to mountaineers. Sherpas, in particular, respect this. And without Sherpas, the indispensable porters of the high valleys of Nepal, the Europeans and Americans who constantly attempt to conquer the mountains in the region are helpless.
1. It is evident from the passage that …….……. .
A) there are a lot of fish in Pokhara Lake
B) no one has ever climbed most of the mountains near Pokhara
C) the mountains around Pokhara have English names
D) tourism in Nepal has grown in importance since the 1960s
E) Pokhara is one of the most popular destinations in Nepal

2. According to the passage, Machhapuchhare has never been climbed because ………. .
A) it is one of the tallest mountains in the world
B) it is regarded as sacred, and so mountaineers are not allowed to climb it
C) it is dangerously steep, which discourages mountaineers from attempting to climb it
D) it is not as challenging for climbers as the other mountains in the region
E) there aren’t any Sherpas experienced enough to lead mountaineers to it

3. What the passage emphasizes about Sherpas is that they ………… .
A) are members of a religious sect trying to ban mountain-climbing in Nepal
B) climbed high mountains until the government forbade them in the 1960s
C) are essential to climbers who want to conquer the mountains in Nepal
D) don’t approve of Europeans and Americans climb their mountain
E) want to be the first people to climb Machhapuchhare

4. According to the passage ………… .
A) the inhabitants of Nepal were so poor that they could hardly survive
B) the European and American citizens tried to invade the mountains
C) nobody demanded any Money to aid Europeans and Americans to conquer there
D) all the people visiting Nepal go to the lakeside town of Pokhara
E) all climbers used the same route to climb the summit of Machhapuchhare

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