14 Aralık 2020 Pazartesi

Adverbial Clauses (Zarf Cümlecikleri)

The implications of social, cultural and environmental changes on childrearing are quite significant. When material interdependencies decrease, autonomy and freedom becomes vital. Because material contribution of the offspring is no longer required for the family livelihood, the child's autonomy is not viewed as a threat. Nevertheless, emotional interdependencies continue to be valued and the closeness and relatedness of the growing child is highly desired. Thus, there is still firm control although autonomy is valued and complete obedience and loyalty of the child is no longer needed. 

Sosyal, kültürel ve çevresel değişikliklerin çocuk yetiştirme üzerindeki etkileri oldukça önemlidir. Maddi bağımlılıklar azaldığında, özerklik ve özgürlük hayati hale gelir. Çocuğun maddi geçim kaynakları için maddi katkısı artık gerekli olmadığından, çocuğun özerkliği bir tehdit olarak görülmemektedir. Bununla birlikte, duygusal bağımlılıklara değer verilmeye devam edilmektedir ve büyüyen çocuğun yakınlığı ve ilişkisi çok arzu edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, özerkliğe değer verilmesine ve çocuğun tam itaat ve bağlılığına artık ihtiyaç duyulmamasına rağmen, hâlâ sıkı bir kontrol söz konusudur.


Cümle içinde bağlaçlarla kullanılan zarf cümlecikleri,  zaman, neden, sonuç, yer, koşul ve amaç gib anlamlarla temel cümleyi destekleyerek ifade ederler.
adverbial clauses test ile ilgili görsel sonucu

AFTER After  I do my homework, I wil meet you.
After  I had phoned my  brother, I did the ironing.
We went out after we finished our cleaning.
BEFORE Before l leave, I will let you know
Before I ate my dinner , I ( had) washed my hands.
She had learned English before she came to London.
WHEN When it rains, I always go to school by bus.
When I reach home, my wife will have prepared the dinner.
All of the students  had been in the class when I arrived.
WHILE/AS I saw her while I was going to school.
While her husband was smoking outside,Linda was shopping.
Please water my plants while I’m away.
As/whilewe were wathching TV,th phone rang.
BY THE TIME By the time we arrive home, the match on the TV will have finished.
By the time we got to the station, the train had already left.
By the time you come,we will have already eaten our dinner.
UNTIL/TILL You had better wait until it stops.
You cannot leave here until you have finished your duty.
SINCE (den beri) Since I moved to Ankara ,I have made lots of friends.
She has worked that factory since she graduated from the university.
ONCE/AS SOON AS Once the winter comes, I will go to Uludağ for skiing.
Once you show any fear,the dog  may attack you.
She went out  as soon as she  did/had done  her homework.
NO SOONER … …. THAN She had no sooner arrived than she wanted to relax.
No sooner had  she arrived than she wanted to relax.
I had no sooner washed my car than it started to rain.
No sooner had I washed my car than it started to rain.
WHENEVER/EVERY TIME Whenever you need any help, I ‘m always  with you.
She looks after her children whenever I see her.
Zarf cümlecikleri cause and effect (neden/sonuç ) ifade etmek için kullanılırlar
BECAUSE/AS/SINCE   + tam cümle I couldn’t call you because/as/since I didn’t know your phone number.
He sold the house because it was too small.
As/since/because she isn’t busy at present, she can wash the dishes and help you.
(madem ki,çünkü,dığına göre) Now that you have passed the final exam, you can go  to your holiday.
Now that you have done your duty, you can leave.
Now that you are retired,you don’t have to work.
SEEING THAT Seeing that you won’t help me, I have to do it by myself.
Seeing that the traffic was rather heavy, I decided to take the back roads.
mesi-ması gerekçesiyle On the grounds that the prices went up,they didn’t buy the summer house.
Bakımından,yönünden The two games are similar to each other in that they both originated in England.
Because of
On acoount of
Thanks to
Owing to
Due to I was late for school yesterday because of  the heavy traffic.
Due to her negligence of the children,they became disobedient.
The ceremony  is likely to be held indoors owing to the bad weather.
Thanks to the innovations,people can live longer than expected.


Bundan dolayı,böylece,bu sebepten,sonuç olarak,bu yüzden… She didn’t get up early.Therefore, she missed the bus.
I didn’t have much time.As aresult, I took a taxi.
He is so lazy. For that reason, he can’t get good grades in the exams.
Ali wants to do his internship in France. He , therefore , takes French classes.
He didn’t study , so he failed the test.
I’m on holiday now.Consequently, I don’t have to g oto the work today
The demand has increased sharply.Accordingly, the prices are high.

Anlatılan bir durumdan beklenmeyen bir sonucun ortaya çıktığını ifade ederken kullanılır.
-e rağmen, -sa bile… Even though it was an easy problem, he couldn’t solve it.
Though he was ill,he will meet his guests.
I couldn’t pass the exam  even though  I studied hard.
Although it was raining,we went on a picnic.
Much as she is afraid of tigers, she went to circus with Ali.
She doesn’t want to be a musician although she is quite good at music.
IN SPITE OF Despite applying for various jobs,my father is still unemployed.
In spite of the rain, they went on a picnic.
She turned downed the job despite the big salary she was offered.
Despite her old age,she still takes long wakes every day.
Despite the fact that
Despite the fact that She is old,She still takes long wakes every day.
Inspite of  the fact that Inspite of  the fact that She practises every day,she is still bad at driving.

While ve whereas  ‘’iken’’ anlamına gelir ve tam taban tabana zıtlığı anlatır.
Oysaki/iken… While Ali is tall, Veli is short.
Whereas Ali is hardworking, his sister is lazy.
Some countries are poor whereas/while others are rich.
Some girls like flamboyant clothes while others prefer plain clothes.

Yapı olarak olumlu olmasına rağmen olumsuz anlam içerir ve  ‘’ if not ‘’ yani ‘’olmazsa,olmadıkça’’ gibi anlamlara gelir.
Unless you study, you will fail.

He wont come to the dinner unless you phone him.

You won’t be successful unless you study hard.

Unless it rains ,I will go out.
 ‘’if’’ ile aynı anlamdadır ve ‘’yanlızca o şartla,yanlızca öyle olursa,sadece o durumda’’ anlamlarını içerir.
Only if it rains,will I  go out
I will go to the party only if they send me a invitation.
I will forgive her only if she apologizes.

Sin,sın diye,mek,mak için,olsun diye
So that virgül veya nokta ile kullanılmaz.Genelde will,would,can could modallarıyla kullanılır He studied hard so that he might enter the university.
I took off my shoes so that they shouldn’t hear me.
She wears glasses so (that) she can see better.
She is learning computing so that/in order that she can find abetter job.
I got up early so (that) I wouldn’t be late fort he interview.
So that he could pass the exam,he studied very hard.

TO  /  IN ORDER TO/       SO AS TO

Amaç bildirmek için to infinitive yapısı She lay on the sofa so that she could rest  for a while.
She lay on the sofa to rest  for a while.
She lay on the sofa in order to rest  for a while.
She lay on the sofa so as to rest  for a while.

Olursa diye,ihtimaline karşılk In case it rains, I will take my umbrella.
I will giveyou my phonenumber in case you need to call me.
My frend drew a map  for me in case I couldn’t find his house.
eğer,varsa,durumunda In case of fire,please press this button.
In case of an accident,call this number.
Bunlar karşıtlık bildiren kelimelerdir (unexpected results) ve ikinci cümleye geçerken anlam değişikliği yaparlar.’’Ancak ,fakat,yinede,öyle olsa bile…’’ anlamlarına gelirler

It was cold.

(Hava soğuktu However,       
Nonetheless,                  he went out for a walk
Even so,           
All the same,
Buna rağmen,yine de yürüyüşe çıktı.
Ali studied  hard several months.Nevertheless/nonetheless/yet/however he failed.
She is very beatiful.Yet ,she is not popular with boys in school.
They cultivated the land very well.However, they couldn’t get good crops.
She is talented;nonethelss, she has never become a success.



Tom doesn’t have gift for music. Moreover, he lacks motivation to practice music. Therefore, he can not be a  good musician.
He is hardworking.Furthermore,he is smart.
This house is very large and has four rooms. In addition, it has a wonderful view.
Linda writes short stories,besides, she runs a factory.


-nın yanısıra,nın yanında

In addition to these books,extra books will be given to you for reading.
Besides working as a teacher,he also Works as a taxi driver at night.
That market sell newspapers as well as magazines.
We have lots of things in common besides swimming.
İstanbul has a lot of natural attractions besides its historical places.

Adverb clause (zarf cümlecikleri) yapılarını sözcük öbeği  (phrase)şeklinde kısaltabiliriz. Kısaltma yaparken yan cümle ile ana cümlenin öznesinin aynı olduğuna dikkat etmek gerekir.
While I was reading a book last night,I fell asleep.
While reading a book last night, I fell asleep.
Reading a book last night,I fell asleep.
After we had eaten/ate dinner, we went out .
After eating/having eaten  dinner, we went out.
Having eaten dinner, we went out.
Before he came to this city,he lived in the country.
Before coming  to this city,he lived in the country.
Before he was elected prime minister,he worked as a teacher.
Before being  elected prime minister,he worked as a teacher.
When she finished the report, she left the Office.
On/Upon finishing the report,she left the Office.
When they are used too often,sedative drugs may cause addiction.
When used too often,sedative drugs may cause addiction.
Until I went to England, I had never seen a black man.
Until going to England, I had never seen a black man.
Prepositions should be studied until they are learned by heart.
Prepositions should be studied until learned by heart.
Since I came to this city, I have lived in Ankara.
Since coming to this city, I have lived in Ankara.
Because she is married now,she has more responsibilities.
Being married now,she has more responsibilities.
Because I had sprained my ankle,I could hardly walk.
Having sprained my ankle,I could hardly walk.
Since he was tired, he went to bed early.
Being tired, he went to bed early.

If they were collected together,his poems would fill a volüme.
If collected together,his poems would fill a volüme.

Unless this case is explained properly, it will continue to confuse people.
Unless  explained properly,this case will continue to confuse people.
If the bridge is built properly,it can resist earthquakes. If built properly,the bridge can resist earthquakes.
Unless I am promoted next year, I will resign.
Unless promoted next year, I will resign.

Although it was consructed many years ago,the bridge is still in good condition.
Although consructed many years ago,the bridge is still in good condition.
Though my granpa is 70 years old,she still does the all the housework herself.
Though 70 years old,my granpa still does the all the housework herself.

-den itibaren
My phone number is changing as of May 1

-e gelince,-yı sorarsanız As for her health, she is doing fine these days.

Hakkında There is no decision as to him.

Aslında ,gerçekte,işin doğrusu… I thought the task would be tough.In fact it is very easy.
They are not from England,actually.They are from Wales

Den ziyade (tercih anlatmak için kullanılır) I will have hot drink rather than coke.

Açısından,bakımından Your job is great in terms of Money,but it has some disadvantages.

BOTH … AND      Hem… hemde

Olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır. Both yapısından sonra ne gelirse and yapısından sonra da aynısı gelir.

Both his mother and his father were at the ceremony.
The results were both exciting and alarming.
Both Ali and his sister is working for the same company .
Last night,she both cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
She is both clever and beatiful.

EITHER … OR   Ya … ya da…

Fiilin tekil yada çoğul olmasını fiile en yakın olan özne belirler Either his mother or father is going to attend his graduation ceremony.
Either his mother or grandparents are going to attend his graduation ceremony.
I forget my car’s key either at home or in the Office.
You can keep in touch with us either  by phone or  by  fax.
You can either come by bus or take taxi.

NEITHER… NOR…Ne… ne de…

Olumsuz anlama sahiptir, Fiilin tekil yada çoğul olmasını fiile en yakın olan özne belirler Neither Ali nor his parents were at the ceremony.
Neither Ali nor his mother was at the ceremony.
I neither know nor care what has happened to him.
She is neither beatiful nor smart.
He can neither read nor write.

NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO     Sadece…değil,aynı zaman da…da

The mother not only cleaned the house but also prepared the dinner.
Learning a foreign language  not only improves one2s job prospects,but also boosts one’s  self-esteem.
Not only the workers but also the manager was there.
Not only the workers but also the managers were  there.
She is not only skillful  but also assiduous.

** Bu yapıların ilkinde sıfat geliyorsa ikincisine  sıfat , fiil geliyorsa fiil, zarf geliyorsa zarf kullanılır.

Women live longer than man.For axample, in Türkiye life expectancy for woman is 75, while it is 72 for man

Yani, bu demek oluyor ki,diğer bir deyişle

The refrigerator wasn’t impaired; that is, it wasn’t damaged.
I got a promotion. That is to say, I’m the manager now!

Bahsedilen bir şeyle ilgili ilave detay/bilgi vermek  veya bahsedilenin tersini vurgulamak amacıyla kullanılırlar.

She is quite wealthy.In fact,she is one the richest woman in England.
Linda likes reading. As amatter of fact, it is her favorite hobby.
They are not from England. Indeed, they are from Ireland.


1. He studied his lesson hard …… he could pass all his exams
a) so that b) unless
c) when d) despite

2.  ……. he worked a lot, Tom couldn’t earn enough Money.
a) however b) although
c) because d) despite

3 )  The match was postponed ……. the weather was too cold.
a) therefore b) until
c) due to d) since

4 )  ……. some differences , we have lots of common features.
a) though b) whereas
c) hence d) despite

5 ) Tom i s weak ……. I am strong
a) moreover b) as well as
c) whereas d) otherwise

6 ) I met many celebrities; …… , I had dinner with Tom Cruise.
a) in addition to b) that is to say
c) for example d) in fact

7 ) After Tom ……. his school,he went abroad to work.
a) finished b) finishing
c) finishes d) has finished

8 ) I prepared some cookies …… my friends came
a) in spite of b) so that
c) thus d) in case

9 ) I will resign …… I get a promotion next year
a) while b) unless
c) so that d) that

10 ) …… my parents have been away, I can give a party in the house whenever I want.
a) owing to b) therefore
c) even though d) now that

11 ) ……. I need help,he is always near me to help.
a) whenever b) whatever
c) so that d) however

12 ) The president decided not to attend the public meeting ……. there was security problems
a) for instance b) due to
c) because d) although

13 )  All the fans continued to cheer the beaten team ……. their team lost the match
a) for that reason b) although
c) as to d) because

14 ) While …… in İstanbul ,I met my commander
a) walked b) walking
c) I will walk d) he was walking

15 ) The Office is not a central place. …… , it is very expensive to purchase.
a) though b) however
c) furthermore d) but

16 ) …….  her lack of experience,she got the job.
a) furthermore b) much as
c) even though d) in spite of

17 ) I have made many applications with various big companies …… have good job opportunities
a) thanks to b) in order to
c) so that d) owing to

18 ) Some animals like bears hibernate……. the spring comes.
a) until b) before
c) while d) as soon as

19 ) Tom joined a dance club ……. he could learn how to dance.
a) in order to b) in order that
c) in case d) unless

20 ) Tom was suffering from shortness of breath for several years.  …… , he had diabetes.
a) in addition to b) in fact
c) in case d) in addition

21 ) Ali and Veli are similar …… they both like playing basketball at the weekends.
a) in that b) however
c) for that reason d) but

22 ) She studies …… during the day …… at night.
a) not only/but also b) as/well as
c) so/that d) before/that

23 ) I felt very tired……. ,I went to bed early.
a) indeed b) in addition
c) therefore d) since

24 ) The time for the new semester plan was very limited,…… , we could come up with new ways to implement.
a) nonetheless b) because
c) in fact d) moreover

25 ) Pronunciation of the Spanish language is very dificult. …… you will find it easy in time.
a) thus b) therefore
c) however d) in addition

26 ) Tom is a successful businessman. …… he is one of the wealthiest man in this country.
a) nonetheless b) otherwise
c) yet d) in fact
e) so that

27.  Through Russian-initiated diplomatic efforts the US and Russia reached an agreement to dismantle Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal,…… avoiding external military intervention.
a) while b) so
c) thus d) whether
e) however

28  ……  many of its articles have since been repealed, and the agreement had little impact at the time, Magna Carta is today seen as one of the cornerstones of British democracy and law
a) because b)in spite of
c) hence d) although
e) however

29.  Solar energy may seem like a fantastic idea …….  there are solar energy advantages and disadvantages.
a) but b) also
c) rather than d) because of
e) in case

30.  …….  the high public health costs of treating tobacco-caused diseases, tobacco kills people at the height of their productivity, depriving families of breadwinners.
a) as for b) despite
c) though d) In addition to
e) in case of

31.  Racism has always been ……  an instrument of discrimination ……  a tool of exploitation
a) neither /nor b) either/or
c) both/and d)   as well/as
e) not only/but aso

32.  ……  it's recognised and treated, postnatal depression is a temporary condition you can recover from.
a) as long as b) before
c) while d) how much
e) how long

33.  Over 98% of sprayedinsecticides and 95% of herbicides reach a destination other than their target species, …….  they are spread across entire agricultural fields
a) although  b) therefore
c) because d) so that
e) owing to

34.  Offences that cause harm to a person such as assault, murder, sexual offences, etc. come under personal crimes …….  robbery, burglary, arson and forgery are categorized as property crimes.
 a) while b) when
c) before d) as if
e) however

35. In Zimbabwe, there has been increasing racism against the white farmers, ……..  poverty and lack of land ownership by Africans.
a)beceuse b)along with
c)due to d)either
e) also

36.  Mass production gave urgency to the creation of a mass market,  …….  all that was made could be sold, rather than piling up in warehouses.
a) since b) thus
c) whereas d) but
e) so that

37.  A non-governmental organization (NGO) is the term commonly used for an organization that is …….  a part of a government …….  a conventional for-profit business
a) but also/as well b) both/and
c) neither/nor d) but/and
e) although/as

38.  The assistance of the central authorities can lead …….  to anger of the majority, ……  to the loss of self-subsistence capability of the minority
a) but/yet b) whether/or
c) such/that d) neither/nor
e) not only/but also

39.  Many people limit themselves simply  …..  they cannot imagine going through something that seems out of reach
a) just as b) whereby
c) whether d) because
e) what

40.  …….  Boston had concentrations of Irish and Italians, some of the mill towns around it were largely French-Canadian.
a) seeing that b) by the time
c) given that d) while
e) after

41.  When recovery began, Negroes made gains in the business world, ……  did other minorities
a) just as b) like
c) such as d) then
e) as if

42.  ……  there was still much to be done, the nation had taken giant strides toward providing education for all.
a) however b) in spite of
c) although d) inasmuch as
e) whenever

43.  ……  you've achieved a healthy weight, you are more likely to be successful at keeping the weight off over the long term.
a) until b) whereas
c) just as d) once
e) before

44.  ……  you're consuming carbohydrates, fats, or proteins  all of them contain calories.
a) either b) now that
c) even if d) if
e) whether

45. The U.S. Government projects that fiscal year 2007 resulted in the government losing $345 billion ……  tax evasion.
a) in spite of b) so that
c) because of d) regardless of
e) in wiev to

46.  ……  viable, sustainable and renewable energy sources are developed, the use of non-renewable energy sources remains a necessity
a) until b) given that
c) once d) when
e) no sooner

47.  …..  the coal is out of the ground, it is transported to plants to be cleaned and made ready for use.
a) by the time b) until
c) since d) once
e) even though

48.  ……  physical activity is an integral part of weight management, it's also a vital part of health in general.
a) given that b) despite
c) although d) since
e) in contrast to

49.  ……  did she become the first woman to head a major political party, …..  she went on to become the first and till date, the only female Prime Minister of Pakistan.
a) as/such as b) neither/nor
c) either/or d) that/for
e) not only/but

50.  In most societies differences in play between boys and girls are not merely expected, ……  actively encouraged.
a) which b) as
c) but d) so that
e) or else

51.  Excessive abdominal fat is serious …..  it places you at greater risk for developing obesity-related conditions, such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood cholesterol.
a) but b) just as
c) otherwise d) because
e) nonetheless

52.  Some leading economists are starting to tackle the issue of overconsumption, …..  the problems and its cures are tough to analyze.
a) than b) which
c) and d) but
e) as

53.  A seven-year-old boy who enjoys tucking teddies up in cots is likely to be ridiculed …….  he does it too often.
a) since b) as if
c) whether d) how
e) if

54.  …..  there isn't a single solution for the environmental issues created by the fishing industry, conservation appears to be the best approach.
a) owing to b) once
c) as d) while
e) until

55.  ……  a person has the freedom to plan a family according to his own conviction, abortion is however not justifiable.
a) although b) however
c) despite d) unlike
e) as if

56.  Tackling climate change would save millions of lives a year by the end of the century purely ……  the decrease in air pollution.
a) in case of b) as a result of
c) without d) apart from
e) except for

57.  The battle-ground is within us and is not fought with weapons or with any other sources …..  only with our mental awareness of all negative and positive forces within our minds.
a) but b) as for
c) thanks to d) likewise
e) in short

58.  Some people think …..  by accumulation more and more wealth, they can overcome their problems.
a) that is b) if
c) which d) whether
e) that

59.  Some first ladies have used their influence to affect legislation on important matters ……  temperance reform, housing improvement, and women's rights.
a) as b) for example
c) just as d) such as

60.  Reducing human vulnerability to the impacts of climate change depends …..  upon our ability to understand climate science, …..  upon our ability to integrate that knowledge into human society.
a) both/as b) neither/nor
c) not only/but also d) as/such
e) as well as/also

61. …….  sea ice is mostly white and reflects the sun's rays, ocean water is dark and absorbs the sun's energy at a higher rate.
a) after that b) before
c) whenever d) while
e) as long as

62. All the great powers of Europe had their own imperial aims on Ottoman territories, ……. the most imminent threat of the time was coming from the Italians.
a) whatever b) until
c) when d) as soon as
e) however

63. Many volcanoes are dormant, showing no current signs of exploding …….  likely to become active at some point in the future.
a) already b) once
c) but d) because
e) for that reason

64. The history of Turkish military aviation dates back to 1909 ……  French aviators were invited to Istanbul to perform demonstrations.
a) at which b) that
c) what d) if
e) when

65. Production of iron and steel was insignificant and ……  the production of chemicals and refining of petroleum.
a) neither will b) but
c) so were d) so will
e) not only

66. ……  all its shortcomings and disadvantages, the Ottoman economy managed to feed the war machine until the end of the war.
a) what b) despite
c) however d) since
e) before

67.  …….  rainforests are critically important to humanity, they are rapidly being destroyed by human activities.
a) while b) in contrast to
c) when d) hitherto
e) in spite of

68.  Around 30% of people in England have high blood pressure ……  many don't know it.
a) whereas b) while
c) those         d) but
e) otherwise

69.  ……  left untreated, high blood pressure increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke. It is often referred to as a "silent killer".
a) if b) how
c) unless d) yet
e) beside

70.  People are living much longer worldwide than they were two decades ago, ……  death rates from infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease have fallen.
a) that b) although
c) before         d) as
e) but

71.  ……  Abdülhamid can be blamed for the long inactivity and the decay of the fleet, it was also during his time when the Ottoman Empire purchased two submarines for its navy.
a) but for          b) whereas
c) as if d) when
e) although

72.  Panic attacks usually last between five and 20 minutes, and although it may feel ……  you are in serious trouble, they aren't dangerous and shouldn't cause any physical harm.
a) if         b) as though
c) on condition         d) supposing
e) as long as

73.  It is important to persist with treatment, …… you are affected by side effects, as it will take several weeks before you begin to benefit from treatment.
a) just as          b) thanks to
c) once d) now that
e) even if

74.  A little bit of anxiety can be helpful; …… , feeling anxious before an exam might make you more alert and improve your performance.
a) like b) such as
c) hence         d) for example
e) as much as

75.  Captain Cook and his compatriots were welcomed …..  gods and for the next month exploited the Hawaiians' good will.
a) such as b) as if
c) in the name of d) even if
e) as

76.  There are definite obstacles to be overcome ……  geothermal energy can be easily and economically harnessed for everyday, worldwide use.
a) after b) once
c) until d) moreover
e) before

77.  Hydropower may be better on the environment than fossil-fuel sources, ……  its future is so uncertain that we may need to focus on other alternatives.
a) in that         b) hence
c) but d) otherwise
e) when

78.  Highly advanced computer modeling now lets disaster authorities predict with amazing accuracy …….  floods will occur and how severe they're likely to be.
a) in case         b) even so
c) since d) when
e) where

79.  …..  a Renewable Energy (RE) system can be expensive, it is wise to invest in energy efficient appliances for your home.
a) since b) beceuse of
c) although d) even if
e) besides

80.  The main causes of kidney disease are high blood pressure and diabetes ……  they can damage the blood vessels that supply the kidneys.
a) thus b) however
c) moreover d) because
e) though

1    A 2    B 3    D 4   D 5    C 6    C 7  A 8    D 9   B 10  D
11  A 12  C 13  B 14 D 15  C 16  D 17  B 18  A 19 B 20  D
21  A 22  A 23  C 24  A 25  C 26  D 27  C 28  D 29  A 30  D
31  B 32  A 33  C 34  A 35  C 36  E 37  C 38  E 39  D 40  D
41  A 42  C 43  D 44  E 45  C 46  A 47  D 48  D 49  E 50  C
51  D 52  D 53  E 54  D 55  A 56  B 57  A 58  E 59  D 60  C
61  D 62  E 63  C 64  E 65  C 66  B 67  A 68  D 69  A 70  D
71  E 72  B 73  E 74  D 75  E 76  E 77  C 78  E 79  A 80  D

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