16 Mart 2020 Pazartesi



                                                           (BOŞLUK DOLDURMA 2)
SEVİYE: B1-B2 - C1C2 
* Put the following words in the suitable blanks in the paragraphs.
* Aşağıda verilen kelimeleri paragrafta uygun boşluklara yerleştiriniz.

  5 paragraf için ortalama süre : 25-30 dakika

                                PARAGRAF 1

1)      nomination (n)
2)      throughout (prep)
3)      especially (adv)
4)      leading (adj)
5)      remained (v)

İlgili resim
Sophia Loren was born in Rome, Italy, on September 20, 1934. She _____ a bona fide international movie star _____ the sixties and seventies, making films on both sides of the Atlantic, and starring opposite such _____ men as Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Gregory Peck, and Charlton Heston. Her American films included El Cid, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Arabesque, Man of La Mancha, and The Cassandra Crossing. She gained a wider respect with her Italian films, _____ Matrimonio all'italiana in 1964) and Una giornata particolare in 1977. During these years she received a second Oscar _____ and won five Golden Globe Awards.


                                 PARAGRAF 2

1)      prevented (v)
2)      notoriously (adv)
3)      allegations (n)
4)      separate (adj)
5)      titles (n)

Armstrong was the most decorated cyclist of all time. He was stripped by USADA in August 2012 of his record seven Tour de France _____ and banned from cycling for life because of overwhelming evidence that he cheated. The lifetime ban also _____ him from competing in running and triathlon events in which he hoped to participate. Armstrong vehemently fought all cheating accusations he faced. He _____ battled with the French press during his career following accusations of PED usage and failed drug tests made against him by two _____ French newspapers. A published book and several former teammates have accused Armstrong of not only using performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career, but also demanding his teammates use them too. Many considered Armstrong’s decision not to fight the mounting _____ and evidence against him compiled by USADA an admission of guilt. If this report is true, the public may finally get a true admission of guilt from Armstrong.

                                      PARAGRAF 3

1)    that 
2)    without (prep)
3)    As (conj)
4)    with (prep)
5)    Thus (conj)

In plants, chloroplasts develop in the presence of light from small, colorless organelles called proplastids. _____ cells divide in the growing parts of a plant, the proplastids inside them divide by fission. _____, the daughter cells have the ability to produce chloroplasts. In algae, chloroplasts divide directly, _____ developing from proplastids. The self-reproducing ability of chloroplasts, their bacteria-like DNA and ribosomes, and their close similarity regardless of the type of cell they inhabit, suggest _____ they were once independent organisms that come to exist in symbiosis _____ the plant cell as host.

chloroplasts ile ilgili görsel sonucu

                                     PARAGRAF 4

1)    significant (adj)
2)    mounted (v)
3)    priority (n)
4)    resolved (v)
5)    incontrovertible (adj)

The most _____ development in the story of warfare is the use of gunpowder to propel a missile. There has been much debate as to where the first experiments are made. Inconclusive and sometimes mistranslated references from early documents appear to give the _____ variously to the Chinese, the Hindus, the Arabs and the Turks. It is likely that the matter can never be ______.The earliest _____ evidence of artillery is a drawing of a crude form of cannon in a manuscript dated. There is a reference to a gun mounted on a ship in 1336, and the possibility of cannon of some kind in use at Crécy and Calais in 1346.



                                       PARAGRAF 5

1)      catastrophe (n)
2)      indicated (v)
3)      based on (phr.v)
4)      simply (adv)
5)      flourished (v)

The Mayan civilization _____ in Guatemala and Mexico from 2000 BC to 1000 AD, when they built pyramids and observatories. Their calendar was _____ 393-year cycles called Baktuns. Duari, a NASA educator and director of M.P. Birla Planetarium,  explained, December 21, 2012, is not the end of world but the last day of their calendar as _____ by the Mayan calendar. It is rather the end of an era which, according to the Mayans, was of a duration of 5,125 years or 13 Baktuns, each Baktun being of a duration of little more than 393 years. At the end of the 13 Baktuns, the Mayans believed, there would be the beginning of a new era. A popular belief had been that a  _____ would take place on December 21, 2012. But, December 21, 2012 was _____ a day that the calendar would roll over to the next Baktun, at Long Count The date on which the calendar will go to the next Piktun will be on October 13, 4772.

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