Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I am speaking.
You are speaking.
We are speaking.
They are speaking.
He is speaking.
She is speaking.
It is speaking.
I am not speaking.
You are not speaking.
We are not speaking.
They are not speaking.
He is not speaking.
She is not speaking.
It is not speaking.
Am I speaking?
Are you speaking?
Are we speaking?
Are they speaking?
Is he speaking?
Is she speaking?
Is it speaking?
Olumsuz soru iki şekilde kurulabilir:
Am I not trying to help you?
Are you not helping your mother?
Is she not studying French?
Are we not leaving for class now?
Aren't I trying to help you?
Aren't you helping your mother?
Isn't she studying French?
Aren't we leaving for class now?
Fiillerle -ing kullanımı
Sonu -e ile biten fiiller
Sonu -e ile biten fiillere -ing takısı eklenirken -e
write – writing
hide – hiding
admire – admiring
Sonu bir sesli harften sonra gelen sessiz harfle biten tek heceli fiiller
Bu gruba giren tek heceli
fiillerden sonra –ing gelince sessiz harf çift yazılır.
run – running
stop – stopping
set – setting
Sonu bir sesli harften sonra gelen sessiz harfle biten iki heceli fiiller
Eğer vurgu 1. hecedeyse, sondaki sessiz harf tek yazılır;
2. hecedeyse çift yazılır.
listen – listening
open – opening
refer – referring
Sonu -y ile biten fiiller
-y ile biten fiillere -ing
takısı eklenirken yazımda
degişiklik olmaz.
study – studying
try – trying
play – playing
Sonu -ie ile biten fiiller
-ie -y' ye dönüsür ve -
Ing eklenir.
die – dying
lie – lying
tie – tying
Sonu iki sessiz harfle
biten fiiller
İki sessizle biten fiillere - ing eklenirken yazımda
degişiklik olmaz.
stand – standing
start – starting
find - finding
v Bu zaman içinde bulunduğumuz anda (tam o anda) yapmakta olduğumuz eylemlerimizi anlatmak için kullanılır. Zamanı vurgulamak için now, right now, at the moment, at present, still zaman zarfları bu zamanla çok sık kullanılır.
Listen! They are talking about us. What are they saying?
(Dinle! Onlar bizim hakkımızda konuşuyorlar. Ne söylüyorlar?
People are waiting for the bus.
(İnsanlar otobüs bekliyor.)
You are not sleeping now.
(Şimdi uyumuyorsun.)
Right now you are looking at this book.
(Şimdi sen bu kitaba bakıyorsun.)
I am sitting down, because I am tired.
(Oturuyorum, çünkü yorgunum.)
Please call back as we are eating dinner now.
(Lütfen beni sonra ara şimdi yemek yiyoruz.)
v Tam konuşmanın geçtiği anda olmasa da, o sıralarda yapılmakta olan eylemleri anlatmak için bu zaman kullanılır ve bu gibi durumlarda bu sıralarda anlamına gelen nowadays, this year, these days, this month, at the moment gibi zaman zarfları kullanılır.
He is taking five courses this term.
(Bu dönem beş ders alıyor.)
I am studying to become a doctor.
(Doktor olmak için çalışıyorum.)
Are you working on any special projects?
(Özel bir proje üzerinde çalışıyor musun?)
Ali is studying really hard for her exams this week.
(Ali bu hafta sınavlarını geçmek için çok çalışıyor.)
He's eating a lot these days.
(O bu günlerde çok yiyor.)
v Değişmekte olan olay ve olguları bu zamanla anlatırız.
The weather is darkening and getting colder.
(Hava kararıyor ve soğuyor.)
I'm getting better at playing the piano.
(Piyano çalmakta gittikçe iyileşiyorum.)
These days most people are using email instead of writing letters.
(Bu günlerde pek çok insan mektup yazmak yerine email kullanıyor.)
The climate is changing rapidly.
(İklim hızlı bir şekilde değişiyor.)
v Tekrarlanan eylemleri ifade ederken yakınma ve hoşnutsuzluk ifade etmek için (perpetually, continually, forever, constantly gibi zarflarla) bu zaman kullanılır.
He is always making mistakes. He must be careful.
(Sürekli hata yapıyor. Dikkatli olmalı.)
You're constantly speaking about him at the dinner table. Can't you stop speaking?
(Akşam yemeğinde sürekli onun hakkında konuşuyorsun. Susamaz mısın?)
I don't like them because they are always complaining.
(Onlardan hoşlanmıyorum, sürekli şikâyet ediyorlar.)
I am meeting some friends after work.
(İşten sonra arkadaşlarla buluşuyoruz.)
You're always losing your keys!
(Sürekli anahtarlarını kaybediyorsun.)
He's always sleeping in.
(O sürekli uyuyor.)
v Gelecekte yapmayı planladığımız eylemleri anlatmak için (tomorrow, next week, next year, next summer gibi zaman zarfları) bu zamanı kullanabiliriz.
I'm meeting the general manager next month.
(Gelecek ay genel müdür ile görüşüyorum.)
My friend is leaving Ankara in two days.
(Arkadaşım iki gün içinde Ankara’yı terkediyor.)
I am not going to the home tonight.
(Bu akşam eve gitmiyorum (=gitmeyeceğim.)
I am meeting some friends after work.
(İşten sonra arkadaşlarla buluşuyoruz.)
When are you starting your new job?
(Yeni işine ne zaman başlıyorsun?)
Are you doing anything tonight?
(Bu akşam bir şey yapıyor musun?)
We're going to the beach at the weekend.
(Hafta sonu sahile gidiyoruz.)
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I run.
You run.
We run.
They run.
He runs.
She runs.
It runs.
I do not run.
You do not run.
We do not run.
They do not run.
He does not run.
She does not run.
It does not run.
Do I run?
Do you run?
Do we run?
Do they run?
Does he run?
Does she run?
Does it run?
v Üçüncü tekil sahısın (he/she/it) kullanımlarında, fiil olumlu cümlede –s takısı alır.
He reads a lot.
(O çok okur.)
My father buys a newspaper every day.
(Babam her gün gazete alır.)
v Olumsuz cümle ve soru (does ya da doesn’t olan) cümlelerde fiil daima yalın halde kullanılır.
He doesn't read a lot.
(O çok okumaz.)
He doesn't buy a newspaper every day.
(O her gün gazete satın almaz.)
v “Have” fiilinin üçüncü şahıs biçimi “has” olmasına rağmen, soruda ve olumsuz cümle de fiil “have” olarak kullanılır.
Do you have a bath every day?
(Her gün duş alır mısın?)
Does your mother have breakfast every morning?
(Annen her sabah kahvaltı yapar mı?)
v Genelde yaptığımız işleri, alışkanlıklarımızı anlatmak için (always, sometimes, never, often, everyday, every year gibi zaman zarfları ile) bu zamanı kullanırız.
I usually get up at six o'clock.
(Genellikle saat 6’da kalkarım.)
He goes to the cinema every weekend/once a week/three times a month.
(O her hafta sonu-haftada bir-ayda üç kez sinemaya gider.)
The train leaves every morning at 7 AM.
(Tren her sabah 7’de kalkıyor.)
He does not drive a bus.
(O otobüs sürmez.)
At the weekend, we usually go to the market.
(Hafta sonları, genelde markete gideriz.)
v Her zaman geçerliliği olan doğruları, genellemeleri anlatırken ve doğa kanunlarından bahsederken bu zaman kullanılır.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
(Her on iki ayda bir, dünya güneş’in etrafında döner.)
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
(Su oksijen ve hidrojenden oluşur.)
The Earth revolves round the Sun.
(Dünya güneşin etrafında döner.)
Plants need water in order to grow.
(Bitkiler gelişebilmek için suya ihtiyaç duyar.)
Cats like milk.
(Kediler süt sever.)
Windows are not made of wood.
(Pencereler tahtadan yapılmaz.)
It snows in winter.
(Kışları kar yağar.)
Two and two make four.
(İki kere iki dört eder.)
Light travels at almost 300,000 kilometres per second.
(Işık saniyede 300000 kilometre hızla hareket eder.)
v Sinema, tiyatro gibi etkinliklerin başlama ve bitiş saatlerini söylerken, ders programları ya da uçak, tren, otobüs tarifelerini belirtirken geniş zaman gelecek zaman anlamında kullanılabilir.
The train to İstanbul leaves at 9 a.m. tomorrow and arrives there at 8 p.m.
(İstanbul’a giden tren yarın 9’da kalkıyor ve 8’de orda oluyor.)
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
(Otobüs gündüz 11’de değil, akşam 11’de varıyor.)
School begins at nine tomorrow.
(Okul yarın 9’da başlıyor.)
v Gazete manşetlerinde normalde geçmiş zaman (past tense) ile aktarılması gereken olaylar her zaman bu zamanla kullanılır.
A live bomb blows up a shopping centre in Iraq.
(Canlı bomba Irak’ta alışveriş merkezinde patladı.)
v Kitaplarda, filmlerde, tiyatro oyunlarındaki olaylardan bahsederken bu zaman kullanılır.
The hero dies at the end of the film.
(Kahraman filmin sonunda ölüyor.)
In this book, an army invades Germany.
(Bu kitapta, bir ordu Almanya’yı istila eder.)
The main character is very old and works in a bookshop.
(Ana karakter çok yaşlıdır ve bir kitapçıda çalışıyor.)
Frequency Adverbs (Present Tense ile Kullanılan Zaman Zarfları)
always........................................................... (hep, her zaman)
very often ..................................................... (çok sık)
usually/generally ........................................ (genellikle)
often/frequently .......................................... (sık sık)
sometimes/occasionally .............................. (bazen, ara sıra)
rarely/seldom............................................... (ender, nadiren, seyrek)
hardly ever/scarcely ever/almost never......(hemen hemen hiç)
never ..............................................................(hiç, hiç bir zaman, asla)
v “rarely, seldom, hardly ever, almost never ve never” yapıca olumlu anlamca olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılırlar.
I hardly ever go to the cinema.
(Tiyatroya hemen hemen hiç gitmem.)
She never comes to her meetings on time.
v Olumsuz anlam taşıyan sıklık zarflan (rarely, seldom, hardly ever, scarcely ever, never]
cümlenin başına gelirse, cümle devrik yapıda olur.
v Konuşmanın geçtiği anda ya da o sıralarda devam eden işleri Present Continuous ile, genelde yapılan işleri ve alışkanlıkları Simple Present tense ile ifade ederiz.
He is reading a book now.
(O şimdi kitap okuyor.)
He reads book every day.
(O her gün kitap okur.)
I usually go to work by bus. But today I am driving.
(Ben her zaman işe otobüsle giderim. Fakat bugün arabayla gidiyorum.)
I always drink tea at breakfast. But this morning I am drinking water.
(Kahvaltıda daima çay içerim. Fakat bu sabah su içiyorum.)
v Live ve work fiilleri ile sürekli oturduğumuz veya çalıştığımız yerleri ifade ederken, geniş zaman kullanılır; ancak geçici olarak ikamet ettiğimiz veya çalıştığımız yeri şimdiki zamanla belirtiriz.
I live in Istanbul.
(İstanbul’da yaşarım.)
I moved to Konya last week, and I'm living with a friend for the time being.
(Geçen hafta Konya’ya taşındım, ve ondan beri bir arkadaşımla yaşıyorum.)
v Bazı fiiller süreklilik bildiren zamanlarla kullanılmazlar, bu fiiller konuşma anında yapılmakta olan eylemleri bildirmezler bir durum ifade ederler.
Bu fiiller şunlardır: be, want, cost, seem, need, care, contain, owe, exist, possess, own, belong, like, love, hate, dislike, fear, envy, mind, know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think, imagine, doubt, remember, forget, desire, appreciate, please, prefer, hate, fear, envy, care, astonish, have, sound, resemble, look like, matter, exist, include, contain
I know French.
(Fransızca bilirim.)
He needs help now.
(Onun yardıma ihtiyacı var.)
v Durum bildiren fiillerin Simple Present ve Present Continuous için kullanımları aynıdır.
When I get up in the morning, I want to drink coffee.
(Sabah kalktığımda, kahve içmek isterim.)
People need money in order to buy car.
(İnsanlar araba satın olmak için paraya ihtiyaç duyar.)
think (sanmak, zannetmek)
I think he is a student.
see (görmek)
I see lots of dogs in the street.
smell (kokmak)
This perfume smells very bad.
taste (bir nesnenin tadından bahsederken)
This soup tastes very bad.
feel (sezinlemek, ummak)
I feel (that) something bad will happen.
look (gibi görünmek)
You look ill. You'd better go doctor.
appear (gibi görünmek)
The teacher appears to be in a bad mood today.
weigh (bir nesnenin ağırlığı)
The computer weighs two kilograms.
be (genel bir durumu ifade de am, is, are)
You are very rude. (Çok kabasın.)
have (sahiplik bildiriyorsa)
I don't have any money now.
think (düşünmek)
I'm thinking about going home next month.
see (görüşmek)
The manager is seeing the people now.
smell (koklamak)
Look! This girl is smelling the flowers.
taste (tadına bakmak)
The students are tasting the apples right now.
feel (hissetmek)
He is feeling better now.
look (bakmak)
What are you looking out of the window?
appear (ortaya çıkmak)
The star is appearing nightly at the city.
weigh (tartmak)
The butcher is weighing the meat now.
be (konuşma anında olan bir değişiklik)
You are being rude. (Kabalaşıyorsun.)
have (bir eylem bildiriyorsa)
She is having a shower right now.
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I waited.
You waited.
We waited.
They waited.
He waited.
She waited.
It waited.
I did not wait.
You did not wait.
We did not wait.
They did not wait.
He did not wait.
She did not wait.
It did not wait.
Did I wait?
Did you wait?
Did we wait?
Did they wait?
Did he wait?
Did she wait?
Did it wait?
v Olumlu cümlelerde düzenli fiillere –ed takısı eklenerek, düzensiz fiillerin ise simple past (2. hal) hali kullanılır.
She lived in İzmir for five years.
v Kısa cevap verirken did ve didn't kullanılır.
Did you go to the home last week? - Yes, ı did.
v "Be" fiilinin past biçimi "was, were" biçimindedir.
I lived in a big city when I was a five years old.
v Düzenli fiillerin -ed takısını alırken şu kurallar uygulanır;
a) Bir sessiz + bir sesli + bir sessiz harften oluşan kısa fiillere –ed takılı eklenirken sondaki sessiz harf
çift yazılır.
Stop - stopped
beg - begged
ban - banned slim
b) Sonu -e ile biten fiiller sadece -d takısı alır.
stared like - liked
smile - smiled hate
hated save - saved
c) Sonu bir sessiz harf + y ile biten fiillerde -y, -l olur, sonrasında -ed eklenir.
try - tried
apply - applied
dry - dried
study - studied
d) -y den önce bir sesli harf geliyorsa yazımda değişiklik olmaz.
play - played
delay - delayed
pray - prayed
decay - decayed
1. Hali V1
Base Form |
2. Hali V2
Past Simple |
3. Hali V3
Past Participle |
Anlamı |
bahse girmek
inşa etmek
satın almak
mâl olmak
araba sürmek
yemek yemek
kavga etmek
| |
elde etmek
sahip olmak
yalan söylemek
ödünç vermek
izin vermek
| |
ayakta beklemek
söylemek anlatmak
v Bu zaman geçmişte yaptığımız eylemleri bir zaman vererek anlatırken, olaylardan ve durumlardan bahsederken (yesterday, last night, last week, last summer, half an hour ago gibi zaman zarflarıyla) kullanılır. Geçmişteki olaylar bir süreç bildirebilir.
He became a doctor eight years ago.
(Sekiz yıl önce doctor oldu.)
I didn’t see a movie yesterday.
(Dün bir film seyretmedim.)
Last year, I didn’t travel to Italy.
(Geçen yıl İtalya’ya seyahat etmedim.)
I lived in that house when I was young.
(Gençken bu evde yaşadım.)
I lived in Turkey for two years.
(İki yıl Türkiye’de yaşadım.)
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
(Yarım saat telefonda konuştuk.)
Ahmet studied Fransızca for five years.
(Ahmet beş yıl Fransızca çalıştı.)
Last year, I didn't travel to Trabzon.
(Geçen yıl, Trabzon’a gitmedim.)
Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.
(Leonardo Mona Lisa’yı resmetti.)
I went to the cinema yesterday.
(Dün sinemaya gittim.)
We visited Japan in 2005.
(Japonya’yı 2005’de ziyaret ettim.)
I met my wife a long time ago.
(Karımla uzun zaman önce karşılaştım.)
v Geçmişteki alışkanlıklar ve sık sık yapılan eylemler bu zamanla anlatılır.
I went to the cinema very often when I was at the abroad.
(Yurtdışındayken çok sık sinemaya çok sık giderdim.)
I played football when I was a child.
(Çocukken futbol oynardım.)
He worked at the theater after school.
(O okuldan sonra tiyatroda çalışırdı.)
When I was a boy I drank milk every day.
(Ben çocukken, her gün süt içerdim.)
v Geçmişte tamamlanmış eylemleri sırasıyla anlatırken bütün eylemler bu zamanla verilir.
I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
(İşlerimi bitirdim, sahile yürüdüm ve yüzmek için güzel bir yer buldum.)
Yesterday I went to the library, met a friend for lunch, and played tennis.
(Dün kütüphaneye gittim, ogle yemeği için bir arkadaşla buluştum ve tenis oynadım.)
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I was singing.
You were singing.
We were singing.
They were singing.
He was singing.
She was singing.
It was singing.
I was not singing.
You were not singing.
We were not singing.
They were not singing.
He was not singing.
She was not singing.
It was not singing.
Was I singing?
Were you singing?
Were we singing?
Were they singing?
Was he singing?
Was she singing?
Was it singing?
v Geçmişte belirli bir noktada bir müddet devam etmiş (kesintiye uğramamış) olayları anlatırken (genelde this time last year, this time last winter, at this hour yesterday, yesterday at 5 o'clock gibi zaman zarfları ile) bu zaman kullanılır.
This time last week, I was playing football with my friends.
(Geçen hafta bu zaman, arkadaşlarımla futbol oynuyordum.)
Last night at 10 p.m, I was reading a book.
(Dün gece saat 10’da kitap okuyordum.)
I was listening to song, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
(Şarkı dinliyordum, ondan yangın alarmını duymadım.)
While I was writing the book, the computer suddenly went off.
(Kitap yazarken, bilgisayar aniden kapandı.)
à İlk maddede verilen zaman zarfları (this time last year gibi) simple past tense ile kullanıldığında eylemin başlangıç veya bitiş süresini bildirirken, Past Continuous Tense ile kullanıldığında eylemin başlangıç ve bitiş noktasını değil yalnızca o anda o eylemin yapıldığını belirtir.
Last night at 8 p.m., I was eating dinner.
(Dün gece saat sekizde, akşam yemeğini yiyordum.)
v Geçmişte bir eylem başlangıç ve bitiş zamanları verilerek anlatılıyorsa bu zaman kullanılır.
(Bu tür cümlelerde Simple Past Tense kullanmak da mümkündür.)
I was reading to book from seven until eleven last night.
(Dün akşam yediden onbire kadar kitap okudum.)
He was working as a director from 2000 to 2013.
(2000-2013’e kadar yönetmen olarak çalıştı.)
v Geçmişte arka plan anlatılırken, bir atmosfer tasvir edilirken bu zaman kullanılır.
It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and in the cafes people were laughing and chatting.
(Güzel bir gündü. Kuşlar şarkı söylüyordu, güneş parlıyordu ve kafelerde insanlar gülüyordu ve sohbet ediyordu.)
v Sürerlik bildiren zamanlarla kullanılmayan fiiller (non-progressive verbs), Past Continuous Tense ile de kullanılmaz.
I already knew the news everything about it.
(Ben onunla ilgili herşeyi zaten biliyordum.)
v Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı ya da sık sık yaptığımız eylemleri Simple Past Tense ile
I went to the cinema very often when I was at university.
(Üniversitedeyken sık sık sinemaya giderdim.)
Not: Geçmişte tamamlanan bir eylemden bahsederken simple past tense, geçmişteki eylemin bitip bitmediğinden değil de bir noktada devam etmekte olduğundan bahsediyorken past continuous tense kullanılır.
I came home first, and then I studied English. (ne oldu?)
(Önce eve geldim, sonra İngilizce çalıştım.)
They were waiting for me to eat dinner with them. (ne oluyordu?)
(Onlarla yemek yemem için beni bekliyorlardı.)
v Genellikle resmi ortamlarda kibarca soru sorarken yahut bir şey rica ederken, en çok “hope” ve “wonder” fiilleriyle olmak üzere Past Continuous Tense sıklıkla kullanılır.
I was wondering if you could help me fill in the blanks.
(Rica etsem boşlukları doldurmak için bana yardım eder misin.)
v Past Continuous Tense (always, forever, continually gibi zarflarla) sürekli tekrarlanan eylemleri bildirirerek bir şeyden yakınma ifade ederken kullanılabilir. (Pre. Cont. olduğu gibi)
He was always making mistakes when he was in the university.
(Üniversitedeyken sürekli hatalar yapıyordu.)
He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
(Sürekli konuşuyor. Herkesi sıktı.)
WHEN ve WHILE cümleleriyle simple past tense ve past continuous tense kullanımı
When kullanımı
v Geçmişte devam etmekte olan bir eylem esnasında başka bir eylem olmuşsa, devam eden eylem past continuous tense ile, bu eylem devam ederken gerçekleşen diğer eylem (when olan cümle) simple past tense ile ifade edilir.
When + Simple Past, Past Continuous
The child was crying when the guests arrived.
(Misafirler geldiğinde çocuk ağlıyordu.)
When he came in. I was watching TV.
(O içeri girdiğinde, ben tv izliyordum.)
Başak was working when Ayşe had the car accident.
(Ayşe araba kazası geçirdiğinde Başak çalışıyordu.)
v "When" arka arkaya yapılmış eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılıyorsa iki cümle de simple past olur.
When + Simple Past, Simple Past
When he came, we went into the cinema.
(O geldi, sinemaya girdik.)
When he asked a question, I could hardly answer it.
(O bir soru sorduğunda, onu güçlükle cevapladım.)
While kullanımı
v "While" cümleciği genel olarak temel cümlenin bildirdiği eylem devam ederken, gerçekleşen eylemi anlatır. Bu durumda;
While + Past Continuous, Simple Past
While I was speaking, he came in.
(Ben konuşuyorken o geldi.)
I escaped the home while my parents were sleeping.
(Ailem uyurken, evden kaçtım.)
v Eğer "While" cümleciği, temel cümledeki eylem ile aynı anda devam etmekte olan başka bir eylemden bahsediyorsa her iki cümle de de Simple Past Tense kullanılır.
While + Simple Past, Simple Past
I sang while I had a shower.
(Yıkanırken şarkı söyledim.)
She watched TV while I made the cake.
(Ben kek yaparken o TV izledi.)
v "While" birbirine aynı anda devam etmekte olan iki olayı anlatmak için kullanıldığında her iki cümlede Past Continuous Tense olur. Bu kullanımında while yakınma ve şikayet bildirebilir.
While + Past continuous, Past continuous
While I was speaking, they were talking among themselves.
(Ben konuşurken onlar kendi aralarında konuşuyorlardı.}
v "as" bağlacı da "while" ile aynı anlamı verir ve aynı kullanıma sahiptir, "Just as" de aynı anlama gelmekle birlikte daha vurgulu bir ifade verir.
I had a look at the books while/as I waited at the reception.
The doctor came just as I was leaving hospital.
(Tam ben hastahaneden çıkarken, doktor geldi.)
When, while kullanımı özet
- when + kısa süren eylem (simple past tense)
- while + uzun süren eylem (past continuous tense)
En yaygın kullanımlar:
I was walking past the car
it exploded.
| |
the car exploded
I was walking past it.
| |
The car exploded
I was walking past it.
| |
I was walking past the car
it exploded.
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I have traveled.
You have traveled.
We have traveled.
They have traveled.
He has traveled.
She has traveled.
It has traveled.
I have not traveled.
You have not traveled.
We have not traveled.
They have not traveled.
He has not traveled.
She has not traveled.
It has not traveled.
Have I traveled?
Have you traveled?
Have we traveled?
Have they traveled?
Has he traveled?
Has she traveled?
Has it traveled?
have/has + past participle (fiillerin üçüncü hali)
Have/has ve have not/has not genellikle kısaltılarak kullanılır:
I've seen that film before.
He hasn't seen that film.
Olumsuz soruyu kısaltma yapılarak ve yapılmayarak olmak üzere iki şekilde yapılabilir:
Have you not seen that film yet?
Haven't you seen that film yet?
v Geçmişte yapılan eylemler zaman vermeden anlatılıyorsa bu zamanda ifade edilir, genel olarak kendisi bitmiş fakat etkileri hala devam eden olaylar için kullanılır. Türkçe’de bu zamanın tam olarak karşılığı yoktur.
They have painted their rooms.
(Onlar odalarını boyadılar.)
People have traveled to the Moon.
(İnsanlar aya seyahat ettiler.)
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
(Hiç kimse bu dağa tırmanmadı.)
I have been to France.
(Fransa’da bulundum.)
à Eğer aynı eylemler zaman belirtilerek ifade ediliyorsa, simple past kullanmak gerekir.
They painted their rooms one year ago.
(Onlar odalarını bir yıl once boyadılar.
à Geçmişte yapılan eylem için zaman zarfı kullanılmadan sadece zaman ima ediliyorsa bile Simple Past kullanılır.
I saw that film when I was in Konya. (Konya da olunan zaman)
(Konyadayken o filmi izledim.)
I went home after work. (İşten sonraki zaman)
(İşten sonra eve gittim.)
I spoke him in Trabzon. (Trabzon’da bulunulan zaman)
(Trabzondayken onunla konuştum.)
I went to Bursa last year.
(Geçen yıl Bursa’ya gittim.)
I have been to Bursa in the last year.
(Geçen yıl Bursa’da bulundum.)
v Today, this morning, this month, this year, this century gibi henüz tamamlanmamış bir zaman dilimine işaret eden zarflarla bu zaman kullanılır.
I've been to the cinema twice this year. (Yıl devam ediyor.)
(Bu yıl iki kere sinemaya gittim.)
Turkey has developed greatly in this century. (Asır devam ediyor.)
(Türkiye bu yüzyılda çok gelişti.)
This week they've been shopping five times.
(Bu hafta 4 kez alışveriş yaptılar.)
v Geçmişte başlamış ve hala tamamlanmamış olayları anlatırken bu zaman kullanılır.
Zehra has not finished his homework yet.
(Zehra henüz ödevini bitirmedi.)
Kamil has still not arrived.
(Kamil henüz gelmedi.)
I've lost my keys. (Bundan dolayı eve giremiyorum.)
(Anahtarlarımı kaybettim.)
She has been in Egypt for six months. (Hala kalıyor olabilir.)
(O altı aydır Mısır’da kalıyor.)
They’ve been married for nearly fifty years.
(Onlar neredeyse 50 yıldır evliler.)
She's gone to Mecca for a week. She’ll be back tomorrow.
(O bir haftadır Mekke’de. Yarın geri dönecek.)
v Geçmişteki bir zaman diliminden sonra ortaya çıkan değişikliği belirtmek için bu zaman kullanılır.
You have grown since the last time I saw you.
(Seni gördüğümden bu yana çok büyümüşsün.)
My Turkish has really improved since I moved to Turkey.
(Benim Türkçem Türkiye’ye taşındıktan sonra çok gelişti.)
v Bireysel başarılar, kazanımlar yahut insanlığın kazanımlarını ifade ederken bu zaman kullanılır. Bunun nedeni bu tür olaylar tarihte bir noktada sonlanmaz ve zaman verilmeden anlatılır. (Zaman verilerek kesin bir tarihe işaret ediliyorsa simple past kullanılır.)
Man has walked on the Moon.
(İnsanoğlu ayda yürüdü.)
Doctors have cured many cancers.
(Doktorlar pek çok kanseri tedavi etti.)
Our son has learned how to walk.
(Çocuğumuz okuma öğrendi.)
v Lately ve recently (son zamanlarda, son günlerde) zarfları bu zamanla sıkça kullanılır ve kesin bir zaman belirtmeden son zamanlarda yapılan eylemlere işaret eder.
There have been some changes in my decision recently.
(Son zamanlarda kararımda bazı değişiklikler oldu.)
v Yet (henüz) soruda ve olumsuz cümlelerde, genellikle de cümlelerin sonunda kullanılır.
Have you finished your book yet?
(Kitabı bitirdin mi?)
No, I haven't finished it yet.
(Hayır, henüz bitirmedim.)
v Just (henüz, şimdi) olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
Yes, I've just finished it.
(Evet, onu henüz bitirdim.)
v Already (zaten, çoktan) olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
- Don't forget to control your email box.
(Email kutunu kontrol etmeyi unutma.)
- I've already checked it.
(Ben onu zaten kontrol ettim.)
v Simple present tense ile ever, never, all my life, in his life, always, occasionally, often, several times, once, twice, etc. gibi zarfların kullanımından daha önce bahsetmiştik. Bu zarflar farklı bir anlam ifade etmek için present perfect tense ile de kullanılabilirler.
I always get up early.
(Ben her zaman erken kalkarım = hala kalkıyorum ve kalkacağım.)
I have always got up early.
(Ben her zaman erken kalkmışımdır = yaşamımın sadece şu ana kadar olan bölümünü kapsar.)
v Once, twice, three times, several times, many times (bir kez, iki kez, üç kez, bir kaç kez, pek çok kez) gibi zarflarla bir eylemin kaç kere yapıldığını ifade etmek için her zaman Present Perfect Tense kullanılır.
I've been to French several times.
(Fransa’da bir kaç kez bulundum.)
He has invited me to her country many times.
(O beni bir çok kez ülkesine davet etti.)
I've seen her parents only once.
(Onun ailesine sadece bir kez gördüm.)
The army has attacked that country five times.
(Ordu bu ülkeye beş kez saldırdı.)
Not: Eğer bu zaman zarfları içinde bir zaman ifadesi ya da iması geçen cümlede kullanırsak, simple past tense kullanmamız gerekir.
She invited me to her house many times during my stay in French, but I never had any time to go.
(Ben Fransa’dayken pek çok beni evine davet etti, fakat gitmek için hiç zamanım olmadı.)
v So far (şu ana kadar) so far today, so far this month şeklinde genellikle bu zamanla kullanılır.
It hasn't snowed so far this winter.
(Bu kış şimdiye kadar hiç kar yağmadı.)
So far this summer, I have swum in the sea two times.
(Şimdiye kadar bu yaz iki kere yüzdüm.)
For – Since kullanımı
a period of time
a point in past time
| |
20 minutes
three days
6 months
4 years
2 centuries
a long time
I left school
the beginning of time
v For geçmişte belli bir noktadan başlayıp içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar devam eden bir süreç bildirir (for two years, for a month); since ise sadece eylemin geçmişteki başlangıç noktasını belirtir (since yesterday, since 2013, since april)
She has not been to the cinema for three months.
(Üç aydır sinemaya gitmiyor.)
We have known each other for almost seven years.
(Neredeyse yedi yıldır birbirimizi tanıyoruz.)
I haven't been to French since I got married.
(Evlendiğimden beri Fransa’da bulunmadım.)
He has read one page of the book since I gave it to him.
(Kitabı ona verdiğimden beri bir sayfa okudu.)
Her uncle has lived there since 2008.
(Amcası 2008’den beri orada oturuyor.)
Her uncle has lived here for 5 years.
(Kız kardeşi beş yıldır burada oturuyor.)
v It Is/It has been + a period of time + since + Simple Past/Present Perfect
He has been three months since I last went to the cinema.
(En son sinemaya gittiğimden beri üç ay geçti.)
v This is the first/second, etc. time (that) + Present Perfect
This is the first time (that) I've seen him.
(Onu ilk defa görüyorum.)
This is the fifth cup of tea (that) you have drunk in the last three hours.
(Son üç saatte içtiğin beşinci çay bu.)
v This is + Superlative (that) + Present Perfect
This is the most boring film (that) I have ever watch.
(Bu hayatımda izlediğim en sıkıcı film.)
v gone or been kullanımı: eğer kişi, sözü edilen yerde ise ya da oraya gitmek üzere yola çıkmışsa gone; eğer sözü edilen yerde daha önce bulunduğunu ifade ediyorsa ve konuşma sırasında başka bir yerde bulunuyorsa been kullanılır.
She has gone shopping.
(O alışverişe gitti.)
She has gone out of home and hasn't come back yet.
(O evden çıktı ve henüz geri gelmedi.)
I've been to İtaly several times.
(İtalya’da bir kaç kez bulundum.)
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I have been sleeping.
You have been sleeping.
We have been sleeping.
They have been sleeping.
He has been sleeping.
She has been sleeping.
It has been sleeping.
I have not been sleeping.
You have not been sleeping.
We have not been sleeping.
They have not been sleeping.
He has not been sleeping.
She has not been sleeping.
It has not been sleeping.
Have I been sleeping?
Have you been sleeping?
Have we been sleeping?
Have they been sleeping?
Has he been sleeping?
Has she been sleeping?
Has it been sleeping?
v Bu zamanla geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda devam etmekte olan eylemleri ifade ederiz. En çok kullanılan zaman zarfları since, all day, all year gibi zarflardır.
I have been reading this book for two hours. (Okumaya devam ediyorum.)
(İki saatten beri bu kitabı okuyorum.)
The debate has been going on for two hours, but they haven't taken a decision yet.
(Tartışma iki saattir devam ediyor, fakat henüz bir karara varamadılar.)
We have been waiting here for over five hours!
(Beş saatten fazladır burada bekliyorum.)
I'm so tired, I've been studying.
(Çok yoruldum, çalışıyordum.)
You don't understand because you haven't been listening.
(Anlamazsın tabi, çünkü dinlemiyordun.)
v Bu zaman geçmişte başlamış içinde bulunduğumuzu anda yeni bitmiş fakat belirtileri devam eden olaylar için ve yakınma, hoşnutsuzluk gibi duyguları ifade etmek için de kullanılabilir.
I’m very tired, I have been working hard today.
(Çok yoruldum, bugün çok sıkı çalıştım.)
Present Perfect Simple ile Present Perfect Continuous zamanları arasındaki fark
v Geçmişte başlayıp içinde bulunulan anda devam etmekte olan ya da henüz bitmiş olan bazı eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılan kimi fiiller (expect, learn, teach, work, stay, wait, hope, live gibi) her iki zaman da kullanılır ve aynı anlamı verir.
How long have you lived in this country?
(Ne kadar zaman bu ülkede yaşadın?) (Hala yaşıyorsun.)
How long have you been living in this country? (Hala yaşıyorsun.)
(Ne kadar zamandır bu ülkede yaşıyorsun?)
- Why are you so wet?
(Niçin bu kadar ıslandın?)
- It has been raining outside.
(Dışarıda yağmur yağıyordu.)
v Her ne kadar bu tür durumlarda iki zamanın da kullanılabiliyor olsa da, geçici bir durum varsa daha ziyade present perfect continuous tense tercih edilir.
My teacher has been living with their friends for two years, but he is moving to his own flat next month.
v Continuous tenslerle kullanılmayan fiiller (non-progressive fiiller) present perfect continuous tense ile de kullanılmazlar, bu kuralın istisnası want ve wish fiilleridir.
I've been wanting one car like this one for some time.
Diğer non-progressive fiiller ise Present Perfect Simple ile kullanılır.
Şekil Özellikleri
Had + verb 3
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I had finished.
You had finished.
We had finished.
They had finished.
He had finished.
She had finished.
It had finished.
I had not finished.
You had not finished.
We had not finished.
They had not finished.
He had not finished.
She had not finished.
It had not finished.
Had I finished?
Had you finished?
Had we finished?
Had they finished?
Had he finished?
Had she finished?
Had it finished?
v Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense’in pas halidir. Türkçedeki –mişli geçmiş zamana karşılık gelir. Simple past tense’ten önceki geçmiş zamanı bildirir.
When I went school, I wasn't hungry, because I had just eaten.
(Okula gittiğimde acıkmadım, çünkü öncesinde yemiştim.)
Had Selda ever studied Arabic before she moved to Arabia?
(Selda Arabistan’a gitmeden hiç Arapça çalıştı mı?)
He only understood the movie because he had read the book.
(Filmi bir tek o anladı, çünkü o kitabını okumuştu.)
I had never seen a buldog. (Artık görmüş.)
(Daha önce hiç buldog görmemiştim.)
When we arrived, the film had started.
(Biz geldiğimizde, film başlamıştı.)
v Since, for, always gibi zarflar geçmişte başlayıp yine geçmişte bir noktada biten olayları anlatmak için past perfect tense ile kullanılır.
When it was 3.00 and he still hadn't come, I gave up waiting and went into the home.
(Saat üçtü, o hala gelmemişti, beklemekten vazgeçtim ve eve gittim.)
We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
(Bozulmadan once 10 yıldır bu arabayı kullanmıştık.)
When he graduated, he had been in Afyon for seven years.
(Mezun olduğunda, Afyon’da yedi yıl bulunmuştu.)
(İki olayda past, önce olan ve süre bildiren past perfect)
v Bu zamanı simple past tense ile kullanırken, bu zamanın simple past tense’in bir geçmiş zamanı olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Bundan dolayı her zaman ilk önce gerçekleşen olay past perfect ile daha sonra gerçekleşen olay simple past tense ile ifade edilir.
After + Past Perfect ya da Simple Past + Simple Past
Before + Simple Past Past + Perfect ya da Simple Past
By the time + Simple Past + Past Perfect
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I had been listening.
You had been listening.
We had been listening.
They had been listening.
He had been listening.
She had been listening.
It had been listening.
I had not been listening.
You had not been listening.
We had not been listening.
They had not been listening.
He had not been listening.
She had not been listening.
It had not been listening.
Had I been listening?
Had you been listening?
Had we been listening?
Had they been listening?
Had he been listening?
Had she been listening?
Had it been listening?
v Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Continuous’un past halidir. Geçmişte başlamış yine geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam eden olayların sürekliliğini anlatmak için kullanılır.
We had been waiting for him for exactly five hours when he finally came.
(O geldiğinde tam beş saattir onu bekliyorduk.)
Musa was tired because he had been running.
(Musa yorgundu, çünkü koşmuştu.)
The passenger at the bus stop were very furious. They had been waiting for the bus for 50 minutes. (Duraktaki yolcular çok sinirliydi. 50 dakika boyunca otobüsü beklemekteydiler.)
v Past Continuous Tense ile simple past tense kullanıldığında bir eylem olduğunda diğer olayın oluyor olduğunu haber verirken, Past Perfect Continuous Tense ile past tense kullanıldığında sonraki eylem olduğunda önceki eylemin ne kadar zamandır devam ettiğini bildirir.
They were standing at a bank near the sea when I met them in Trabzon.
(Onlarla karşılaştığımda, denizin kenarında bir bankta oturuyorlardı.)
The other members had been discussing about the new news for the two last hour when I got to the meeting.
(Ben toplantıya katıldığımda, diğer üyeler son iki saattir yeni haberleri tartışıyorlardı.)
Not: Past Continuous Tense, Past Simple kullanıldığında olayın tam o anda devam ediyor olduğu vurgulanır.
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I will help.
You will help.
We will help.
They will help.
He will help.
She will help.
It will help.
I will not help.
You will not help.
We will not help.
They will not help.
He will not help.
She will not help.
It will not help.
Will I help?
Will you help?
Will we help?
Will they help?
Will he help?
Will she help?
Will it help?
v Will not kısaltılarak won’t şeklinde kullanılabilir.
They will not/won't come next year.
v “am, is, are going to” yakın gelecek zaman olarak bilinir ve bu zamanla birlikte incelenmiştir.
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I am going to speak.
You are going to speak.
He is going to speak.
I am not going to speak.
You are not going to speak.
He is not going to speak.
Am I going to speak?
Are you going to speak?
Is he going to speak?
v Herhangi bir planlama ve niyet belirtmeden gelecek zamanla ilgili bir cümle kuruluyorsa Simple Future tense kullanılır.
Winter will come again.
(Yaz yine gelecek.)
I will send you the information when I get it.
(Bilgi edinir edinmez seni haberdar edeceğim.)
v Söz verirken will kullanılır.
I won't tell anyone your secret.
(Sırrını kimseye vermeyeceğim.)
I promise I will not tell him about your surprise.
(Söz, sürprizini ona söylemeyeceğim.)
v Geleceğe yönelik bir tahminde bulunuluyorsa, bir zan, ümit, endişe belirtiliyorsa will kullanılır.
It will to sunny tomorrow.
(Yarın hava güneşli olacak.)
The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
(2222 yılı çok ilginç bir yıl olacak.)
I’m sure they’ll help me.
(Eminim bana yardım edecekler.)
I know my parents won't let me go out.
(Ben ailemin dışarı çıkmam için bana izin vermeyeceğini biliyorum.)
v Önceden planlanmış, tasarlanmış bir olaydan bahsediyorsak “be going to” kullanılması gerekir.
He is going to go to concert tomorrow.
(Yarın konsere gidecek.)
He is going to spend his vacation in Arsin.
(Tatilini Arsin’de geçirecek.)
I'm going to be a director when I grow up.
(Büyüyünce yönetmen olacağım.)
v Henüz ortaya çıkan bir konuyla ilgili alınan kararları ifade etmek için “will” kullanılır.
- I have a headache.
(Başım ağrıyor.)
- Wait. I'll bring an aspirin for you.
(Bekle sana bir aspirin getireyim.)
- The phone is ringing.
(Telefon çalıyor.)
- I will answer it.
(Ben bakarım.)
v Radyo, televizyon veya gazete gibi medya araçlarında resmi makamların geleceğe dönük programları hakkında bilgi verilirken will kullanılır.
The Minister of Education will open a new library in Karaköy tomorrow, and he will have lunch with local people.
(Milli Eğitim bakanı yarın Karaköy’de yeni bir kütüphane açacak ve yerel halkla birlikte ogle yemeği yiyecek.)
v Bir olayın olacağına dair belirtiler varsa “am, is, are going to” kullanılır.
The sky is absolutely dark. It is going to rain.
(Hava tamamen karardı. Yağmur yağacak.)
v Gelecek zamanlarla yaygın olarak kullanılan zaman zarfları tomorrow, next week, next summer, in two days, two years from now, soon gibi zarflardır.
He will graduate in two years.
(İki yıl içinde mezun olacak.)
Two years from now, they'll move into a new apartment.
(İki yıl sonra, onlar yeni apartmana taşınacaklar.)
v “am, is, are going to”nun past biçimi “was, were going to”dur. Bu zaman geçmişte niyet edilen, planlanan fakat çeşitli nedenlerle yapılamayan eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır.
I was going to visit my friends last night, but I felt ill, and I did not go out.
(Dün akşam arkadaşlarımı ziyarete gidecektim, fakat hasta hissettim ve dışarı çıkamadım.)
v Will ve going to ve diğer gelecek zamanlar asla when, while, after, before, as soon as, unless, by the time gibi zaman zarflarıyla başlayan yan cümlelerde kullanılmaz, onun yerine simple present kullanılır.
After I read some book, I will go to the theatre.
(Biraz kitap okuduktan sonra, tiyatroya gideceğiz.)
When you arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner.
(Akşam sen gelince, akşam yemeğine dışarı çıkacağız.)
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I will be waiting.
You will be waiting.
We will be waiting.
They will be waiting.
He will be waiting.
She will be waiting.
It will be waiting.
I will not be waiting.
You will not be waiting.
We will not be waiting.
They will not be waiting.
He will not be waiting.
She will not be waiting.
It will not be waiting.
Will I be waiting?
Will you be waiting?
Will we be waiting?
Will they be waiting?
Will he be waiting?
Will she be waiting?
Will it be waiting?
v Bu zaman gelecekte bir noktada yapılacak eylemleri ifade için kullanılır. Gelecekte bir süreklilik bildirir.
At this time next month, I will probably be attending university.
(Gelecek yıl bu ay, üniversiteye gidiyor olacağım.)
I will be watching TV when he arrives tonight.
(O geldiğinde ben TV izliyor olacağım.)
At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the city.
(Bu gece gece yarısı, biz şehrin içinden geçiyor olacağız.)
Take your umbrella. It will be raining when you return.
(Şemsiyeni al. Sen dönerken yağıyor olacak.)
I will be playing futboll at 10am tomorrow.
(Yarın 10’da futbol oynuyor olacağım.)
She will not be sleeping when you telephone her.
(Ona telefon ettiğinde uyumuyor olacak.)
v Gelecekte eşzamanlı olarak devam edecek olan eylemlerin ikisini de bu zamanla ifade ederiz.
Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.
(Bu akşam, yemek yiyor, tartışıyor ve iyi vakit geçiriyor olacaklar.
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I will have stopped.
You will have stopped.
We will have stopped.
They will have stopped.
He will have stopped.
She will have stopped.
It will have stopped.
I will not have stopped.
You will not have stopped.
We will not have stopped.
They will not have stopped.
He will not have stopped.
She will not have stopped.
It will not have stopped.
Will I have stopped?
Will you have stopped?
Will we have stopped?
Will they have stopped?
Will he have stopped?
Will she have stopped?
Will it have stopped?
v Gelecekte bir noktada tamamlanmış olacak olayları bu zamanla ifade ederiz. By, before, in a week, in two years gibi zarflar bu zamanla sıklıkla kullanılır.
They will have completed the new home building by next year.
(Gelecek yıla kadar yeni ev inşaatı tamamlanmış olacak.)
By the time I finish this course, I will have taken five tests.
(Bu kursu bitirdiğimde, beş kurs almış olacağım.)
By the time he gets home, she will have cleaned the entire house.
(O eve gettiğinde, o evi tamamen temizlemiş olacak.)
v Geçmişte başlayıp gelecekte bir zaman dilimine kadar devam edecek eylemleri ifade etmek için bu zaman kullanılır.
I will have been in Konya for seven years by the time I leave.
(Ayrıldığımda Konya’da yedi yıl kalmış olacağım.)
v By the time, when, before gibi zaman bağlaçları bu zamanla sıklıkla kullanılır.
He will have gone to bed when the others arrive.
(Diğerleri geldiğinde o yatağına gitmişti.)
Şekil Özellikleri
Positive (olumlu)
Negative (olumsuz)
Question (soru)
I will have been sleeping.
You will have been sleeping.
We will have been sleeping.
They will have been sleeping.
He will have been sleeping.
She will have been sleeping.
It will have been sleeping.
I will not have been sleeping.
You will not have been sleeping.
We will not have been sleeping.
They will not have been sleeping.
He will not have been sleeping.
She will not have been sleeping.
It will not have been sleeping
Will I have been sleeping?
Will you have been sleeping?
Will we have been sleeping?
Will they have been sleeping?
Will he have been sleeping?
Will she have been sleeping?
Will it have been sleeping?
v Gelecekte süreç bildirmek bu zaman kullanılır. Sadece süreklilik bildiren fiiller (work, write, travel, watch, listen, study) bu zamanla kullanılabilir.
By next year, I will have been teaching French for five years.
(Gelecek yıl, beş yıldır Fransızca öğretiyor olacağım.)
They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Hakan arrives.
(Hakan geldiğinde, onlar bir saattten fazladır konuşuyor olacaklar.)
How long will you have been studying when you graduate?
(Mezun olduğunda ne kadar zamandır çalışıyor olacaksın?)
v Bir yan cümlecik ve bir temel cümlecikden oluşan İngilizce cümlelerde iki cümleciğin zamanları arasında bir uyum olmak zorundadır.
Present tenses
v Genel olarak, Present zamanlar anlam tutarlı olduğu müddetçe pek çok zaman tarafından takip edilebilir. Dört Present zaman vardır; simple present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous. Bu zamanlardan biri temel cümlede kullanıldığında, yan cümle simple present, past tense ya da future tense olabilir.
Salih waits patiently while Keskin books the tickets.
(Keskin biletleri alırken, Salih sabırlı bir şekilde bekliyordu.)
They have not delivered the documents we need.
(Onlar ihtiyacımız olan dökümanları teslim etmediler.)
I have been relying on my salary to pay for the gifts I buy for my family.
(Ailem için aldığım hediyerin parasını ödemek için maaşıma güveniyordum.)
Even though the coroner has been examining the corpse since early this morning, we still do not know the cause of death.
(Sorgu yargıcı sabahın erken vakitlerinden beri cesedi inceliyor, biz hala ölüm nedenini bilmiyoruz.)
The government has cut university budgets; consequently, the dean has increased the size of most classes.
(Hükümet üniversite bütçelerini kesti; sonuç olarak, dekan sınıfların büyüklüğünü artırdı.)
Past tenses
v Ana cümlenin zamanı past tense ise, yan cümlenin zamanı da past olmalıdır. Past tense’ler şunlarıdır; simple past, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous.
Eğer ana cümledeki eylem yan cümledeki eylem sonra oluyorsa, yan cümle için en uygun zaman past perfect’tir.
Meryem arrived at 5 p.m. but he had closed the store.
(Meryem saat 5’de geldi, fakat o mağazayı kapatmıştı.)
After we located the restaurant that Hakan had raved about, we ate there every Friday.
(Hakan’ın övgüler düzdüğü restorana keşfettikten sonra, her Cuma orda yedik.)
We fed the horse oats for a week because it had eaten all the hay.
(Bir haftadır atı yulafla besliyoruz çünkü bütün samanları yemiş.)
After she had learned to drive, Ali felt more independent.
(Yüzmeyi öğrendikten sonra, Ali kendini daha bağımsız hissetti.)
v Eğer temel cümledeki eylem ile yan cümledeki eylem eşzamanlı gerçekleşiyorsa, iki cümlenin zamanı da aynı olması en uygunudur. Örneğin ikisi de simple past tense olabilir. Eğer temel cümlenin zamanı past continuous (past perfect continuous ya da past continuous) zamanlardan birisi ise, normalde yan cümle için en uygun zaman simple past tensedir.
Leyla was telling a story about her most recent exploits when a tree branch broke the living room window.
(Leyla yakın zamanlardaki yaptığı keşifleri anlatıyorken, bir ağaç dalı oturma odasının camını kırdı.)
When the fire alarm rang, Ceylan was writing a progress report for her latest project.
(Yangın alarmı çaldığında, Ceylan son projesi için bir ilerleme raporu yazıyordu.)
This sentence describes actions (rang and was writing) that took place sometime in the past and emphasizes the continuing nature of the action (was writing) that took place in the independent clause.
Zaman uyumu tablosu
Ana Cümle
Yan Cümle
Present or Future
Present = action at the same time or after the main verb
Perfect = action before the time of the main verb
| ||
(Historical) |
Any of the Past tenses
Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect |
Imperfect = action at same time or after the main verb
Past perfect = action before the time of the main verb
1. Microsoft ----- the OS business in 1980 with its own version of UNIX, called Xenix; however, it was MS-DOS that ----- the company's dominance.
A) has entered / was solidified
B) used to enter / is solidified
C) could have entered / will be solidified
D) enters / was solidifying
E) entered / solidified
2. Postmodern architecture ----- as an international style the first examples of which ----- as being from the 1950s, but did not become a movement until the late 1970s.
A) began / are cited
B) has begun / had been cited
C) had begun / will be cited
D) may begin / will be cited
E) would begin / has cited
3. At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Salomon Smith Barney was by far the largest tenant in 7 World Trade Center, ----- % 64 of the building which ----- floors 28-45.
A) was occupied / must include
B) occupy / will be included
C) occupying / included
D) had been occupying / includes
E) occupied / includes
4. It was only after the research team ----- for a little while in the cave that they ----- the water was not flowing towards the open air, but inwards.
A) will be advanced / could realize
B) had advanced / realized
C) has advanced / will realize
D) is advancing / had realized
E) had advanced / realize
5. Ever since the Soviet Union -----, rapidly changing political boundaries in Eastern Europe -----mapmakers busy.
A) collapsed / will be keeping
B) has collapsed / were keeping
C) is collapsed / are keeping
D) collapsed / have been keeping
E) had collapsed / can keep
6. Lung cancer ----- too difficult to detect at an early stage since the symptoms usually ----- until the disease is well-advanced.
A) has been / don’t appear
B) was / will appear
C) had been / would appear
D) used to be / can’t appear
E) is / don’t appear
7. When the British ----- to settle in Australia in 1788, other countries already ----- about this great southern island.
A) began / knew
B) had begun / would know
C) were beginning / had known
D) would begin / have known
E) were to begin / know
8. Until the catastrophic disaster, no one ----- that the huge ocean liner Titanic -----.
A) has thought / will sink
B) thought / sank
C) was thinking / can sink
D) had thought / would sink
E) will think / has sunk
9. The population of the town ----- so rapidly in recent years that the municipality ----- difficulty in supplying infrastructure services for all the citizens.
A) was increasing / had
B) increased / will have had
C) has increased /is having
D) is increasing / has had
E) would have increased / had had
10. The children who were playing noisily in the garden ----- in a few seconds when the old man on the first floor ----- them angrily.
A) have disappeared / yells
B) will disappear / had yelled
C) disappeared / yelled
D) are disappearing / has yelled
E) had disappeared / was yelling
11. One of the workers ----- a valuable old coin while he ----- the foundation of the building.
A) had found / dug
B) found / was digging
C) find / has been digging
D) will have found / is digging
E) could find / had dug
12. The abandoned ship ----- at sea for weeks when a passing ship ----- it by chance.
A) drifted / had spotted
B) was drifting / was spotting
C) has been drifting / spots
D) would have drifted / has spotted
E) had been drifting / spotted
13. Turkish students mostly have great difficulty in understanding English grammar, but once they ---- the principles, they ----- it.
A) have grasped / enjoy
B) grasped / are enjoying
C) will grasped / would enjoy
D) would have grasped / should enjoy
E) had grasped / could enjoy
14. The police ----- strict preventive measures in order not ----- any events during the parade.
A) took / to allow
B) had taken / allowing
C) will take / allow
D) are taken / allow
E) must have taken / allow
15. In Western countries, teenagers frequently ----- to live on their own once they ----- the age of 18.
A) are starting / might have been reached
B) had been starting / will reach
C) would start / are reaching
D) started / reaches
E) start / reach
16. The burglars ----- the old woman's most treasured possessions and she became very distressed while ----- them to the police.
A) stole / describing
B) had stolen / are describing
C) are stealing / described
D) will steal / were describing
E) were stolen / describing
17. Ever since civilization -----, gold ----- as a symbol of power and wealth.
A) begins / had been regarded
B) began / has been regarded
C) would be beginning / is regarded
D) had begun / has been regarded
E) has begun / could be regarded
18. The student ----- since five o'clock in the morning to finish the assignment, but she still ----- it incomplete.
A) was working / has to deliver
B) had been working / will deliver
C) has been working / had to deliver
D) is working / must be delivered
E) is going to work / were to deliver
19. As the passenger plane ----- across the Pacific Ocean, a hijacker ----- to blow it up.
A) is fling / threatened
B) was flying / can be threatened
C) had been flying / should be threatened
D) flew / threatened
E) flies / was threatened
20. All of a sudden the crowd ----- to disperse rapidly in all directions when the police ----- action to break up the demonstration.
A) began / took
B) is beginning / could take
C) had began / will be taking
D) would begin / must take
E) has begun / had been taking
21. If the scientists ----- on the right track, they ----- a solution to global warming by now.
A) would be / may have found
B) are / could have found
C) had been / can find
D) are / have found
E) were / would have found
22. While the climbers ----- over the North Pole, they were all astonished at the beauty of the glaciers below, ----- for many kilometers.
A) are flying / stretched
B) were flying / stretching
C) have been flying / stretch
D) were flying / to stretch
E) will be flying / to stretch
23. Topkapı Palace, which the Ottoman Sultans ----- for almost four centuries, ----- during the reign of Abdülmecid I.
A) inhabited / wasn’t used
B) was inhabited / isn’t used
C) may be inhabited / being used
D) must be inhabited / will be used
E) had inhabited / can be used
24. Of all the machines that man ----- so far, none of them ----- as perfect as the human body.
A) has created / would have been
B) was created / had been
C) had created / will be
D) has created / is
E) had better create / was
25. As the tourism sector -----, the contribution of the region to the economy of the country ----- considerably.
A) grew / was increasing
B) grows / had increased
C) grows / will increase
D) will be growing / has increased
E) was growing / has been increasing
26. Domestic car manufacturers ----- the recent changes in the laws on car imports if they ----- better quality products.
A) cope with / had to produce
B) had coped with / are to produce
C) cope with / will be produced
D) are coping with / had produced
E) could cope with / were to produce
27. It ----- such a severe blizzard that some village roads ----- for three days.
A) was / were blocked
B) is / were blocked
C) had been / will be blocked
D) should have been / are blocked
E) might have been / would be blocked
28. From the second half of the 19th century until the 1930s European collectors ----- by the different styles of Iznik pottery and assumed that they ----- from different pottery producing centers.
A) are confused / had originated
B) were confused / originated
C) confused / have originated
D) could be confused / must have originated
E) are being confused / originated
29. In the explosion at the mine last week twelve miners ----- their lives and a lot of machinery -----.
A) lose / damaged
B) would lose / is damaged
C) lost / was damaged
D) will be lost / was damaged
E) may lose / had damaged
30. In the recent years Nigeria's government ----- for the better, but they still have a lot to do before complete democracy -----.
A) has changed / is achieved
B) could be changed / had been achieved
C) is changing / was achieved
D) was changed / achieved
E) had changed / will be achieved
31. Since the early 1970s, water pollution -----, leading to a reduction in the number of fish species.
A) has increased
B) is increased
C) was increasing
D) will be increasing
E) will have increased
32. Throughout history, people ----- the needy, but social work ----- in an organized fashion until the 19th century.
A) will have helped / didn't begin
B) could have helped / was beginning
C) have helped / didn't begin
D) had helped / will begin
E) are helping / would begin
33. Ever since the government ----- smoking in public places most of the smokers ----- that their freedom is strictly restricted.
A) is banned / are feeling
B) could ban / had felt
C) bans / have felt
D) has banned / felt
E) banned / have felt
34. The French artist Rodin ----- a great influence on almost every sculptor who ----- after him.
A) will have had / came
B) has had / had been coming
C) is having / could come
D) had / came
E) could have / had come
35. In our rapidly-changing community, we ----- that our dependence on our traditions ----- day by day.
A) should realize / had decreased
B) could have been realized / will be decreasing
C) will realize / had been decreasing
D) realized / are decreasing
E) realize / is decreasing
36. Nowadays, it ----- that the adverse economic conditions across the African continent ----- the suicide rate.
A) had been feared / increases
B) is feared / will increase
C) has been feared / had been increasing
D) feared / would increase
E) was feared / are going to increase
37. The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that ----- a financial crisis and subsequent recession which ----- in 2008.
A) leads to / begins
B) will lead to / has begun
C) led to / began
D) must lead to / had begun
E) could lead to / is beginning
38. It ----- that the new dam will be completed and ----- producing electricity by the end of this year.
A) was planned / is starting
B) is planned / had started
C) has been planned / will have started
D) planned / would start
E) had been planned / starts
39. Interest in fuel conservation over a few decades ----- the development of modern wind machines for ----- electricity.
A) has stimulated / generating
B) was stimulated / generating
C) stimulated / to generate
D) will have stimulated / generating
E) had stimulated / to generate
40. The Bermuda Triangle ----- as an area of the Pacific Ocean where ships ----- without trace.
A) was / said to disappear
B) is known / are said to have disappeared
C) knew / was saying to disappear
D) had known / is said to be disappearing
E) could have known / will be said to disappear
41. A recent study ----- that students are differentially skilled in taking exams, which ----- their test scores.
A) used to suggests / has influenced
B) suggesting / will have influenced
C) was suggesting / can influence
D) has suggested / influenced
E) could have suggested / was influenced
42. Actually the occasional mistake ----- to be inevitable, but if it is consistently wrong, the validity and reliability of the research ----- again.
A) seemed / had been revised
B) will seem / have been revised
C) seems / must be revised
D) would seem / is revised
E) had seemed / had to be revised
43. Several European countries ----- regular peacetime conscription in order to be ready for war if it should -----.
A) have had / break out
B) should have had / be broken out
C) were to have / will break out
D) could have / break out
E) will have / broke out
44. Biologists ----- to figure out how the human brain and immune system ----- to control diseases.
A) might have tried / are cooperated
B) had tried / are cooperating
C) will have been trying / cooperated
D) are trying / cooperate
E) were trying / have been cooperating
45. Ever since the whole city began ----- the high-techology system, the police report that they ----- the problem of burglary.
A) to use / will be working out
B) using / have worked out
C) to be using / had worked out
D) to use / could work out
E) using / will have worked out
46. With the memory of a painful defeat in mind, the ex-champion ----- that he ----- his revenge.
A) would swear / took
B) will swear / has taken
C) swore / is taking
D) has sworn / will take
E) had sworn / was taking
47. The United States and Sweden ----- that the UN Human Rights Council ----- a Special Rapporteur to investigate and report on human rights violations in Iran.
A) propose / had been appointed
B) should have proposed / would appoint
C) proposed / has appointed
D) had proposed / will appoint
E) have proposed / appoint
48. The harassment from the houseowner ----- too much to endure; thus, our next door neighbour ----- to move out the flat.
A) could be becoming / will be decided
B) has become / had decided
C) had become / decided
D) becomes / may have been decided
E) has been becoming / would have been decided
49. Critics of beauty contests argue that such contests ----- the idea that girls and women ----- primarily for their physical appearance, which puts tremendous pressure on women to conform to conventional beauty standards.
A) reinforced / had been valued
B) reinforce / should be valued
C) would reinforce / were valued
D) reinforce / should be valued
E) have reinforced / had valued
50. In ancient times, acupuncture ----- of great significance in Chinese medicine, but since the 1970s, it ---- an important part in the West as well.
A) has been / was
B) was / has had
C) is / was
D) would have been / might have
E) had been / will be
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