2 Mart 2020 Pazartesi



Süre: 50 dakika

1. Migraine pain is usually moderate or severe and may ----- normal activities of the person, and may impair the quality of life of both the migraine sufferer and the relatives.
A) hand over
B) get along with
C) care for
D) interfere with
E) put on

2. Recent studies have ----- the protective quality of a good night's sleep when it comes to the chronic effects of stress.
A) pointed out
B) taken over
C) looked up
D) fallen down
E) given away

3. The study of urban evolution has rapidly become an important frontier in biology, with implications for healthy and ----- human populations in urban ecosystems.
A) sustainable
B) vulnerable
C) detrimental
D) arid
E) infertile

4. The advent of farming, especially dairy products, had a small but ----- effect on the shape of human skulls.
A) generous
B) insane
C) redundant
D) significant
E) reluctant

5. Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder ----- you experience sudden attacks of extreme fear that reach a peak within a few minutes and trigger intense physical symptoms.
A) whether
B) so that
C) in which
D) so as to
E) in case of

6. Trying to put your shoes on the belly without wearing your knees and putting them back in the same way causes your joint muscles in your waist to weigh on, ----- in turn causes the pressure inside the disc to rise.
A) in that
B) which
C) whom
D) whether
E) to whose

7. Constant misalignment and standing by exposure ----- the gentle claws of the disc nucleus cause interactions with each other, which eventually result in ruptures in the nucleus and ----- the pulley and hernia.
A) with / over
B) from / beyond
C) below / out of
D) at / by
E) to / around

8. ----- most nightmares are part of normal life, others can be triggered by some particular incidents.
A) As though
B) Since
C) Otherwise
D) While
E) Yet

9. ----- detergents are very useful, the excessive use of certain ingredients has led to adverse effects on the environment.
A) Even though
B) As with
C) So long as
D) But for
E) In excessive of

10. ----- we are injured by something, our brain forms a memory linking the stimulus to the production of fear, ensuring that we will always avoid it in the future.
A) Although
B) Since
C) If
D) In addition
E) As a consequence

11. The process of fear learning is the mechanism ----- we attempt to predict exposure to threatening situations so that we react appropriately to preserve our safety.
A) whose
B) through which
C) that of
D) those who
E) whatsoever

12. The rosehip oil produced by removing from the flowers and the kernel of the rosehip plant is obtained in a rather troublesome manner ----- the seeds of the rosehip plant are extremely hard.
A) as well as
B) despite
C) in contrast with
D) because
E) ever since

13. In the brain, neurons communicate with each other through synaptic connections, in which signals from one neuron are transmitted to another neuron ----- neurotransmitters.
A) in spite of
B) neither
C) on the verge of
D) by means of
E) as soon as

14. Germany, ----- at the forefront of the energy transition, is now in danger of being left behind.
A) as well as
B) in order that
C) once
D) such as
E) in contrast

15. The term 'dementia' is used to describe the symptoms that occur ----- the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions.
A) when
B) as well
C) hence
D) other than
E) along with

16. ----- customer complaints, the toy company has published an online erratum which properly explains the construction of the dollhouse.
A) On the verge of
B) In response to
C) On behalf of
D) Inasmuch as
E) So long as

17. ----- many disastrous epidemics probably occurred in Athenia, few sources detailing these plagues have survived.
A) Owing to
B) On the grounds that
C) With the aim of
D) Although
E) In case of

18. In 1957, the Soviets ----- the United States by becoming the first nation ----- a satellite into orbit around the earth.
A) was shocked / launching
B) are shocked / is launching
C) would have shocked / having launched
D) could shock / was launched
E) shocked / to launch

19. The scale of the internet is ----- great that it doesn't make sense to look at the information on a monthly basis, or even to use daily figures.
A) as well as
B) enough
C) such
D) too
E) so
20. Numerous uncharacterized and highly divergent microbes ----- colonize humans are revealed by circulating cell-free DNA.
A) where
B) whether
C) which
D) with whom
E) of which

21. If the restaurant chooses to discriminate and not serve African Americans, -----.
A) the snobbish woman is in desperate need for a job but still refuses to work in a restaurant
B) when it promoted the male employee instead of the female employee
C) then it will lose a substantial amount of business in the community
D) it appeared Hollywood was choosing to discriminate against minority filmmakers
E) the company issued an update that contained an erratum regarding a major flaw

22. Due to the fact that most commercial soaps eliminate the glycerine from soaps to use in other industries, -----.
A) detergents also contain phosphate additives to soften the water
B) this the skin of the natural, moisturising glycerine, leaving the skin feeling dry
C) poorly finished soaps contain alkali and react mildly basically with skin and fabric
D) these also helped reduce fragrance loss, discoloration and rancidity
E) and thus detergent manufacturers waged an advertising battle over who had the longest lasting suds in the 1960s

23. ----- we learn negative ways of thinking and behaving through a process called negative reinforcement.
A) To unlearn these patterns, people with phobias and anxiety disorders often use the technique of graded exposure
B) If a woman has a fear of spiders
C) Though you are rewarded with less anxiety in the short term
D) By gradually confronting what frightens their children while practising relaxation strategies
E) Some psychological theories suggest that

24. According to one legend, "soap" takes its name from a "Mount Sapo" -----.
A) where ancient Romans sacrificed animals
B) soap makers in Naples were members of a guild in the late sixth century
C) though soap-making was still unknown in Italy and Spain until the eighth century
D) castile soap, made from olive oil, was produced in Europe as early as the sixteenth century
E) surfactants are key components of detergents in general

25. Despite his nearly $200 million earnings and a high-powered job, -----.
A) Sundar Pichai is a vegetarian, and he is also an avid fan of cricket
B) when he noticed he had a knack for recalling phone numbers in his childhood
C) many users across the globe faced outage on Facebook and Instagram
D) Google CEO Sundar Pichai keeps his income understated
E) users start to complain when they are unable to access their social media accounts

26. Unlike many Western forms of dance, in which both the musicians providing the accompanying music and the audience maintain a distance from the dance performance, in the traditional dance of many African societies, the dance incorporates a reciprocal, call-and-response or give-and-take relationship that creates an interaction between those dancing and those surrounding them.
A) Hem eşlik eden müziği icra eden müzisyenlerin hem de izleyicilerin dans performansından uzak durduğu birçok Batılı dans biçiminin aksine, pek çok Afrika toplumunun geleneksel dansında, dans, dans edenlerle onların etrafını çevirenler arasında bir etkileşim meydana getiren bir karşılıklı çağrı-cevap veya alıp-verme ilişkisini birleştirir.
B) Çoğu Afrika toplumunun geleneksel dansında, dans, çalan müziğe eşlik eden müzisyenlerin ve dinleyicilerin dans performansına katıldığı birçok Batılı dans şeklinden farklı olarak, dans eden kişilerle onların etrafını kuşatanlar arasında özel bir etkileşim kuran bir karşılıklı çağrı-cevap veya alıp-verme ilişkisidir.
C) Gerek eşlik eden müziği sunan müzisyenlerin gerekse izleyicilerin dans performansından uzak kaldığı pek çok Batılı dans biçiminin aksine, Afrika toplumunun geleneksel dansı,  dans edenlerle onların etrafını saran kişiler arasında özel bir etkileşim yaratan birebir çağrı-cevap veya alıp-verme ilişkisini içerir.
D) Afrika toplumunun geleneksel dansının tersine, hem çalan müziğe eşlik eden müzisyenlerin hem de dinleyicilerin dans performansından uzak durduğu birçok Batı kökenli dans şekli, dans edenlerle onların etrafını çevirenler arasında bir etkileşim meydana getiren bir karşılıklı çağrı-cevap veya alıp-verme ilişkisini birleştirmektedir.
E) Çalan müziğe ayak uyduran şarkıcıların ve seyircilerin dans performansından uzak kaldığı birçok Batılı dans şekli gibi, Afrika toplumunun geleneksel dansı da,  dans edenlerle onların etrafını saran kişiler arasında bir etkileşim yaratan bir karşılıklı çağrı-cevap veya alıp-verme ilişkisidir.

27. More than 400 American women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War.
A) 400'ü aşkın Amerikalı kadın erkek kılığına girerek iç savaş sırasında Birlik ve Konfederasyon ordularında savaşmayı tercih etmişti.
B) İç savaş esnasında, 400'den fazla Amerikalı kadının erkek kılığında Birlik ve Konfederasyon ordularında savaşması son derece ilginçtir.
C) 400'den fazla Amerikalı kadın kendilerini erkek kılığına sokmuş ve iç savaş boyunca Birlik ve Konfederasyon ordularında savaşmıştı.
D) 400'den fazla Amerikalı kadının erkek kılığına girip Birlik ve Konfederasyon ordularında savaşması herkesi büyülemişti.
E) 400'den fazla Amerikalı kadın erkek kılığına girmişti ve iç savaştan önce de Birlik ve Konfederasyon ordularında savaşmıştı.

28. Removable adhesives as used in sticking credit cards to letters are so soft that they cannot be formed into a shaped hot melt adhesive and are typically supplied as pre-extruded glue dots or as a bulk hot melt adhesives. Removable or peelable adhesives are designed to form a temporary bond, and ideally can be removed after months or years without leaving residue on the surface or damaging the product. -----. Peelable adhesives also have thousands of possible applications.
A) In contrast, adhesives are used for temporary bonding applications and bonds different materials such as paper, cardboard, acetate, foil and fabrics.
B) These adhesives are primarily used for attaching business or credit cards, CD’s, samples, promotional items to magazines and leaflet
C) Fomblin presents the inconvenient of a removing process which takes 40 minutes to 1 hour
D) Though glues are too soft to form into a glue stick, we can supply the adhesive in a cartridge and bulk format
E) Only the Fomblin showed was more effective compared to the other adhesives

29. (I) The extent of urban areas is increasing around the world, and most humans now live in cities. (II) Urbanization results in dramatic environmental change, including increased temperatures, more impervious surface cover, altered hydrology, and elevated pollution. (III) Urban areas also host more non-native species and reduced abundance and diversity of many native species. (IV) Nonetheless, scientists could not understand how contemporary urbanization affects the evolution of species that coinhabit cities. (V) These environmental changes brought by global urbanization are creating novel ecosystems with unknown consequences for the evolution of life.
A) I                 B) II               C) III                    D) IV          E) V

30. (I) Germany will fail to reach its 2020 emission reduction target by a substantial margin if coal power is not phased out. (II) China, on the other hand, is expected to see its emissions peak earlier than anticipated and is seeking soft power in the field of climate change. (III) Greenhouse gas emissions are one of the sustainability performance indicators that are most requested by stakeholders. (IV) Some disputes between the two countries are obvious; for example, on trade issues and competition in the same markets. (IV) On the whole, however, stronger Sino-German cooperation on the low-carbon transition might not only help Germany's energy transition but also be a crucial next step for international climate policy when the two take further leadership in multilateral fore such as the G20 process.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) Academics are constantly encouraged to engage with the public more often, but this advice ignores the way that specialised knowledge already affects civic life. (II) Those who call for academics to publicise their work often place importance on making complex research more accessible to general audiences. (III) Some scholars insist that groundbreaking humanities research is ignored because academics don’t publicise it properly. (IV) But this disciplinary framework enabled a massive national transformation decades later. (V)  Others assume that academics don’t want to leave their ivory towers because they are more comfortable there or might be afraid to speak in public.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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