12 Haziran 2019 Çarşamba

Paragraph Analysis 3


        PARAGRAF ANALİZİ 3       B1-B2 LEVEL

* Aşağıdaki paragrafları önce bir kez hızlı okuyup sonra verilen kelimelerin metin içindeki Türkçe anlamlarını bulunuz. Sonra metni 2 kez daha okuyup iyice anlamaya çalışınız.

2 Paragraf için Ortalama Analiz Süresi 20-25 dakika

      Paragraf 1 

     Facebook Depression (Facebook Depresyonu)

As Facebook becomes a more powerful influence in our digital lives, researchers are looking into how the social network changes our perception of the lives of friends and family members. According to a new study conducted by two sociologists at Utah Valley University, research showed a correlation between a Facebook user’s disposition about their life and the amount of time spent on the social network. Approximately 425 students were asked about how much time they spent on Facebook, their number of Facebook friends as well as how many of those friends they had actually met in person. The researchers also attempted controlling for factors like relationship status, gender, religious beliefs and race. It was discovered that as people spend more time on Facebook, they start to believe that others have a better life than they do. Those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives. Furthermore, those that included more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook “friends” agreed more that others had better lives.” Since Facebook users are far more likely to depict the happiest times of their lives through carefully curated photos rather than catalog depressing events, many users are more likely to believe that happiness is a constant in their friend’s lives. An earlier study conducted last year by the American Academy of Pediatrics also found that children and teenagers can develop “Facebook Depression” when being overwhelmed with positive status updates and photos of happy friends.


1.     perception (n)
2.     correlation (n)
3.     disposition (n)
4.     gender (v)
5.     curate (v)
6.     likely (adj)
7.     constant (adj)
8.     conduct (v)
9.     overwhelm (v)
10.  status (n)

Paragraf 2 

Exam Anxiety (Sınav Kaygısı)

Anxiety is a normal reaction such as apprehension, tension, or uneasiness to any perceived threat or anticipation of danger. If we believe something important to us is being threatened, and we overestimate the threat, underestimate our ability to cope with it, or underestimate the resources we have available to cope with it, then we will feel anxious. Exam anxiety often involves apprehensions of performing at levels below those at which we would like to perform, or even apprehensions of failure. This type of anxiety may be a product of our underestimating our abilities to perform or of the resources we have available to help us to perform to our desired levels on exams. Conversely, exam anxiety may be a natural reaction to insufficient exam preparation. A certain amount of exam anxiety keeps us energized, motivated, alert, and focused. But too much anxiety can interfere with exam performance by blocking our recall or thinking abilities, by fostering negative frames of mind, or even by promoting panic reactions. Counsellors can work with you to reduce the levels of anxiety or stress that you experience.


1.     apprehension (n)
2.     tension, (n)
3.     anticipation (n)
4.     overestimate (v)
5.     cope with (phr.v)
6.     conversely (conj.)
7.     alert (adj)
8.     interfere with (phr.v)
9.     foster (v)
10.  counsellor (n)

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