6 Eylül 2019 Cuma



SEVİYE: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

      * Aşağıdaki bazı kelimelerinin anlamları verilen cümleleri Türkçe'ye tercüme etmeye çalışınız. 

      10 Cümle için Süre: 20-25 dakika

1.  Hugo Chávez initially believed that capitalism was still a valid economic model for Venezuela, but that it would have to be Rhenish capitalism that would be followed rather than the neoliberalism which had been implemented under former governments with the encouragement of the US.

initially : başlangıçta, ilk olarak
still : hala
valid : geçerli, sağlam, mantıklı
implement : uygulamak
former : önceki, eski
encouragement : teşvik, cesaretlendirme

Capitalismo, Marte, Hugo Chavez

2.  Clashes broke out after Morsi’s supporters began to move from the Rabea al-Adwiya mosque in eastern Cairo, where they have been staging a sit-in since the coup, towards the capital’s city centre.

clash : çatışma, çarpışma
break out : patlak vermek, ortaya çıkmak
supporter : taraftar, destekçi, yandaş
mosque : camii
eastern : doğu
stage : düzenlemek, hazırlamak
sit-in : oturma eylemi
coup : darbe
capital : başkent
city centre : şehir merkezi

3.  The world has done a remarkable job of lifting almost a billion people out of extreme poverty in the past two decades.

remarkable : kayda değer, çok önemli
job : iş
lift : kaldırmak
almost : yaklaşık, neredeyse
billion : milyar
extreme : aşırı, çok
poverty : fakirlik, yoksulluk
decade : on yıl

4.  Tunisia, which sparked the Arab awakening in 2011, seemed set to show the rest of the region what a functioning democracy might look like.

spark : ateşlemek, harekete geçirmek
awakening : uyanış
seem : gibi görünmek
set to : tartışmak, girişmek
the rest of : geri kalan kısmı
region : bölge
functioning : işleyen, çalışan
look like : benzemek

5.   India takes AIDS seriously and the fact that the epidemic has not run out of control in the way that was once feared is at least in part the consequence of the country’s policies.

take seriously : ciddiye almak
epidemic : salgın
out of control : kontrolden çıkmış, çığırından çıkmış
in the way : gibi, şekilde
once : bir zamanlar
fear : korkmak
at least : en azından
in part : kısmen
consequence : sonuç
policy : politika

6.  Three months ago, the EU imposed punitive tariffs on solar panels and related components.

impose : yürürlüğe koymak
punitive : ceza gerektiren
tariff : fiyat listesi, vergi tarifesi
solar panel : güneş paneli
related : ilgili, o türden
component : parça, öğe

7. Within a short time of its inception, Baghdad evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center for the Islamic World.

within a short time: çok kısa bir zaman içerisinde
inception : kuruluş, başlangıç
evolve into : gelişmek, haline gelmek
significant : önemli, mühim
commercial : ticari

8. Much of the folk music growth in the 1930s was in the area of live performance, particularly in folk festivals that began during the 1930s in the US.

folk music : halk müziği
growth : yükseliş, büyüme
area : alan, saha
live performance : canlı yayın
particularly : özellikle

9.  The initial protests in Taksim Square at the end of May 2013 were led by about 50 environmentalists, opposing the replacement of Taksim Gezi Park with a shopping mall and possible residence as well as reconstruction of the historic Taksim Military Barracks over the adjacent Taksim Square.

initial : ilk
square : meydan
at the end of : sonunda
environmentalist : çevreci
oppose : karşı çıkmak
replacement : değiştirme, yerine koyma
shopping mall : alışveriş merkezi
residence : konut, mesken, ikamet
as well as : yanı sıra
reconstruction : yeniden inşa etme
historic : tarihi
adjacent : bitişik, yanında, çok yakınındaki

10. Exposure to sarin gas causes pupils in the eyes to shrink to pinpoint sizes and foaming at the lips.

exposure to : maruz kalma
pupil : gözbebeği
shrink : küçülmek
pinpoint : yerini belirlemek, tanımlamak
size : ölçü, büyüklük, boyut
foam : köpüklenmek, köpürmek
lip: dudak

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