İLGİSİZ CÜMLEYİ BULMA (Finding Irrelevant Sentence)
* Aşağıdaki paragraflarda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
(I) Mehmet Ali Birand was a prominent Turkish
journalist who advocated minority rights and democracy in Turkey during a
career spanning 48 years. (II) He began
his career with Milliyet newspaper in 1964 but became better known for a series
of interviews and documentaries produced in the 1980s. (III)
However, the journalist claimed
that he was practicing healthy lifestyle. (IV) His
books on Turkey's EU membership bid, its military and its invasion of Cyprus
were translated into several languages. (V) He was among a number of liberal journalists who were fired by their bosses in 1997
under pressure from the military.
A) I B) II C)
(I) The Six-Day War began on June 5 in 1967 with Israel launching surprise bombing raids against Egyptian air-fields after a period of high tension. (II) Israeli initiated aerial clashes over Syrian territory. (III) Within six days, Israel had won a decisive land war. (V) Israeli forces had taken control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. (V) Other problems included tanks too wide for bridges and lack of radio communications between tanks and infantry.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
(I) The development of cities was synonymous with the rise of
civilization. (II) Early civilizations arose
first in lower Mesopotamia around 3500 BC, followed by Egyptian civilization
along the Nile and the Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley. (III) Some archaeologists suggest that religion predated the
Agricultural Revolution rather than following in its wake. (IV) These societies developed a number of unifying characteristics,
including a central government, a complex economy, social structure and
sophisticated language systems. (V) Writing was another
pivotal development in human history, as it made the administration of cities
and expression of ideas far easier.
A) I B) II C)
(I) Gian J. Quasar is the first person to completely document the Bermuda Triangle, incident by incident. (II) However, a number of aircraft and surface vessels are said to have disappeared in the triangle under unknown circumstances. (III) His research began over 20 years ago, and he has compiled the largest private repository of reports and official maritime documents, containing over 350 cases spanning over 2 centuries. (IV) Over 150 of these have been disappearances which have happened in the last 25 years. (I) His tenacity in finding every scrap available has gained him popular recognition as the man responsible for bringing the subject forward for an entirely new generation.
(I) In 2009 the UK's
education policy directors suffered a significant blow. (II) The results of the PISA tests were published, ranking
the UK way down the international league table in reading, maths and science. (III) Students
in Finland sit no mandatory exams until the age of 17-19. (IV) In total 65
countries were assessed; the UK scored: 25th in reading, 28th in maths and 16th
in science. (V) The overall best
performer in the 2009 test was the region of Shanghai, China.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Irrelevant Sentence
(Anlam Bozan Cümleyi Bulma)
(Anlam Bozan Cümleyi Bulma)
prominent (adj) meşhur, önemli
journalist (n) gazeteci
advocate (v) savunmak
minority (n) azınlık
right (n) hak
interview (n) röportaj, mülakat
documentary (n) belgesel
produce (v) yapmak, üretmek
claim (v) iddaa etmek
healthy (adj) sağlıklı
lifestyle (n) yaşam tarzı
membership (n) üyelik
military (adj) askeri, orduya ait
invasion (n) istila
translate into (phr. v) tercüme etmek
several çeşitli, bazı
a number of pek çok
fire (v) kovmak, işten atmak
boss (n) patron
pressure (n) baskı
war (n) savaş
launch (v) başlatmak
bombing raid (n) bombalı saldırı
against (prep) karşı
air-field (n) hava sahası
period (n) dönem
high (adj yüksek
tension (n) gerginlik
initiate (v) başlatmak
clash (n) çatışma
territory (n) bölge
within (prep) içesinde
decisive (adj) kesin, kararlı
land (n) kara
force (n) askeri güç
take control of (phr. v) kontrol altına almak
strip (n) şerit
peninsula (n) yarım ada
bank (n) kıyı, yaka
height (n) tepe
include (v) içermek
wide (adj) geniş
bridge (n) köprü
lack of (phr. v) eksik olmak, mahrum olmak
communication (n) iletişim
between (prep) arasında
infantry (n) piyade
development (n) gelişim
city (n) şehir
synonymous (adj) eş anlamlı
rise (n) yükseliş
civilization (n) medeniyet
arise (v) ortaya çıkmak
follow (v) takip etmek, izlemek
along (prep) boyunca
valley (n) vadi
archaeologist (n) arkeolog
suggest (v) öne sürmek
religion (n) din
agricultural ()adj) tarımsal
revolution (n) devrim
rather than -den ziyade, -den daha çok
following (prep) ardından, müteakiben
wake (n) uyanış, ortaya çıkış
society (n) toplum
unifying (adj) birleştirici
characteristic (n) özellik
including içeren
central government (n) merkezi hükümet
social structure (n) sosyal yapı
sophisticated (adj) gelişmiş
another bir diğer
human history (n) insanlık tarihi
administration (n) idare, yönetim
expression (n) ifade
idea (n) fikir
completely (adv) tamamen, bütünüyle
document (v) belgelendirmek
incident by incident an be an
aircraft (n) uçak
vessel (n) büyük gemi
disappear (v) ortadan kaybolmak
triangle (n) üçgen
unknown (adj) bilinmeyen
circumstance (n) şart, durum
research (n) araştırma
begin (v) başlamak
ago (prep) önce
compile (v) derlemek
private (adj) özel
report (n) haber, rapor
official (adj) resmi
maritime (n) denizcilik
contain (v) içermek
case (n) vaka, olay
happen (v) olmak, meydana gelmek
available (adj) uygun, elverişli, kullanılabilir
gain (v) kazandırmak
recognition (n) ün, şöhret
responsible for (phr. v) sorumlu olmak
entirely (adv) bütünüyle
generation (n) nesil
education policy (n) eğitim politikası
director (n) yönetici
suffer (v) sıkıntı çekmek, acı çekmek
significant (adj) önemli, mühim
result (n) sonuç
publish (v) yayımlamak
rank (v) listede sıralamak
mandatory (adj) zorunlu, mecburi
country (n) ülke
assess (v) ölçmek, değerlendirmek
overall (adj) genel
region (n) bölge
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