24 Mart 2020 Salı

Reading Passage 1

Okuma Parçası 1


The rate of food allergies around the world is increasing. The rise in food allergies has affected western countries most. Especially children are at risk. In some cases, allergies can lead to dangerous and even life-threatening situations. More and more families must change their diets in order to fight allergies. Children can be allergic to various types of food, above all, milk and dairy products, nuts, and fish.
Allergies are caused by allergens, which are basically harmless substances that the immune system tries to fight. Victims suffer from a variety of symptoms including redness of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea and breathing difficulties. In the United States 8% of children have some form of allergy. In Australia, 5% of all children are affected. The UK has seen a 500% increase in peanut allergies alone in the past 20 years. While industrialized countries are hardest hit, allergy rates in developing countries are lower. Cities are affected more than rural areas. Scientists have been trying to find out why we are becoming more allergic to food. One reason may be improved hygiene, which leads to children having fewer infections. Another cause may be the lack of vitamin D which helps our immune system fight allergies. At the moment a food allergy cannot be cured. In addition, it is very difficult to determine which food children are allergic to. Doctors recommend eating small amounts of possibly allergic food and observe how the body reacts.


above all = mostly

affect = to do something that causes a change in a certain situation

cause = lead to; to be the reason for

cure = heal, to make an illness go away

dairy products = products made from  milk like cheese

determine = find out

especially = particularly, specifically

harmless = not dangerous
immune system = the system by which our body protects itself against diseases
improve = develop, to make better
increase = rise, to go up
lack = not enough
life-threatening = a situation that can lead to death
observe= watch something very closely
peanut = brown nut with a thin shell
rate = proportion, the number of times something happens
rural = in the countryside
scientist = person who is trained in science and works in a lab
substance = material
symptom = sign that a health problem exists
various = different
victim = a person who suffers from an allergy or bad event
vomit = to bring up the food you eat from your stomach

Dünyadaki gıda alerjilerinin oranı artmaktadır. Gıda alerjilerindeki artış, en çok batı ülkelerini etkilemiştir. Özellikle çocuklar risk altındadır. Bazı durumlarda, alerjiler tehlikeli ve hatta yaşamı tehdit eden durumlara yol açabilir. Alerjilerle savaşmak için daha fazla aile diyetlerini değiştirmelidir. Çocuklar her şeyden önce süt ve süt ürünleri, fındık ve balık gibi çeşitli yiyeceklere karşı alerjik olabilirler. Alerjiler, bağışıklık sisteminin savaşmaya çalıştığı temel olarak zararsız maddeler olan alerjenlerden kaynaklanır. Mağdurlar, cilt kızarıklığı, kusma, ishal ve solunum güçlüğü gibi çeşitli semptomlardan muzdariptir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde çocukların % 8'inin bir çeşit alerjisi vardır. Avustralya'da, tüm çocukların % 5'i etkilenir. İngiltere, son 20 yılda yalnızca fıstık alerjilerinde % 500'lük bir artış görmüştür. Sanayileşmiş ülkeler en çok etkilenirken, gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki alerji oranları daha düşüktür. Şehirler kırsal alanlardan daha fazla etkilenmektedir. Bilim adamları niçin gıdalara karşı daha çok alerjileştiğimizi bulmaya çalışıyorlar. Bunun bir nedeni daha az enfeksiyona sahip çocuklara yol açan iyileştirilmiş hijyen olabilir. Bir başka neden de bağışıklık sistemimizin alerjiyle savaşmasına yardımcı olan D vitamini eksikliği olabilir. Şu anda bir gıda alerjisi tedavi edilemez. Ayrıca, hangi gıda maddelerinin alerjisi olduğunu belirlemek çok zordur. Doktorlar küçük miktarlarda olası alerjik yiyeceklerin yenmesini ve vücudun nasıl tepki verdiğini gözlemlemeyi tavsiye ediyorlar.


her şeyden önce = çoğunlukla
etkilemek = belirli bir durumda bir değişikliğe neden olan bir şey yapmak
sebep olmak = yol açmak; neden olmak
tedavi etmek = iyileşmek, hastalık yapmak
süt ürünleri = peynir, yoğurt gibi süt ürünleri
belirlemek = ortaya çıkarmak
özellikle = bilhassa
zararsız = tehlikeli olmayan
bağışıklık sistemi = vücudumuzun hastalıklara karşı kendini koruduğu sistem
ilerletmek = geliştirmek, daha iyi yapmak
artmak = yükselmek, yukarı çıkmak
eksik olmak = yeterli olmamak
hayatı tehdit eden = ölüme yol açabilecek bir durum
gözlemlemek = bir şeyi çok yakından izlemek
fıstık = ince kabuklu bir kahverengi fındık
oran = orantı, bir şeyin kaç kez gerçekleştiği
kırsal = taşraya ait
bilim insanı = bilimde eğitim gören ve laboratuvarda çalışan kişi
madde = malzeme
semptom = bir sağlık probleminin var olduğunu gösteren belirti
çeşitli = farklı
kurban = bir alerjiden veya kötü bir olaydan muzdarip bir kişi
kusmak = midenizden yediğiniz yiyeceği getirmek

                                                                                                                         SEVİYE: C1-C2
* Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

   4 Soru İçin Ortalama Cevaplama Süresi: 10-12 dakika 


In the height of the Enlightenment, people influenced by the new political theories of the era started two of the largest revolutions in history. Both of these two conflicts, on two separate continents, were initially successful in forming new forms of government. And yet, the two conflicts, though merely a decade apart, had radically different conclusions. How do two wars inspired by more or less the same ideals end up so completely different? Why was the American Revolution largely a success and the French Revolution largely a failure? Historians have pointed to myriad reasons; however, the most frequently cited are worth mentioning. For one, the American Revolution was far removed from the Old World; that is, since it was on a different continent, other European nations did not attempt to interfere with it. However, in the French Revolution, there were immediate cries for war from neighboring nations. Early on, for instance, the ousted king attempted to flee to neighboring Austria and the army waiting there. The newly formed French Republic also warred with Belgium, and a conflict with Britain loomed. Therefore, the French had the burden not only of winning a revolution but also defending it from outside. The Americans simply had to win a revolution. Secondly, the American Revolution seemed to have a better chance for success from the get-go, due to the fact that Americans already saw themselves as something other than British subjects. Thus, there was already a uniquely American character, so, there was not as loud a cry to preserve the British way of life. In France, several thousands of people still supported the king, largely because the king was seen as an essential part of French life. And when the king was first ousted and then killed, some believed that character itself was corrupted. American people did not oust a king or kill him but they just separated from him. Finally, there is a general agreement that the French were not as unified as the Americans, who, for the most part, put aside their political differences until after they had already formed a new nation. The French, despite their Tennis Court Oath, could not do so. 

Soru 1: One can infer from the passage that the author most likely believes that -----.

A)  historians have not come to a conclusion about what separates the French and American


B)  the French Revolution could have been just as successful as the American Revolution was

C)  two events based on the same philosophy are generally not that common

D)  the American Revolution is a high point in history, the French Revolution a low point

E)  two events that are similar in one way ought to be similar in other ways

Soru 2: According to the passage -----.

A)  Americans tried to kill the king due to his faults 

B)  many people in France were in favour of the king as the king was regarded as significant for   

      French life

C)  both revolutions in history initially failed to form new forms of government 

D)  American people considered themselves as the same as the Britons

E)  France didn't need to defend it from outside during French Revolution

Soru 3: It is clear in the passage that -----.

A)  Americans attacked several countries even that time

B)  the French Revolution had a better chance for success from the get-go

C)  people of the  Enlightenment Age had no effect on the biggest revolutions in history

D)  the Americans were as unified as the French 

E)  two big conflicts on two separate continents had entirely diverse results 

Soru 4: We learn from the passage that -----.

A)  other European nations from different continents did not try to intervene in the American  


B)  despite the distance various nations from seperate contients attempted the two revolutions

C)  neither the Americans nor the French put aside their political differences until after they had   

      already formed new nations

D)  the French king tried to escape to Belgium in the beginning of the conflict 

E)  in the French Revolution, there were no reactions to war from neighboring countries


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