6 Nisan 2020 Pazartesi

YDS YÖKDİL Paragraf Analizi 8

SEVİYE : B1 B2 - C1 C2
* Aşağıdaki metinde geçen kelimeleri Türkçe anlamlarını bulup 3 kez okuyup anlamaya çalışınız. 
                                                                                        Ortalama Süre: 30 dakika

Meteor Blast in Russia

A meteorite is a solid piece of debris from space objects such as asteroids or comets, ranging in size from tiny to gigantic. When a meteorite falls on Earth, passing through the atmosphere causes it to heat up and emit a trail of light, forming a fireball known as a meteor, or shooting or falling star. On 15 February 2013, Russia’s Urals region was rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds have sought medical attention for minor injuries. Buildings were left without gas because facilities in the city had also been damaged. Witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it seemed like an earthquake and thunder had struck at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth. The Russian army has joined the rescue operation. Radiation, chemical and biological protection units have been put on high alert. Since the explosion occurred several kilometers above the Earth, a large ground area must be thoroughly checked for radiation and other threats. Around 1200 people have sought medical attention in Chelyabinsk alone because of the disaster. Army units found three meteorite debris impact sites, two of which are in an area near Chebarkul Lake, west of Chelyabinsk. NASA scientists said that the incident is not connected to the approach of 2012 DA14, which measures 45 to 95 meters in diameter and will be passing by Earth, at the record close distance of 27,000 kilometers.

meteorite (n) meteor
solid (adj) katı
piece (n) parça
debris (n) yıkıntı, enkaz, moloz
space (n) uzay
comet (n) kuyruklu yıldız
range from... to (phr. v) aralığında değişmek, -dan ...'ya sıralanmak  
size (n) ebat, büyüklük
tiny (adj) küçük, ufak
gigantic (adj) devasa, dev gibi
fall (v) düşmek
emit (v) yayılmak
trail (n) iz
fireball (n) ateş topu
shoot (v) vurmak, ateş etmek
region (n) bölge
explosion (n) patlama, infilak
impact (n) çarpma, etki, şok
wave (n) dalga
damage (n) hasar
blow out (phr. v) patlamak
thousands of binlerce
amid (prep) ortasında
frigid (adj) buz gibi, çok soğuk
seek (v) aramak (V2: sought)
injury (n) yara
facility (n) tesis, imkan
witness (n) şahit, tanık
loud (adj) yüksek sesli
seem (v) gibi görünmek
earthquake (n) deprem
thunder (n) gök gürültüsü, şimşek
huge (adj) kocaman, çok büyük
sky (n) gökyüzü
army (n) ordu
join (v) katılmak
rescue operation (n) kurtarma operasyonu
protection (n) koruma
unit (n) birlik, birim
high alert (n) yüksek uyarı, teyakkuz
occur (v) olmak, meydana gelmek
ground (n) zemin, yer
thoroughly (adv) tamamen, adamakıllı, ayrıntılarıyla
threat (n) tehdit
disaster (n) afet, felaket
incident (n) olay, vaka
connected (adj) ilişkili, bağlantılı
approach (n) yaklaşım
diameter (n) çap
record (n) rekor
close distance (n) yakın mesafe

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