30 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

29 Ekim 2013 Salı


Yengeç Kadını (Cancer) 22 Haziran - 22 Temmuz

  • Akıllı ve irfan sahibidirler.
  • Çok konuşkan ve hazır cevaptırlar.
  • Her gördüklerini aynen yapabilecek kabiliyettedirler. 
  • Çalışkan, zarif, sürekli hareketli ve güler yüzlüdürler. 
  • Çok iyi ve lezzetli yemek pişirirler ve tatlıları severler.
  • Güzel kokuları severler.
  • Sürekli değişiklik isterler. 
  • Herkes tarafından sevilip sayılırlar. 
  • Muazzez ve muhterem olurlar. 
  • Arzu ve emellerinde sebatkar olup ümit ettikleri şeye nail olurlar. 
  • Azmettikleri işi başarmadan bırakmazlar. 
  • Hep iyi niyetlidirler ve gayet emin kişilerdir. 
  • Dostlarının işlerini kendi işleriymiş gibi yaparlar. 
  • Çabuk nazara gelirler, kendilerini çok beğenirler. 
  • Ziynet eşyalarını, bağ ve bahçeyi, zevk ve sefayı severler. 
  • Hayırlı günleri Pazartesi, hayırsız günleri Salıdır.
  • Çok uyurlar ve boş oturmayı da severler. 
  • Çok sabırlı oldukları için bütün sıkıntılara katlanmasını bilirler.
  • Seyahat etmeyi ve sık sık yer değiştirmeyi severler. 
  • Hazımsızlık ve gastritten şikayet ederler. 
  • Limon gibi ekşi şeyler yemeleri faydalıdır.
  • Alkol ve boğazı tahriş edici şeyleri kullanmaktan sakınmaları gerekir.
  • Sığır ve keçi eti yemekten ve soğuk şeyler içmekten sakınmalıdırlar. 
  • Kışın zencefil ve kahve içmelerinde ve bal yemelerinde çok fayda vardır.
  • Beyaz, mor, mavi, açık yeşil, limon sarısı veya beyaz elbiseler mizaçlarıyla uyumludur.
  • Hayatlarının sonuna kadar sadece bir tek erkeği severler. 
  • Erkekler tarafından çok sevilip sayılmalarına rağmen, kadınlar tarafından pek sevilmezler. 
  • Erkekler arasında talihleri iyi olsa da, erkeklerden zarar görmelerinden korkulur. 
  • Mevki sahibi kimselerden yardım görülürler. 
  • Yürürken salına salına yürüyüp ahu gibi arkalarına baktıklarından başlarına bela gelebilir. 
  • Genellikle muhafazakar olurlar çok iyi aile kadını olurlar. Arkadaşlarına da çok bağlı olurlar. 
  • Ailesiyle iyi geçinirler.
  • Eski hatıralara ve geçmişlerine bağlıdırlar.
  • Niyetleri saf olup kimseye karşı kin ve garazları yoktur. 
  • Çok emindirler. 
  • Kimsenin malına hıyanet etmezler her zaman gülümserler. 
  • Oyun ve eğlenceyi severler, iyilik etmeyi de severler, fakat iyilik ettiklerinin çoğundan kötülük görürler.
  • Karanlıkta yatmaktan ve karanlık yerlerde dolaşmaktan sakınmalıdırlar.
  • Ellerinin emeği ve alınlarının teri ile mal kazanırlar. 
  • Yaşlandıkça iyi huy sahibi olurlar. 
  • Ömürlerinin sonuna kadar rahat ve huzur içinde yaşarlar. 
  • Evliliklerinde erkeklerden çok zahmet çekerler. 
  • Deniz yolculuklarından sakınmaları gerekir. 
  • Düşman ve hasetçileri çoğunlukla okur yazarlar arasından olur. 
  • Tabiatı ateş olanlardan sakınmaları iyi olur. 
  • Canları sıkıldığı zaman rast makamında şarkılar dinleyecek olurlarsa, çok faydasını görürler. 
  • Hemen hemen her meslekte başarılı olurlar. Edebiyat, sanat ve ticaret de çok başarılı olabilirler.
  • Terzi, öğretmen, yazar, turizmci, konfeksiyoncu, oyuncu, şair, şarkıcı, kimyacı ve eczacı olabilirler. 
        İki dünya saadetini doya doya yaşamanız dileğiyle...
                                                                     Kaynak: http://yildizname.org/yildizname/yengec_kadini.htm                   

yengeç (isim) crab; cancer (astroloji)                                                                   
irfan sahibi (sıfat) wise
akıllı (sıfat) clever, smart
güleryüzlü (sıfat) cheerful, good-humored
herkes (zamir) everybody
konuşkan (sıfat) talkative
hazırcevap (sıfat) quick witted
kabiliyet (isim) ability
güzel koku (n) perfume, scent
zevk (isim) joy
düşman (isim) enemy
dost (isim) friend, comrade
hasetçi (sıfat) envious, jealous
gezmek (fiil) travel, roam
elbise (isim) dress 
uyum (isim) harmony 
sakınmak (fiil) avoid, refrain
azim (isim) ambition
kin (isim) hatred
garaz (isim) grudge
karanlık (isim) dark
evlilik (isim) marriage
öğretmen (isim) teacher 
yazar (isim) author, writer
eczacı (isim) pharmacist
kimyacı (isim) chemist
şarkıcı (isim) singer
oyuncu (isim) actress 
terzi (isim) tailor
meslek (isim) profession, job
el emeği (isim) hand work
alın teri (isim) great effort
tabiat (isim) nature

              TO BE CONTINUED... 
                 DEVAM EDECEK...

27 Ekim 2013 Pazar


                 PRACTICAL ENGLISH


Unit One

Exercise – A

1. She

2. He

3. They

4. It

5. It

6. They

7. We

8. You

9. He

10. She

11. He

12. You

13. It

14. You

15. He

16. She

17. We

18. It

19. They

20. They

Exercise – B

1. Is

2. Is

3. Are

4. Am

5. Is

6. Are

7. Are

8. Is

9. Is

10. Is

11. Is

12. Are

13. Is

14. Is

15. Are

16. Is

17. Is

18. Are

19. Is

20. Am

Exercise - C

1. Are you late?

2. Julia is twelve years old.

3. Are Fred and Susan my friends?

4. My brother is a soldier.

5. Are we proud of our country?

6. Is it a golden ring?

7. You aren’t a journalist.

8. Eveline is not a pretty girl.

9. Is Turkey a part of Asia and Europe?

10. People aren’t sometimes Selfish.

11. I am a Politician.

12. Mrs. Nilsson isn’t 37 years old.

13. They aren’t doctors.

14. He is an accountant.

15. We are outside.

16. She isn’t your aunt.

17. Is she thirsty?

18. The little girl isn’t cold.

19. Is his computer new?

20. Are the children at home?

Exercise – D

1. Is he all right?

2. They are successful.

3. She is on time.

4. It is hungry.

5. They are white.

6. He isn’t a student.

7. Is it in America?

8. She isn’t late for the play.

9. Is he German?

10. They aren’t dirty.

11. Are you the new boss?

12. Are we outside?

13. She is ill.

14. Is he a singer or teacher?

15. They are in the cinema.

16. Is he happy?

17. Is he from Paris?

18. They aren’t from Yozgat.

19. We aren’t late for school today.

20. Is he a doctor?

Exercise – E

1. Am I a student?

2. Is English difficult?

3. We aren’t from Poland.

4. Her mother’s name is Jennifer.

5. The computer isn’t on the table.

6. You are Japanese.

7. Mercedes is an expensive car.

8. This isn’t his diary.

9. These are naughty children.

10. John is twenty years old.

11. This is a jacket.

12. These are new books.

13. My brother is an engineer.

14. Mrs. Green is an experienced teacher.

15. Jane and Tim are Tourists.

16. Are these your shoes?

17. The supporters are in the stadium.

18. Is this your mobile-phone?

19. Isn’t she a secretary?

20.  It is a watch.

Exercise – F

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. A

14. B

15. C

16. B

17. D

18. A

19. D

20. B

Exercise – G

1.     Am

2.     Am

3.     Am

4.     Is

5.     Are

6.     Is

7.     Is

8.     Is

9.     Are

10.  Are

Exercise – H

1.     Am

2.     Is

3.     He

4.     Is

5.     Is

6.     Is

7.     He

8.     Are

9.     They

10.  Is

11.  Is

12.  It

13.  Are

14.  Is

15.  Is

Exercise – I

1. No, he isn’t.

2. Yes, it Is.

3. Yes, they are.

4. Yes, she is.

5. No it Isn’t.

6. Yes, they are.

7. Yes, it Is.

8. No, it Isn’t.

9. No, it Isn’t.

10. Yes, they are.

Exercise – J


Exercise – K

1. B   

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. B

Exercise – L

1. Three One Two Six Three Five Double Zero Two One

2. Five Zero Five Seven Double Six Zero Double Two Three

3. Five Three Two One Two Nine Five Three Three Four

4. Five Three Five Three Double Five Eight Two Seven Zero

5. Five Four Two Triple Nine Eight Two Seven Zero

6. Two One Six Five Six Seven Two Three Double Five

7. Three One Double Two Eight Three Six Nine Eight Nine

8. Eight One Two Six Nine Three One Two Four Five

9. Double Zero One Two One Two Three Two Five One Zero Six Two

10. Double Zero Double Four One Two Five Six Three Eight Nine Double Four Three

Exercise – M

1. Orange

2. White

3. Pink

4. Yellow

5. Black

6. Purple

7. Red

8. Grey

9. Brown

10. Blue

Exercise – O

1. Yes, he is.

2. No, he isn’t.

3. No, he isn’t.

4. Yes, he is.

5. Yes, she is.

6. It is a detective story.

7. Good.

8. A detective story.

9. No, he isn’t.

10. No, she isn’t.

Exercise – P

I am Bahadır and my surname is Bozoglan. I am an English teacher and  i work in Konya. But I am not from Konya. I am thirty years old.


Unit – Two

Exercise – A

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. C

16. A

17. B

18. A

19. D

20. B

Exercise – B


2. It

3. They

4. His

5. Your

6. Its

7. Their

8. Her

9. Her

10. They

Exercise – C

1. Which

2. What

3. Whose

4. Which

5. Whose

6. What

7. Who

8. What

9. Whose

10 . Who

Exercise - D

1. I am a teacher.

2.  The quests are hungry.

3. The teacher’s car is new.

4. Math is difficult.

5. Ataturk is the first President of Turkey.

6. Ahmet’s uncle is a doctor.

7. Love is  an affection.

8. Her t-shirt is clean.

9. This is Cenk’s watch.

10. Health is more important.

Exercise – E



Unit Three

Exercise – A

1. Children

2. Churches

3. Cages

4. Oxen

5. Windows

6. Zoos

7. Fish

8. Men

9. Dresses

10. Foxes

Exercise – B

Reasons          : P

Language        : S

Companies      : P

Countries         : P

Career             : S

Exercise – C

2. Women

3. Children

4. Teeth

5. Mice

6. Oxen

7. Sheep

8. Fish

9. Knives

10. Shelves

Exercise – D

1. But

2. But

3. And

4. But

5. And

6. But

7. And

8. But

9. And

10. But

Exercise – E

1. Liza is a doctor and she is married.

2. The dog is small and it is white.

3. The window is broken but it is not cold.

4. You’re and you’re famous.

5. The people in Africa are poor and they are in danger.

6. His suitcase is very big but it isn’t very heavy.

7. Ankara road is new but it isn’t broad enough.

8. The boy is short but he can play basketball well.

9. It is snowy but they are in the swimming pool.

10. The inflation rate is low but most people are very poor.

Exercise – F

1. Yes, they are.

2. They are with their mother.

3. No, they are happy.

4. Yes, they are.

5. Yes, she is.

6. Yes, it is.

7. Yes, it is.

8. No, it isn’t.

9. It is near the tree.

10. It is on the bench.

Exercise - G

Big cities are modern and funny but they are crowded and noisy.  They are very attractive because there are a lot of shopping centres and fun centres.  Big cities are are well- planned and comfortable. But it has a lot of problems too. It is busy and dirty. Too many people work and live. The life is difficult. 


Unit Four

Exercise – A

1. A

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. D

Exercise – B

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. C

Exercise – C

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. D

13. B

14. B

15. B

16. C

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. D

Exercise – C

1. How old is he?

2. What is it?

3. When is Jane’s birthday?

4. How is your apartment’s garden?

5. Why is Demet sorry?

6. Where are the books?

7. What is in the cage?

8. Where is your class teacher from?

9. When is Ramadan this year?

10. How old is the baby?

Exercise – D

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. D

11. A

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. A

16. D

17. A

18. B

19. C

20. B

21. B

22. A

23. D

24. B

25. C

Exercise – E

1. Where is your school bag?

2. What is the date today?

3. Who is that girl?

4. Where is he from?

5. What is his favorite book?

6. Where are you from?

7. What is the capital of italy?

8. How old is your mother?

9. What time is the dinner?

10. Why are you so upset?

Exercise – F

1. Where is carmen from?

2. What is your favorite colour?

3. What are his favorite sports?

4. What is your name?

5. When is the wedding?

6. How old are you?

7. Where is he?

8. Who is your favorite actor?

9. What languages can she speak?

10. What can you play?

Exercise – G

1. G

2. F

3. D

4. B

5. I

6. A

7. H

8. E

9. J

10. C

Exercise – H

1. Behind

2. Over

3. Between

4. On

5. In

6. Near

7. In Front Of

8. On

9.  Under

10. On

11. On

12. Through

13. In The Middle

14. Behind

15. On

16. Near

17. At

18. In

19. In

20. In

Exercise – I

1. Yes, she is.

2. No, she isn’t.

3. Yes, she is.

4. No, she isn’t.

5. Yes, they are.

6. No, it isn’t.

7. Yes, she is.

8. Green.

9. In the sky.

10. Green

Exercise – J

My bed is in front of the window and it is near my study table.  My computer is on my computer and my bookcase is in the corner of my room.  My tv is opposite of my bed. And my wardrobe is near the tv.  And i have a grey carpet. The time table is on the wall and some photos are also on the wall. I love it.


Unit  Five

Exercise A

1. We haven’t got…

2. She has got some time…

3. We have got…

4. Has the house got…?

5. Mr. Jefferson hasn’t got…

6. They have got …

7. I have got some money …

8. Has the dog got…?

9. My friend hasn’t got…

10. Have we got…..?

Exercise – B

1. Have got

2. Have got

3. Has got

4. Has got

5. Has got

6. Have got

7. Has got

8. Has got

9. Have got

10. Has got

11. Has got

12. Has got

13. Has got

14. Has got

15. Have got

16. Have got

17. Have got

18. Has got

19. Has got

20. Have got

Exercise – C

1. An

2. A

3. A

4. An

5. A

6. An

7. A

8. An

9. A

10. An

11. A

12. An

13. A

14. An

15. A

16. An

17. A

18. A

19. A

20. A

Exercise – D

1. An

2. X

3. An

4. The

5. An

6. A

7. An

8. A

9. A

10. A

11. A

12. X

13. X

14. A

15. An

16. An

17. A

18. The

19. The

20. X

Exercise – E

1. The

2. A

3. X

4. A

5. X

6. A

7. A

8. X

9. An

10. The

11. X

12. The

13. X

14. The

15. The

16. X

17. An

18. An

19. The

20. X

Exercise – F

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. B

13. A

14. B

15. A

16. A

17. C

18. B

19. C

20. B

Exercise – G

She is in her room now and it is cloudy. Her room is small but she has got many things in her room. She has got a single bed and a computer table she has got an old colourful carpet. She got a lot of books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall. She has also got a wardrobe and her clothes are in it. She has a study table and a few cushions on the carpet. This is her room. What is your room like? Is it small or big? What have you got in your room?
Exercise – H
I have got a small but a nice room. I have got a big bed in the corner of my room and near the window. I have got a computer table and a study table.  I have got a wardrobe my clothes. And i have got two dark red chairs. I have got a bookcase for my books. I have got a small carpet. Lastly, i have got some pictures, photos and a rubbish bin in my room. That is all.

Unit Six
Exercise – A
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D
Exercise – B
1. Fourteen and fifty three
2. Seventeen and eighty-nine
3. Eighteen and eighty-one
4. Nineteen and twenty-three
5. Nineteen and thirty-eight
6. Nineteen and sixty-nine
7. Nineteen and eighty
8. Nineteen and eighty-four
9. Two thousand and one
10. Two thousand and twenty-five
Exercise – C
1. First
2. Day
3. Third
4. Eight
5. Second
6. April
7. Sunday
8. Third
9. Month
10. Year
Exercise – D
1. February
2. December
3. No, it isn’t.
4. Yes, it is.
5. No, it isn’t.
6. Yes, it is.
7. Yes, it is.
8. It is Monday.
9. August
10. Autumn
11. March
12. No, it isn’t.
13. No, it isn’t.
14. Wednesday
15. It is a cold season.
16. It is fourth montH of the year.
17. First month of the year.
18. It is July.
19. No, they aren’t.
20. Tuesday
Exercise – E
1. January is the first month of the year.
2. Today isn’t friday.
3. What month is this?
4. December isn’t the tenth month of the year.
5. There are seven days in a week.
6. August is a summer month.
7. Is monday last day of the week.
8. June isn’t second month of the year.
9. Is july a spring or summer month?
10. September and november are autumn months.
Exercise – F
1. The first day of the week is monday.
2. It is 13.00 in the afternoon
3. June is in spring.
4. Sunday is the last of the week.
5. What month is it?
6. I have got free time in february.
7. December is the twelfth.
8. Winter is cold season.
9. It is twelve o’clock at night.
10. The breakfast at 7 in the morning.
Exercise – G
1. No, it isn’t.
2. No, on saturday.
3. No, it is in the evening.
4. Yes, it is.
5. No, it isn’t.
6. Yes, it is.
7. No, it isn’t.
8. It is King Arthur.
9. No, it isn’t.
10. It is near the park.
Exercise - H
We have got a graduation party on the 15th of the june. The party is at nine in the evening. And it is in the hotel by the cinema. I hope everybody comes because it will be a big party. Waiting for you.

Unit Seven
Exercise – A
1. There aren’t any …
2. There are five…
3. There is some…
4. There isn’t any…
5. Are there two …?
6. There is some..
7. Are there …?
8. Are there …?
9. There isn’t …
10. Is there always ….?
Exercise – B
1. There is
2. There is
3. There are
4. There are
5. There is
6. There is
7. There is
8. There are
9. There is
10. There are
11. There is
12. There are
13. There is
14. There are
15. There is
Exercise – C
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. A
Exercise – D
1. Any
2. Some
3. Any
4. Some
5. Any
6. Some
7. Some
8. Any
9. Some
10. Some
11. Any
12. Some
13. Some
14. Some
15. Any
16. Some
17. Some
18. Some
19. Any
20. Any
Exercise – E
1. However
2. But
3. But
4. However
5. However
6. However
7. However
8. But
9. However
10. But
Exercise – F
1. He is in the new restaurant.
2. Three are two empty tables.
3. One by the window and the other one is at the terrace.
4. Yes, there is.
5. Yes, there is.
6. It is downstairs.
7. A finger is in the steak.
8. The chef’s finger.
9. No, it Isn’t.
10. No, I don’t.
Exercise – G
In my town there are many social activities. There are five big shopping centres in different places. There is a large university with 80 thousand students and there are plenty of parks for people. Also, there are a lot of new and old mosques. And there is an airport out of the city. Besides, there are sports centres for everybody. And there are cinemas, theatres and lunapark for fun. In short, I love this city and its people.

Unit Eight
Exercise – A
1. Talk
2. Be
3. Bring
4. Touch
5. Use
6. Open
7. Treat
8. Drink
9. Tell
10. Drive
Exercise – B
1. Please be quiet!
2. Don’t Ask me the reason!
3. Wait a minute, please!
4. Don’t be silly!
5. Shut the door!
6. Don’t eat much!
7. Pay your debt!
8. Don’t Shout in the library!
9. Come to the meeting on time!
10. Don’t cheat in exam!
Exercise – C
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. C
Exercise – D
1. Yes, I am.
2. Yes, he is.
3. It is expensive.
4. No, they aren’t.
5. She is tall she is short.
6. Yes, he is no, he isn’t.
7. Yes, it is.
8. He is she is old she/he is young.
9. It is new or old.
10. I am happy or  i’am sad today.
Exercise – E
1. Beautiful.
2. New
3. Full
4. Rich
5. Strong
6. Big
7. Thin
8. Hot
9. Clean
10. Tall
Exercise – F
1. short X tall
2. ugly X beautiful
3. old X young
4. cheap X expensive
5. bad X good
6. late X early
7. dark X light
8. dirty X clean
9. sad X happy
10. wrong X correct
Exercise – G
1. Eric is a tall man.
2. Is Gökhan a strong boy?
3. Cindy is a beautiful girl.
4. Mary isn’t a thin woman.
5. Is Thomas a good man?
6. My dog has got short legs.
7. Is the director a strict person?
8.  Kızılırmak is a long river.
9. Withes are usually ugly.
10. Turkey is a nice country.
Exercise – H
1. False, In the department store.
2. Correct
3. False, a green dress.
4. Correct
5. False, looking for.
6. False, fat.
7. False, on the shelf.
8. False, customer.
9. Correct, probably.
10. False, customers.
Exercise – I
Hi! I am bahadır. I am 1.70 cm tall and 79 kg. My eyes are green and my hair is light brown. And my hair is short and straight. My face is round and my hands are not very big or very small. My shoe size is 42. They are average.

Unit Nine
Exercise – A
1. Please give it to me!
2. Listen to the teacher please!
3. Look at me now!
4. Study with him!
5. Don’t shout at her!
6. Ask him his name!
7. Speak to her!
8. Please send me an e-mail!
9. Borrow them some money tomorrow!
10. Set the table please!
Exercise – B
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
Exercise – C
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. C
Exercise  - D
1. Yes, he is.
2. No, he isn’t.
3. Yes, she is.
4. No, it isn’t.
5. No, he isn’t.
6. No,  he isn’t.
7. Yes,he is.
8. Yes, he is.
9. No, he isn’t.
10. He is in the bathroom and brushing shoes with her toothbrush.

Exercise – E
My father is 58 year sold and he is not short or tall. He is pretty dark. He is from osmaniye. He is thin qaand has got grey short hair. Hir eyes are brown. My mother is a bit short. She is 1. 65 cm tall and she is fat. She has average hair and it is brown. Her  eyes are hazel. She is very nice like my father.

Revision Test – I
A- Am / Is / Are
1. Am – am
2. Is
3. Is
4. Aren’t – are
5. Is – isn’t
6. Isn’t – is
7. Isn’t – is
8. Aren’t – are
9. Is
10. Am
11. Isn’t
12. Is – aren’t
13. Isn’t
14. Isn’t – is
15. Isn’t
16. Are
17. Isn’t – is
18. Are
19. Aren’t
20. Aren’t
21. No, i am not.
22. Yes, it is.
23. No, he isn’t.
24. Yes, she is.
25. Yes, they are.
26. Yes, she is.
27. No, they aren’t
28. No,you aren’t.
29. Yes, it is.
30. No, it isn’t
31. B
32. A
33. C
34. C
35. D
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. C
40. D
41. B
42. A
43. B
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. B
50. D
51. B
52. C
53. A
54. D
55. D
56. Murder
57. Young
58. Son
59. Flower
60. Football
61. Month
62. Germany
63. Farm-House
64. April
65. Snow
66. B
67. B
68. A
69. C
70. A
71. C
72. C
73. A
74. D
75. B

Unit Ten
Exercise – A
1. The train always arrives on time in germany.
2. The weather is often warm in Ankara.
3. We usually have our breakfast at o’clock.
4. I sometimes get up late on sundays.
5. She is always happy.
6. We frequently visit our relatives.
7. Our teachers are usually on time.
8. Jeffrey rarely smokes.
9. Sezen Aksu always sings perfectly.
10. The students occasionally go to the theatre.

Exercise – B
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. D
Exercise – C
1. Makes
2. Arrive
3. Knows
4. Doesn’t want
5. Sleeps
6. Sees watches
7. Like
8. Doesn’t
9. Hates
10. Studies
11. Looks
12. Doesn’t tell
13. Leave
14. Makes
15. Wakes up
16. Listens
17. Comes
18. Take
19. Speaks
20. Works
Exercise – D
1. I understand you.
2. Does it rain everyday in London?
3. Most people don’t grow cereals in Konya.
4. Sheep eat grass.
5. Does Hakan Sukur play for Galatasaray?
6. Do Iraqi people live in bad conditions after war?
7. Obese people don’t like eating much.
8. Does the bus always come on time?
9. Your friends come to the class early.
10. American Soldiers know why they are fighting.
Exercise – E
1. Where does his father work?
2. What do you want to drink?
3. Why do you learn English?
4. What kind of music does robert like?
5. What time does the film start?
6. How do you go to work?
7. What do your children do?
8.How many children has she got?
9. How often do you go to the cinema?
10. What time does the film start? etc.
Exercise – F
1. Speak
2. Swim
3. Forgets
4. Rides
5. Eat
6. Arrives
7. Revolves
8. Plays
9. Reads
10. Like
Exercise – G
1. I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock.
2. I play football and tennis.
3. I go to the cinema at weekends.
4. Turkish People like drinking tea.
5. I sometimes get up before 6 c’clock.
6. I usually go to bed at about 10.
7. I collect stamps.
8. I attend 25 classes each week.
9. It takes me an half hour to get home from school.
10. I like drinking coffee most.
11. It costs 50 thousand TL.
12. I visit my relatives twice a month.
13. I buy Eggs, cheese, olive at supermarket.
14. I read a newspaper very day.
15. I sleep six hours a day.
16. I have a bath twice a week.
17. I get up at seven o’clock on weekdays.
18. I polish my shoes once a week.
19. I drink a glass of tea at breakfast.
20. I usually have lunch at about 13.00.
21. I go to school by tram.
22. I rarely go to the cinema.
23. I like treading historical books.
24. I leave home at 7 o’clock in the mornings.
25. It almost always rains in Rize.
26. I sometimes watch TV.
27. I sometimes visit my friends.
28. I get up at ten at weekends.
29. It costs 100 TL to fly to Ankara.
30. I have dinner at seven.
Exercise –H
1. C
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
Exercise – I
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your name?
3. How much is a hamburger?
4. Are you george’s wife?
5. Are your parents at work?
Exercise – H
Paragraph - 1
1. She is an interviewer.
2. She gets up at 6.
3. Her job is interesting.
4. She meets famous people.
5. Because she rests at home.
Paragraph – 2
1. Children are fascinated by clouds.
2. They make sky look interesting.
3. They bring rain for the farmers.
4. They are a hole bunch of water drops or ice crystals.
5. There are millions in just a cup full of air.
Exercise – J
1. Work
2. Lives
3. Rains
4. Fries
5. Closes
6. Tries
7. Passes
8. Watch
9. Writes
10. Fly
Exercise – K
1. What time does she leave?
2. What time does his first class begin?
3. How does he pay?
4. How much does her new bike cost?
5. Where do they sit?
6. What do they usually take?
7. Who rings the doorbell in the morning?
8. How do they go to europe?
9. What does she like wearing?
10. When does he sell books?
Exercise – K
1. What does she drink in the morning?
2. What time does she arrive at school?
3. What kind of music does she like?
4. Who does she live with?
5. How often does she arrive at school?
Exercise- L
1. Busy
2. Carefully
3. Carelessly
4. Noisily
5. Quietly
6. Easily
7. Slowly
8. Beautifully
9. Heavily
10. Successfully
Exercise – N
1. He drives carelessly.
2. I work hard.
3. Galatasaray plays well.
4. Yes, he does.
5. I write quickly.
6. Yes, she does.
7.  Yes, I do Or No, I don’t.
8. I study quietly.
9. Yes, he does.
10. No, he doesn’t.
11. No, I don’t.
12. Mary studies hard.
13. Mike draws well in the classroom.
14. Because, she is tired.
15. Yes, I do.
Exercise – O
1. They are on a ship.
2. Yes, he does.
3.  They live in London.
4. No, he doesn’t.
5. In Pond Street.
6. Yes, he does.
7. Yes, they are.
8. No, they don’t.
9. Yes, I do.
10. Yes, I think it is important because neighbors need each other.
Exercise – P
I usually get at seven in the week but i get up at ten at the weekend. I usually have my breakfast at 7.30. I usually change my clothes and have shower. I Leave Home At About 8 o’clock. I usually have my lunch at one o’clock. I study and sometimes go to gym. I often come home at about 6 in the evening. I usually have my dinner at seven. I read book and watch TV.

Unit Eleven
Exercise – A
1.  I can phone you.
2. You can open the door.
3. Students can’t smoke here.
4. Can you help me?
5. Children can’t use these pencils.
6. Pedestrians can cross at red light.
7. An eagle can fly high.
8. Can one cook ouellette with two eggs.
9. People can’t have picnic on the grass.
10. Can a monkey learn limited things?

Exercise – B
1. A turtle can’t run fast.
2. She can swim well.
3. Animals can’t think.
4. Can you drive a bus?
5. My wife can cook delicious meals.
6. Can a parrot speak?
7. His son can ride a bicycle.
8. The tourist can’t speak Turkish.
9. Can I ask you a question?
10. You can’t lift that suitcase.
Exercise – C
1. Yes, they can.
2. Yes, she can.
3. Yes, I can or no, I can’t.
4. Yes, it can.
5. No, it can’t.
6. No, it can’t.
7. Yes, he can or no, he can’t
8. No, she can’t.
9. No, they can’t.
10. No, it can’t.
Exercise – D
1. She can’t play, either.
2. He isn’t late, either.
3. They aren’t at home, either.
4. Susan isn’t at home, either.
5. They aren’t Chinese, either.
6. I am not off today, either.
7. The children aren’t in the garden, either.
8. His father isn’t strong, either.
9. The pencils aren’t in the school- bag, either.
10. The burglar isn’t in prison, either.
Exercise – E
1. No, he isn’t.
2. Yes, it is.
3. Yes, he does.
4. Yes, he can.
5. Yes, it is.
6. Yes, he can.
7. Yes, it does.
8. No, it isn’t.
9. No, nobody can.
10. No, it isn’t mr. Mason’s car.
Exercise  - F
 Dogs are clever animals. They can do some of the things but they can’t do some of the things. They can run very fast but they can’t fly. They can bark but they can’t speak. They swim in the water and they can eat meat but they can’t eat grass. They can live fifty years and they have 8 puppies. Of course, no dogs can drive.

Unit Twelve
Exercise – A
1. Is leaving
2. Am beginning
3. Is working
4. Is ringing
5. Is seeing
6. Are dancing
7. Is drinking
8. Is opening
9. Is smiling
10. Are waiting
Exercise – B
1. Isn’t having
2. Aren’t studying
3. Isn’t raining
4. Am not studying
5. Aren’t going
6. Aren’t studying
7. Aren’t doing
8. Isn’t landing
9. Isn’t singing
10. Isn’t smelling
Exercise – C
1. Is it starting…
2. Is eric studying…
3. Are you taking…
4. Is the dog playing…
5. Are they coming…
6. Are we having…
7. Is the baby drinking…
8. Are John and mary getting married…
9. Are the bodyguards protecting…
10. Is Barbara listening to…

Exercise – E
1. Are you working
2. Are they studying
3. Is john shaking
4. Are your friends coming
5. Are they visiting
6. Are teenagers running
7. Is he going
8. Is he doing
9. Are making noise
10. Is playing
Exercise – E
1. Is leaving
2. Are watching
3. Is playing
4. Is working
5. Is sleeping
6. Is raining
7. Are saying – is talking
8. Is currently writing
9. Am going
10. Are listening to
Exercise – F
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
Exercise – G
1. Goes
2. Works
3. Are seeing
4. Is he speaking
5. Don’t know
6. Loves
7. Drinks
8. Love
9.  Is leaving
10. Is he doing
11. Is doing
12. Drives
13. Is getting
14. Are studying
15. Is washing
16. Are listening
17. Live
18. Drinks
19. Watch
20. Is reading
Exercise – H
1. She is in the garden.
2. Near the fence
3. Yes, she is.
4. Yes, she does.
5. No, she can’t.
6. Yes, she can.
7. Yes, she is.
8. He is upstairs.
9. He is painting the bathroom.
10. Yes, it is.
Exercise – I
I am studying at the table and drinking coffee. My mother is reading a book in the living room. My mother is in the kitchen and he is cooking tea. My sister is in her room and he playing with her friends. We are having a nice day and we are going out soon together soon.

1. c
2. b
3. e
4. a
5. d
B- True/False
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
C- Comprehension Check
1. They are talking about their leader, Stalin.
2. Yes, he does.
3. He thinks that Stalin is not a good leader.
4. His family visits him in 1995.
5. No, he isn’t.

A- Vocabulary
1. e                        
2. b
3. d         
4. c
5. a
B- True/False
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1. A car hits Donny.
2. They are hopeless at first.
3. Yes, he does.
4. He hugs the cat.
5. No, he isn’t.

A- Vocabulary
1. d                        
2. b
3. c         
4. e
5. a
B- True/False
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1. Because she is alone.
2. They talked with her, ate dinner, and watched TV with her. 
3. Yes, she does.
4. Because they are lonely.
5. They say “Happy Birthday!”

A- Vocabulary
1. d                        
2. b
3. c         
4. e
5. a
B- True/False
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1. Only two planes fly to the United States every day.
2. No, there isn’t.
3. His uncle lives in the United States.
4. He is wearing only pants and a cotton shirt.
5. He stays in a hospital in Spain for one week.

A- Vocabulary
1. e                        
2. d
3. a         
4. c
5. b
B- True/False
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1. The government decides to take Joyce’s baby and give her to another family.
2. No, she doesn’t.
3. Because she doesn’t know her daughter’s new name and address.
4. Carol shows Joyce a photo.
5. They think that this is the best day of their lives.

Unit Thirteen
Exercise – A
1. Last year, was there tsunami in Indonesia?
2. Thousands of people aren’t dead after American attack in Iraq.
3. Last night, i was on the train.
4. At first, The Earth wasn’t a frozen land.
5. Were Germany and Ottoman alliance during The First World War?
6. I wasn’t in New York last summer.
7. Dolphins were alive after sea pollution.
8. He wasn’t a successful footballer.
9. There was an accident on this road yesterday.
10. Was he twenty-two when he joined the army?
Exercise – B
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
Exercise – C
1. Were

2. Was

3. Were

4. Were

5. Was

6. Was

7. Was

8. Were

9. Were

10. Was

Exercise – D

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. C

7. D

8. D

9. D

10. D

11. C

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. A

16. A

17. C

18. D

19. B

20. A

Exercise – E

1. I was at home.

2. No, there weren’t.

3. Yes, there was or no there wasn’t.

4. I was a hardworking student.

5. Yes, he was or no, he wasn’t.

6. No, there wasn’t.

7. Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

8. Yes, they were or no they weren’t.

9. Yes, he was or no he, wasn’t.

10. It was 2005.

11. I was seven.

12. The main reason. It was oil.

13. He was sixty.

14. It was nice.

15. I was at the cinema.

16. There was galatasaray and fenerbahce match on TV.

17. July was absent.

18. I was born on june 9th 1977.

19. There were twenty students.

20. There was a little water.

Exercise – F

1. A

2. D

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. A

Exercise – G

I was

Were you

Was with

Was the name

Was your room

It was

What was

Was colin


Exercise – H

1. They got up very early.

2. They were ready at six thirty.

3. They were four.

4. He was behind the wheel.

5. Boys were at the back the their mother was at the front seat.

6. The engine didn’t work.

7. It was half past six.

8.  He was back at nine.

9. They were in the car for two and half hours

10. Yes, It Was.

Exercise – I

My best friend was yavuz and he wasn’t very hardworking. We were in the same class. He was clever but he was untidy. He ws good at playing football and marbles. He was very social and friendly. However, he was irresponsible person. He forgot his promises. He was short but he was quick. He had dark eyes and hair. He wasn’t fat or thin. He was a nice boy.

1. a
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. c
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
1. The king of France
2. To kill him
3. He went to the King’s castle
4. When he would die.
5. He said he would die three days before king died.

1. c
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
1. The old man and his donkey
2. The donkey
3. Because the young man was not very polite to the animals.
4. The donkey made a loud noise.
5. Do you beleive me or the donkey?

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. c
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
1. He eats metals, glasses and etc.
2. He ate metal, glasses and other things.
3. When he was nine.
4. Five days.
5. The walls of his stomach are very thick

1. b
2. d
3. d
4. c
5. c
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
1. The man did not have a gun and used a paper to rob the bank.
2. A few years ago.
3. No, she didn’t.
4. Put the money in a bag.
5. Because he had no gun at all.


Unit Fourteen

Exercise – A

1. A

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. C

14. A

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. A

20. A

Exercise – B



3. A

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. D

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. D

Exercise – C

1. Yesterday, i went…

2. We drove…

3. When we arrived…

4. The waitress asked…

5. I said…

6. The waitress told…

7. My client and i slowly walked….

8. Then we saw…

9. We stopped…

10. That was…

Exercise – D

1. … Samantha had pizza…

2. My pet died…

3. Yesterday, I spent…

4. …. Jack ate …

5. What happened…

6. They fixed…

7. Sue went…

8. I saw so…

9. She opened…

10. Julia lived…

Exercise – E

1. Asked

2. Stopped

3. Apologized

4. Objected

5. Looked

6. Traveled

7. Found

8. Visited

9. Called

10. Helped

Exercise – F

1. I had at home.

2. I saw it in the cinema

3.  I slept at home.

4. I spent in the usa.

5. I wrote to my mum.

6. My mother cooked pasta.

7. I graduated fifteen years ago.

8. I went to bed at two in the morning.

9. An accident happened yesterday.

10. I read five books last month.

11. It cost me ten tl.

12. I had a sandwich.

13. I had dinner at seven.

14. I started ten years ago.

15. I bought a present.

16. I finished at five.

17. I read a book.

18. I answered all the questions.

19. I got up at six.

20. I drank two bottles of coke.

Exercise- G

1.     Saw

2.     Felt

3.     Decided

4.     Had

5.     Left

6.     Came

7.     Frightened

8.     Didn’t Want

9.     Was

10.  Tried

Exercise – H

1. Mr. and Mrs. Benton took trip.

2. They went last year.

3. They went to visit their friends.

4. They went to new york by plane.

5. It was pleasant.

6. They arrived at noon.

7. Their friends met them at the airport.

8. They kissed them.

9. They stayed for five days.

10. It was wonderful.

Exercise - I

I was usually at home last week. I taught for ten hours and studied at home rest of the week. I went to gym twice. I visited one of my friends. I went shopping and went to barber to have my hair cut. My family went to istanbul on friday. So I was alone most of the time. I cleaned the kitchen and washed my clothes. It was a tiring week.

A- Vocabulary
1. e
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. b
B- True/False
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1.  They went to the cemetery at 5 o’clock in the morning.
2.  They buried their son in the town cemetery.
3.  No, it wasn’t.
4.  He started to play with his friends a week later.
5.  He was 93 years old.

A- Vocabulary
1. b                        
2. a
3. c         
4. e
5. d
B- True/False
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
C- Comprehension Check
1. Chemotherapy is strong medicine.
2. Yes, it did.
3. The nurse was smiling.
4. His friends and relatives visited him.
5. He feels himself ready for anything now.


A- Vocabulary
1. b                        
2. e
3. a         
4. c
5. d
B- True/False
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F
C- Comprehension Check
1. He brought some eggs to the American soldiers every day.
2. No, they couldn’t.
3. Charlie’s father came with Charlie to the camp.
4. They sent Charlie a plane ticket.
5. They felt happy.




Unit Fifteen

Exercise – A

1. Was ann writing…?

2. … she was…

3. My students weren’t having…

4. Were we watching…?

5. … the plane wasn’t taking off.

6. …. Everybody was waiting.

7. Were students waiting…?

8. The old lady wasn’t shopping…

9. Farmers were working…

10. She was listening…

Exercise – B

1. She was studying  at home yesterday.

2. At the weekend the children were playing in the school garden.

3. It was getting darker.

4. When she fell down she wasn’t crying.

5. What was the soldier doing when he died?

6. The raccoon was trying to survive.

7. Our football team were doing good in the world cup.

8. Were you working yesterday at five o’clock?

9. The wind was blowing wildly.

10. While the teacher was talking i wasn’t listening to him.

Exercise – C

1. Jack was dancing…

2. Yes, i was.

3. They were playing hide and seek.

4. They were screaming for rise.

5. He was playing for the manchester.

6. He was praying.

7. No, he wasn’t.

8. Because she had a baby.

9. Jeremy was being…

10. I was going to school.

Exercise – D

1. Knew - got

2. Was continually talking

3. Finished – started

4. Was chasing – saw

5. Was washing up – visited

6. Met – fell

7. Were working – was following

8. Arrived – realized

9. Got- found

10. Was having

Exercise – E

2. He was sleeping.

3. At home.

4. Her mother.

5. She was singing lullaby.


1. Who attacked at the restaurant? The terrorists attacked.

2. What did the terrorists do? They attacked the restaurant.

3. Where were the people? They were in the restaurant.

4. Who were having dinner? People were having dinner.

5. What were people doing? They were having dinner.


1. Who was walking in the street? The girl was walking in the street.

2. What was she doing? She was walking.

3. Where was she walking? She was walking in the street.

4. Who asked the address? The man asked the address.

5. What did he ask? He asked an address.


Exercise – F


John : What was the airplane doing…

Sarah: It was preparing to land..

John: What did the pilot do?

Sarah: He made an announcement.

John: What happened to the plane and passenger?

Sarah: It was okay and everything was good.


Sue : What was Henry doing?

Ann: He was giving a goodnight kiss.

Sue : What was his wife doing?

Ann: She was cooking a cup of coffee.

Sue : What did Henry do then?

Ann : He went to the living room to drink a cup coffee.

Exercise - G

1. He was drinking soda.

2. He was wearing sunglasses and a cowboy hat.

3. He felt thirsty.

4. He ws waiting.

5. George noticed.

6. It was on the floor.

7. He quit smoking last month.

8. He had tattoo of rattlesnake.

9. Because he quit smoking.

10. He eats a sack of seeds every week.

Exercise – H

I was at home yesterday at eight. I was at the computer table and I was using the internet. I was searching some information about job applications. I stayed on line for an hour and at the same time I was drinking coffee. I finished it at about nine o’clock in the evening. I was very tired, so I went to bed early.



Unit Sixteen

Exercise – A

1. That is 10 TL.

2. There is some money in my pocket.

3. We have only two minutes.

4. I paid 1000 TL.

5. It cost 20 TL.

6. There is a little sugar in my tea.

7. I spent two weeks on this project.

8. There was some tea in the pot.

9. It was full of milk.

10. I can buy 4 loaves of bread with one TL.

Exercise – B

1. There are 81 cities in Turkey.

2. There are 20 desks in my classroom.

3. There are 10 boys in my classroom.

4. There were two people at the bus-stop.

5. There seven carpets in my house.

6. There were twenty classes in my school.

7. There were five hundred students.

8. There were only two chairs.

9. There were six girls in my group.

10.  There are seven lessons in 2nd class.

Exercise – C

1. B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. B

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. A

20. C

Exercise – D

1. How much

2. How many

3. How much

4. How much

5. How many

6. How much

7. How many

8. How many

9. How many

10. How many

11. How many

12. How much

13. How much

14. How many

15. How many

Exercise – E

1. The books are under the table.

2. There cameras on the desk.

3. The radios are over there.

4. The children are in their rooms.

5. The boys are students at high school.

6. These cars are mine and those cars are Sam’s.

7. The exercises are difficult.

8. The houses are in konya.

9. Who are these men?

10. The apples are in his hands.

11. They are fast cars, aren’t they?

12. Cars are expensive.

13. The doors are broken.

14. The suitcases are heavy, aren’t they?

15. Trees are plants.

Exercise – F

1. A lot of (many)

2. Much

3. Much

4. Much

5. Many

6. Many

7. Much

8. Many

9. A lot of (much)

10. A lot of (much)

11. Many

12. Much

13. Many

14. Much

15. A lot of (many)

16. Much

17. A lot of (many)

18. Many

19. A lot of (many)

20. Much

Exercise  - G

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. D

11. B

12. C

13. B

14. A

15. D

16. C

17. C

18. B

19. A

20. D

Exercise – H

1. B

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. D

11. A

12. D

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. C

20. A

Exercise – I

1. There is a coin in the street

2. People have got many problems in Turkey.

3. How much time do we have?

4. I went to the market to buy some eggs because there were few at home.

5. I can’t buy this because I have got little money in my pocket.

6. Some people don’t like red pepper.

7. How much time do you need to finish your homework?

8. A lot of people died in Marmara Earthquake in 1999.

9. There wasn’t any one to help her.

10. Most people eat breakfast but some people don’t.

Exercise – J

1. She wants some butter.

2. Yes, she does.

3. She wants a packet of biscuits.

4. Yes, she does.

5. She wants some sugar, some flour and a packet of tea.

6. A tin of tomato soup.

7. No, there isn’t any.

8. She wants a dozen of eggs.

9. Yes, he will.

10. Because, new delivery boy is very careless.

Exercise – K

Preheat oven to 175 degrees grease and flour  pan. Set aside 1/2 cup of the dry cake mix.
In a medium bowl, mix together eggs and sour cream. Stir in the package of cake mix. Batter will be lumpy. Spread batter into the prepared pan. Using the back of a spoon, make 15 wells in the batter, 3 rows of 5. In another bowl, beat together the cream cheese and milk until fluffy. Place one tablespoon of the cream cheese mixture into each well. Place 1 apricot half, cut side up, onto each blob of cream cheese.
In a small bowl, combine the 1/2 cup of reserved cake mix with the butter. Stir in the butter until the mixture is crumbly. Stir in the slivered almonds, and sprinkle the mixture evenly over the Danish.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. To make the glaze, stir together the confectioners' sugar and water until smooth, adding another teaspoon of water if necessary. Cook it in the oven for twenty minutes and  when it is cool. You eat it.

Unit Seventeen
Exercise A
1. Sarah is older than Mary.

2. Tokyo is the crowdest city in the world.

3. Jessica is more beautiful than Jane.

4. George is the most hardworking person in the class.

5. History is easier than Physics.

6. Muğla isn’t colder than Erzurum.

7. Konya is the largest city in Turkey.

8. Empire State Building was the highest building in New York.

9. My grandfather was younger than my grandmother when he died.

10. Inflation increased more than last year in our country.

Exercise – B

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. B


Exercise – C

1. D

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. B

Exercise – D

1. Yes, he is.

2. Yes, she is.

3. No, I am not.

4. Ahmet is the most generous person in our classroom.

5. Kızılırmak is the longest river in our country.

6. No, it isn’t.

7. Twin towers in istanbul are the highest buildings in turkey.

8. Yes, it is.

9. Barcelona is the best team in the world.

10. Bill gates is the richest person in the world.

Exercise – E

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. B

Exercise – F

1. Because he has got a better job now.

2. The flat in London is bigger.

3. She has got three rooms.

4. Yes, it has.

5. Yes, she has got a lot of friends.

6. They are much friendlier.

7. No, it isn’t.

8. Yes, it has got a lot of shops.

9. The air is clearer and the streets are safer.

10. It is a wonderful city.

Exercise – G

Istanbul and Konya are two big cities in Turkey. However, Konya is larger but Istanbul is more crowded than Konya. Konya is safer than Istanbul. However, Istanbul is more entertaining than Konya. And Istanbul is situated by the sea and it is more beautiful than Konya. Istanbul is greener than Konya but Konya has more lakes than Istanbul. Konya is as old as Istanbul. In fact, they are both nice and historical cities.


Unit Eighteen

Exercise – A

1. We aren’t going…

2. Is it going to…?

3. Manchester is going to…

4. Ahmet’s parents are going to…

5. Is america going to…?

6. The wall isn’t going to…

7. The situation isn’t going to…

8. We are going to…

9. You are going to…

10. Are you going to…?

Exercise – B

1. I won’t…

2. Will john answer…?

3. I won’t have…

4. She thinks it will…

5. Paul won’t probably go…

6. Will pupils go to…?

7. You will open…

8. He won’t tell…

9. Britney will open…

10. Won’t they come…?

Exercise – C

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. A

Exercise – D

1. Are going to buy

2. Will make

3. Will open

4. Will tell

5. Will prepare

6.  Am going to watch

7. Am going to get ready

8. Will be able to wear

9. Won’t rain

10. Will be

11. Will never forget

12. Am going to wait

13. Will be delighted

14. Am going to fly

15. Is going to shine

Exercise – E

1. She wants to play tennis.

2. No, she won’t.

3. She is going to London.

4. She has an interview.

5. Her parents are going to be retired, so she wants to be with them.

6. It doesn’t work.

7. She will give lift to the station.

8. It is going to be back at five thirty.

9. Yes, she will.

10. She feels great.

Exercise  - F

I am going to eat out tonight with my parents and then I am going to visit my friends and we are going to watch a film together in their house and we are going to have some cake and drink coke. I am going to write a letter to a friend of mine at home. I am going to finish my project before I go to bed. Therefore, I will probably not sleep tonight.

Revision – 2


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. A

13. B

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. A

21. B

22. D

23. D

24. C

25. A

26. A

27. C

28. A

29. C

30. B

31. C

32. D

33. C

34. B

35. C

36. C

37. B

38. A

39. B

40. B


41. B

42. B

43. A

44. A

45. B


46. By

47. At

48. To

49. In

50. On


51. D

52. C

53. C

54. D

55. B


56. Does

57. Has

58. Watches

59. Studies

60. Washes

61. Flies

62. Cries

63. Is

64. Goes

65. Pays


66. D

67. J

68. F

69. G

70. I

71. C

72. H

73. A

74. B

75. E


Unit Nineteen

Exercise – A

1. I haven’t eaten anything yet.             

2. Has mike ever been to china?

3. I have learned my exam results.

4. Your sister hasn’t made any cake yet.

5. John has studied for the exam.

6. Has Mr. Parker been a lecturer for ten years?

7. Has the army unfortunately lost the war?

8. I haven’t received the bad news, yet.

9. Has Mary Jones worked as A author for long years?

10. Barbara has just got married.

Exercise – B

1. Yes, i have.

2. I have spent ten minutes.

3. No, I haven’t.

4. Yes, I have.

5. I have been a student at university for 2 years.

6. No, he hasn’t.

7. No, he hasn’t.

8. Yes, I have.

9. Yes, she has.

10. Yes, I have.

Exercise – C

1. Just - already

2. Yet

3. Already

4. Yet

5. Yet

6. Yet

7. Just – Already

8. Already – Just

9. Just – Already

10. Yet

11. Just – Already

12. Yet

13. Already

14. Yet

15. Just

16. Yet

17. Already – Just

18. Yet

19. Yet

20. Yet

Exercise – D

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. C

12. A

13. A

14. C

15. C

Exercise – E

1. Since

2. Since

3. Since

4. Since

5. For

6. For

7. For

8. For

9. Since

10. Since

Exercise – F

1. For

2. Since

3. For

4. Since

5. Since

6. For

7. For

8. Since

9. Since

10. For

11. For

12. For

13. For

14. For

15. For

Exercise – G

1. How long have you worked as an officer?

2. Bill hasn’t eaten anything yet.

3. My uncle has never been to Rome.

4. Have you ever smoked?

5. The teacher has just come in.

6. I have already done my homework.

7. Which countries have you visited so far?

8. Gamze has lived in Istanbul for 34 years.

9. I have been a doctor since you were born.

10.The trainer hasn’t done anything good yet.

Exercise – H

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. A

Exercise – I

1. Have you ever lived in Sweden?

2. I lived in Berlin when I was a child.

3. Did you go to Topkapı Palace when you lived in Istanbul?

4. Yes, I have been many times.

5. I have never been to Ireland.

6. I played football with my friends yesterday afternoon.

7. Cinderella dropped her shoe before she escaped.

8. Emre has just scored a goal.

9. Hitler died in 1945 in Germany.

10. Turkish people have used new Turkish Lira since 2005.

Exercise – J

1. It is Tim’s birthday.

2. Tim is writing a letter.

3. Two weeks ago.

4. His mother.

5.Because he never wrote a letter to anyone.

6. Tim.

7. His aunt.

8. No, he doesn’t.

9. Because she never comes.

10. For the last year’s.

Exercise – K

I wanted to do many things in the beginning of the year. I wanted to learn English and I have studied English for 5 months and I am doing good now. I have almost achieved it. I wanted to learn how to play guitar but I haven’t started yet. Because guitar lessons are too expensive. I promised to pass all my exams, so I have passed all of them. I haven’t learned how to play guitar but I have started swimming lessons. I think I have done many things.


Unit Twenty

Exercise – A

1. H

2. A

3. B

4. G

5. D

6. I

7. F

8. E

9. J

10. C

Exercise – B

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. B

11. D

12. C

13. B

14. D

15. A

16. D

17. B

18. A

19. A

20. B

Exercise – C

1. If

2. When

3. If

4. When

5. If

6. When

7. If

8. When

9. If

10. When

Exercise – D

1. Come

2. Ask

3. Ask

4. Am

5. Recommend

6. Gets

7. Sell

8. Complains

9. Get

10. Return

Exercise – E

1. If

2. When

3. Have – go

4. Will walk

5. Will treat

6. Well visit

7. Goes – visits

8. See

9. Attempt

10. Will join – recover

Exercise – F

1. A

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. D

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. A

11. B

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. D

Exercise – G

1. She is going for two weeks.

2. New york.

3. She will call when she arrives in New York.

4. He can have a meeting.

5. She will leave a message.

6. She will be at the hotel at ten.

7. In a hotel.

8. It will be 8.

9. She will call him.

10. To pick up her.


Exercise – H

In 2050, I will be 73 years old. I will be very old. I will probably have a lot of children and grandchildren. I will be retired and I will stay at home and I will spend time with my kids and grandchildren. I won’t be very rich but will have a family. I will live in a detached house. I will be very healthy if I keep doing sports. As a result, everything will be quite different in the future if I can see!



Revision Test – 3


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. C

21. D

22. C

23. A

24. C

25. D

26. A

27. A

28. C

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. D

33. D

34. A

35. C

36. B

37. D

38. C

39. C

40. A

41. A

42. A

43. B

44. C

45. B

46. A

47. B

48. D

49. A

50. D


51. C

52. D

53. B

54. D

55. A

56. C

57. A

58. C


60. A


61. Tired

62. Wet

63. Loudly

64. Once etc.

65. Fast


66. C

67. E

68. A

69. B

70. D


71. C

72. A

73. B

74. B

75. A


Revision Test – 4


1. B

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. D

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. C

19. D

20. D

21. A

22. A

23. C

24. C

25. B

26. D

27. B

28. D

29. B

30. B

31. A

32. C

33. D

34. C

35. B

36. A

37. B

38. A

39. C

40. B

41. C

42. A

43. C

44. B

45. A


46. No, she doesn’t.

47. She likes staying at home.

48. They like to go to clubs.

49. Because both of them have brown eyes And dark hair.

50. Their character is different.


51. Kind

52. Drive

53. Go

54. Tent

55. Atmosphere

56. Have

57. Years

58. Which

59. Dollar

60. Fares

61. Destination

62. Distress

63. Historical

64. Than

65. Million


66. Interesting

67. Exciting

68. Confused

69. Embarrassed

70. Disappointing

71 Depressed

72. Fascinating

73. Pleasing

74. Enchanting

75. Impresses


Write one and you can e- mail your paragraph  us to be checked or show your teacher.


A- Vocabulary
1.  a               
2.  e
4.  c
5.  b
B- True/False
1.  T
2.  F
3.  T
4.  F
5.  T
C- Comprehension Check
1.  Yes, he does.
2.  No, he didn’t.
3.  Because they waited her to become stronger.
4.  No, he wasn’t
5.  Felipe’s heart is beating in Donna’s chest now.

A- Vocabulary
2.  c
4.  b
5.  a
B- True/False
1.  F
2.  T
3.  F
4.  F
5.  T
C- Comprehension Check
1.  They went outside to play on a warm spring afternoon.
2.  Yes, she did.
3.  The trains went over the bridge three times a day.
4.  No, she couldn’t.
5.  She was furious that Nicole went on the bridge, and she was glad that Nicole was alive.
        THE TWINS
       A- Vocabulary
1.                                                                                1. e 

B- True/False
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
C- Comprehension Check
1.He thought to make money with the twins.
2.They met them soon after they moved to North Carolina.
3.Because they wanted to look at the twins.
4.Their marriages were not ordinary.
5.They lived together for 63 years.


A- Vocabulary
1.  c                                                         
2.  e
3.  d               
4.  b
5.  a
B- True/False
1.  F
2.  T
3.  F
4.  T
5.  F

C- Comprehension Check
1.  Because Pompeii has no people now.
2.  He decided not to leave his home.
3.  By looking at the dark blue stain in the bottom of many glasses and jars.
4.  No, they didn’t.
5.  Yes, they do.




Revision Test – 5


1. C

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. C

12. D

13. C

14. A

15. A


16. Cheap

17. Village

18. Famous

19. Cost

20. Rarely

21. Opposite

22. Pass

23. Hates

24. Perfect

25. Married


26. Child

27. News

28. Advice

29. Furniture

30. Sheep

31. Woman

32. Pliers

33. Ox

34. Knives

35. Shoe


36. I

37. G

38. H

39. D

40. C

41. E

42. B

43. F

44. A

45. J


46. Yes, I have a bicycle.

47. It is four forty-five in the morning.

48. I am from Istanbul.

49. Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Istanbul.

50. It is May.

51. There are fifty two weeks in a year.

52. No, there isn’t any computer in my classroom.

53. Adam is The First Prophet.

54. Yes, there are  some girls in my classroom.

55. I want to learn English for my job.


56. Yes, they do.

57. They eat meat, biscuits and special dog food.

58. Because the shops in the village don’t sell dog food.

59. Because they have got a cat.

60. He comes at six.

61 they stand near and bark.

62. Because they go for a walk every evening.

63. D

64. B

65. D


66. Tired

67. Exhausted

68. Annoyed

69. Disappointing

70. Pleased

71. Distressing

72. Frustrated

73. Depressed

74. Relieved
